Britannia, Britannia, what have you done to yourself?
In a spiteful
defiance to God, Great Britain joined her sister America in the sin that God
hates the most. America sealed its fate when its President, Barack Obama, told
the nation that homosexual marriage is a ‘good thing’, that homosexuals should
be treated as equals (See TCH’s 21
and 24). Now the British Government thinks that these practices are good for
its people too.
“Downing Street
has defended plans to change the status of civil ceremonies to allow gay and
lesbian couples in England and Wales to get married. . . The prime minister's spokeswoman confirmed
that the government intended to legislate on gay marriage by the end of this
parliament.” (BBC, June 12, 2012)
Only a few decades
ago, if an Anglo-Saxon leader told its people that it is good for the nation if
homosexuals are allowed to wallow in their filth, and their practice be
recognized as ‘marriage’, he would have been hounded out office. A few
centuries ago, he would have lost his head for it too. But now we live in an ‘enlightened age’, and
enlightenment means that everything goes.
After all, why do we have world institutions such as the United Nations
if not to ensure that no nation is allowed to ‘discriminate’ against
homosexuals? The UN leader, Ban Ki Moon,
quickly passes on the message to any nation that intends to rule against
homosexuals that it would no longer receive any help or donations if it does
so. And since the nations of the third
world have not enlightened themselves sufficiently on this matter, they often
come under the attention of Ban Ki Moon.
These are
catastrophic developments for the Anglo-Saxons and for the world. For the
Anglo-Saxons because they had forgotten what happened to their sibling tribe,
Benjamin, when it allowed such practices in its midst, and protected the
‘enlightened ones’ who indulged in them (see Judges 19-21). And for the world
because the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh (Britain and America respectively)
had the God given duty to keep the faith and rule of law, keep the world on a
straight course, and maintain a civilized balance in the world. When these tribes fail in their duty, the
world will be finished; hence the Great Tribulation from which so few people
will survive.
Many people regard
with disdain any notion that the people of Europe trace their origins to the
tribes of Israel. We have written much on this topic, and pointed out that
there are still many sources, both ancient and recent, which testify to the
fact that the so-called ‘lost Ten Tribes of Israel’ did not disappear from the
Middle East, but migrated under the tutelage of their captive rulers, the
Assyrians, in a north-westerly direction and settled in the rich and fertile
lands of Europe. The Roman Empire, and
all European Empires that have ensued since then, can be traced to the ‘lost
Ten Tribes’ of Israel.
It is interesting
to note that there is currently a great debate among historians and
archaeologists about the origin of the Romanian people. For centuries it was thought that they were
descendants of the Roman colonizers who occupied southern part of Dacia for a
little over a century and a half.
Romanian language is solidly part of the Latin or Romance languages –
Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The problem is that the Romans
occupied only about a third of Dacia and traditional explanations cannot
account for the spread of the Latin language to the rest of Dacia. People do not abandon their language in order
to embrace the language of occupiers who ruled over some of their brothers
hundreds of kilometres away. The problem
is complicated by archaeological discoveries which link the people of Dacia not
so much with the Romans as with the people of north Western Europe, in
particular the Dutch, the Germans and their surrounding lands. The word ‘Dacia’ (pronounced Dutchia with a
soft t) is very similar to the words ‘Dutch’ of Holland and ‘Deutschland’ of
The problem with
our contemporary ‘wise’ men is that they seek answers in evolutionary terms.
They believe that the people of Europe ‘evolved’ in their lands after arriving
from Africa in a distant past, half-monkeys half-men. Were they to look into the most authoritative
book ever written, the Bible, and into the historical books that have survived
the purging of contemporary historians, they would learn that the
Indo-Caucasian languages are related because they originated in the same place
– the Middle East.
The similarity of
language and character traits between the Latin peoples can be explained by the
fact that at one time in their ancient past they all belonged to the same
family of people, the same tribes of Israel.
When the migrations started, and they did not all occur at the same
time, some of them went via the Mediterranean Sea to south west Europe, while
others followed a northern route to central and north west Europe. The differences in language, physical
appearance and character traits between various tribes of Israel are explained
by the fact that although they all had one father, they had four mothers. And
mothers are the ones who pass on the language, the emotional, psychological and
other character traits to their children.
The area of
Romania and its surrounds is full of names, geographical and human, that link
it to the tribes of Israel, particularly the tribe of Dan one of the most
aggressive of them: Danube, Don, Donetsk, etc.
In my own village, there are many people whose family name is Dan. My own family name is of recent origin, so it
sheds no light on its original roots.
For a long time I believed that it originated in the tribe of Judah, but
after more careful and extensive research I became convinced that in fact it
belonged to the tribe of Ephraim.
It is not for
nothing that the Spirit brought me to a former dominion of Ephraim. This was neither my first nor my only choice,
but wherever I wanted to settle I was not successful, until I tried Australia,
and I never looked back. No other
country could have given me the freedom and conditions to successfully carry
out this end time work. In fact, some countries did their very best to hinder
and prevent it, the country of my birth, Romania, being one of them. When they could not reach me, they destroyed
my mother. To this day, the Romanian
government protects those who are guilty of a hideous crime – assault,
violation, and eventual death of an innocent woman.
They came very
close to taking my life too when I visited that country half a dozen years ago,
as I explained it in The Christian Herald
No 16. Though I was a Romanian
citizen, they gave me a visa for only three months. The man and woman who were assigned to stick
with me while I was in Romania, became very sad and quiet when they realized
that I was making hasty preparations to go to the airport and leave the country
in a hurry one month before my visa expired. Two years later they were both
dead, he of ‘suicide’ at his office, and she of cancer; both specialties of the
hideous Securitate who still very much pulls the strings of Romania’s political
and economic life. These people are not
joking with those who fall out with them.
Did my minders pay
with their life for unwittingly saving mine? We cannot know that now, though I
believe this to be the case, but we shall know it shortly when Jesus Christ
returns. All we know for sure now is
that we are dealing with deadly forces which are getting very uneasy at the
outcome of this work, particularly when they see that world developments follow
the pattern we outlined years and decades in advance. My inheritance lies in ruins in Romania, because
its ‘original democracy’ made sure that it would be a deadly exercise for me to
try to reach it.
I feel sorry for
the Romanian people who do not deserve their fate, or the governments they’ve been
getting. It is a reflection of an
extremely low level of political class, who seem to have no notion of national
interest, and only of personal or ideological interest. It’s a legacy of 50 years of the cruelest
form of communism, which decimated the nation’s intellectual class.
It is interesting
to note that after manipulating another ‘coup-de-tat’, (a parliamentary one
this time) and placing their left wing stooges in power once again, the new
Foreign Minister called for the severing of ties with European Union and
reestablishing them with Russia, even before he was sworn in office. And sure enough, as soon as they took office
they revived the old bogey, ‘we are not selling the country to foreigners’,
meaning they do not want to privatize the state decrepit institutions which
suck up much of the nation’s budget. Why? Because they are full of leftover
Securitate apparatchiks who could not be accommodated in banks, political
parties, other state institutions, and in the Romanian Orthodox Church! Privatizing those inefficient institutions could
throw the apparatchiks and their sons out and force them to get real jobs, and
they would have none of that. As for the
Romanian Orthodox Church, the media had been making the point that Romania had
more bishops than the other Orthodox Churches combined. They could not
understand why. The reason is simple:
other Orthodox Churches did not have to accommodate secret service
Being mere priests
was not enough; Securitate men had to be made bishops. Almost every village and
local administrative centre has a bishop. In Romania, bishops receive the equivalent of
ministerial salaries, in addition to what they receive from the people. Those who though that ending up in a Church
was a disgrace, were grievously mistaken; they have the more cushy jobs.
That’s what Ion
Iliescu’s ‘original democracy’ is all about – keeping the demons happy.
I warned European
leaders that when they shake hands with those whose hands are stained with
blood their hands become stained too and they become partakers in their sins
and consequences. They did not believe it then; perhaps they believe it now.
They should consider how their countries evolved during the decade or so since
then. They must have thought that only a mad man
would think that the mighty European Union would get into trouble for such a
‘trifling’ matter (assault, violation and murder of an innocent woman because
her son ‘betrayed’ the Securitate and turned to God). Everything was rosy, the growth of their
wealth seemed to have no limit, and a dozen other countries were knocking at
the door, eager to get in and have a share of their pie; yet now the whole
continent finds itself on the edge of a bottomless precipice.
People refuse to
learn the lessons of the past, and keep repeating them. What would be more natural for the people of
Europe than to pay attention to the lessons of the Bible, which gave them the
base and strength of their civilization? This is what the New Testament is
telling us.
1Co 10:1 Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be
unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea,
1Co 10:2 all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and
in the sea,
1Co 10:3 all ate the same spiritual food,
1Co 10:4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For
they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.
1Co 10:5 But with most of them God was not well
pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.
1Co 10:6 Now these things became our examples, to the
intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted.
1Co 10:7 And do not become idolaters as were
some of them. As it is written, "THE PEOPLE SAT DOWN TO EAT AND DRINK, AND
1Co 10:8 Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some
of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell;
1Co 10:9 nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also
tempted, and were destroyed by serpents;
1Co 10:10 nor complain, as some of them also
complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened to them as
examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
In other words,
behave in a civilized manner and abstain from fleshly lusts, or face punishing
Jos 7:11 Israel has sinned, and they have also
transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. For they have even taken some
of the accursed things, and have both stolen and deceived; and they have also
put it among their own stuff.
Jos 7:12 Therefore the children of Israel could not
stand before their enemies, but turned their backs before their
enemies, because they have become doomed to destruction. Neither will I be with
you anymore, unless you destroy the accursed from among you.
God is not with
any nation that transgresses His covenant and harbors ‘the accursed’. Israel did just that and as a result it could
no longer stand against its enemies, and it lost the nation and its identity.
This is the lesson
that today’s world fails to heed. It should therefore not be surprised if the
consequences are similar. The Israelites
must have prayed incessantly in their captivity, for in the end God turned it
to their advantage. He can do that to
any people who return to Him. God does
not act any differently these days, for He does not change.
Mal 3:1
"Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before
Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the
Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight. Behold, He is coming,"
Says the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:2
"But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when
He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire And like launderers' soap.
Mal 3:3 He
will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of
Levi, And purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the LORD An
offering in righteousness.
Mal 3:4
"Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem Will be pleasant to the
LORD, As in the days of old, As in former years.
Mal 3:5
And I will come near you for judgment; I will be a swift witness Against
sorcerers, Against adulterers, Against perjurers, Against those who exploit
wage earners and widows and orphans, And against those who turn away an alien—
Because they do not fear Me," Says the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:6
"For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not
consumed, O sons of Jacob.
Mal 3:7
Yet from the days of your fathers You have gone away from My ordinances
And have not kept them. Return to
Me, and I will return to you," Says the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:14
You have said, 'It is useless to serve God; What profit is it
that we have kept His ordinance, And that we have walked as mourners Before the
LORD of hosts?
Mal 3:15
So now we call the proud blessed, For those who do wickedness are raised
up; They even tempt God and go free.' "
Mal 3:16
Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD
listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him
For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name.
Mal 3:17
"They shall be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "On the day
that I make them My jewels. And I will
spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him."
Mal 3:18
Then you shall again discern Between the righteous and the wicked,
Between one who serves God And one who does not serve Him.
When people return
to God, He returns to them. But when
they transgress against Him they become His enemies and ‘doomed to
The nations that
have kept the world on a civilized course are now chief transgressors of God’s
laws. God does not forget the fact that
as soon as He placed them on top of the world, they offered germinating
conditions for Darwin’s evolutionary theory, Marx’s atheistic communism, and Hollywood’s
dehumanizing of family life. Since these evil notions have to be wiped out from
the face of the earth and from human consciousness, their sources will need to
be wiped out too; hence the mortal danger to Ephraim and Manasseh.
It is no longer
possible for any nation to vanish from its midst the ‘accursed sinners’,
because they are protected by the bastions of our time – the United Nations and
the European Union.
The European Union – the ‘lost Ten Tribes’ of Israel – accepts no member which has laws against homosexuality. Little do they know what spirit they serve, and that in so doing they had doomed themselves to destruction.
It is hard to believe that the world could have reached such a depraved state, yet true nevertheless. This is why God spoke of the Great Tribulation. Knowing the nature of human beings, and that in their natural state they go from bad to worse, God foresaw the need for a general cleansing of the earth of its physical, moral and spiritual pollutions, in preparation for the Millennium Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The Great Tribulation will achieve that and more; it will cleanse the earth of its sinners too.
We have given up trying to convince the world that the Bible is essential for life today, and that the blessings and cursing of ancient times are just as valid now as they have ever been.
What astonishes us is that those who ought to be at the forefront of warning the world of the danger it faces for its wayward ways, are at the forefront of opposing us instead. Our hope is that enough of God’s elect will wake up and mend their ways so that God will cut those days short and prevent the complete annihilation of life on this planet. Where these elect are nowadays we do not know, except that they are asleep and under the influence of people who are leading them to perdition. Here are the prophetic words of Jesus Christ that speak of those dreadful times.
Mat 24:3
Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him
privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will
be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"
Mat 24:4
And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one
deceives you.
Mat 24:5
For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive
Mat 24:10
And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate
one another.
Mat 24:11
Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
Mat 24:12
And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
Mat 24:13
But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
Mat 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a
witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Mat 24:15
"Therefore when you see the 'ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION,' spoken of
by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand),
Mat 24:16
"then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Mat 24:17
Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his
Mat 24:18
And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.
Mat 24:19
But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in
those days!
Mat 24:20
And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.
Mat 24:21
For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the
beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Mat 24:22
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for
the elect's sake those days will be shortened.
Mat 24:23
"Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or
'There!' do not believe it.
Mat 24:24
For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and
wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Mat 24:25
See, I have told you beforehand.
Mat 24:26
"Therefore if they say to you, 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not
go out; or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' do not believe it.
Mat 24:27
For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so
also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Mat 24:28
For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.
Mat 24:29
"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be
darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from
heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Mat 24:30
Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the
tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the
clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Mat 24:31
And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they
will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to
the other.
Mat 24:32
"Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has
already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is
Mat 24:33
So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the
Mat 24:34
Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till
all these things take place.
Mat 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass
Mat 24:36
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of
heaven, but My Father only.
Mat 24:37
But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son
of Man be.
Mat 24:38
For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
Mat 24:39
and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also
will the coming of the Son of Man be.
The question is
how far is humanity from the Great Tribulation?
The buildup to it has already started.
The global financial crisis, the tottering European Union, the
heightening of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict, the Iranian military buildup
and its existential threats to Israel, the Arab risings and the real prospect
of superpowers involvement in the Syrian conflict, are all prophetic
developments associated with the Great Tribulation.
No one can tell
you with certainty when the Great Tribulation will explode upon the world, but
prophecies indicate that it will happen at the conclusion of the age of man (six
thousand years of human history) and the beginning of the age of Jesus Christ
(beginning of the Millennium Kingdom).
Biblical chronology tells us that we are at this exact time in history. Since the signs are all there, and the
protagonists identified and locked into position, it means that it could happen
any time.
Britain and
America have turned their backs on God and on His laws when they need Him most.
The nations that are supposed to uphold the moral and spiritual standards of
this world have become more sinful than any other nation.
They have done so
when their very survival is at stake.
The entire world
will be much the loser for that.
Pro 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and
Pro 9:6 Forsake foolishness and live, And go in the way of understanding.
Pro 9:7
"He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, And he who
rebukes a wicked man
only harms
Pro 9:8 Do not correct a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.
9:9 Give to a wise one, and he will be
still wiser; teach a just one, and he will increase in
9:12 If you are wise, you shall be wise
for yourself; but if you scorn, you alone shall bear it.
The Fifth Commandment - a matter of life and
The book of Exodus
gives us the Ten Commandments which have formed the foundation of the
Judeo-Christian civilization. Here they
are as God gave them to Moses for Israel.
Exo 20:1
And God spoke all these words, saying:
Exo 20:2
"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of
Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Exo 20:3
"You shall have no other gods before Me.
Exo 20:4
"You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of
anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth
beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;
Exo 20:5
you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God,
am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Exo 20:6
but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My
Exo 20:7
"You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the
LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Exo 20:8
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Exo 20:9
Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
Exo 20:10
but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it
you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male
servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is
within your gates.
Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea,
and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD
blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
Exo 20:12
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon
the land which the LORD your God is giving you.
Exo 20:13
"You shall not murder.
Exo 20:14
"You shall not commit adultery.
Exo 20:15
"You shall not steal.
Exo 20:16
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Exo 20:17
"You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet
your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox,
nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."
Leaving aside
those who preach otherwise, the Ten Commandments have been as valid in the New
Testament as they were in the Old. Jesus
Christ and His Apostles have made several statements to this effect. We have
amply discussed them in our articles, and are not going over them again, but
some clarification and additions are required in the light of recent prophetic
According to
James, the writer of the New Testament epistle by the same title, all
Commandments are important and the breaking of one is tantamount to breaking
them all.
Jas 2:10
For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point,
he is guilty of all.
Jas 2:11
For He who said, "DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY," also said, "DO
NOT MURDER." Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you
have become a transgressor of the law.
Nevertheless, the
order of their setting indicates that some Commandments are more important than
others. For example, no one could equate the first Commandment, “I am the LORD
your God … you shall have no other gods before Me” with the last, ‘You shall
not covet your neighbor’s house, wife, and goods’.
To amplify this
difference, Jesus Christ made the point that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
is unforgivable, whereas sins like adultery can, under certain circumstances,
be forgiven.
Joh 8:10
When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said
to her, "Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned
Joh 8:11
She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said to her, "Neither
do I condemn you; go and sin no more."
Now compare that
with what Jesus said about the sin against the Holy Spirit.
Mat 12:22
Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and
He healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw.
Mat 12:23
And all the multitudes were amazed and said, "Could this be the Son
of David?"
Mat 12:24
Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, "This fellow
does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons."
Mat 12:25
But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: "Every kingdom
divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house
divided against itself will not stand.
Mat 12:26
If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his
kingdom stand?
Mat 12:27
And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them
out? Therefore they shall be your judges.
Mat 12:28
But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God
has come upon you.
Mat 12:29
Or how can one enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless
he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.
Mat 12:30
He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me
scatters abroad.
Mat 12:31
"Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven
men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.
Mat 12:32
Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven
him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him,
either in this age or in the age to come.
The Pharisees were
committing blasphemy by offending the Holy Spirit. For them, it was a small
matter, a throwaway line on the spur of the moment perhaps, designed to safeguard
their reputation before their followers, but for Jesus Christ it could not have
been more serious. They were committing a sin that could never be forgiven; in
this world or in the world to come. [Jesus
Christ believed in a world to come. For those who wonder what salvation is all
about, it is qualifying for that world by changing one’s lifestyle, taking
control of his carnal impulses, and learning to live his life according to
God’s rules]. We know that the
Pharisees did not believe what they said either, for one of them came to Jesus
Christ by night and said as such.
Joh 3:1
There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
Joh 3:2
This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know
that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do
unless God is with him."
That made their
sin all the more unforgivable, for although they knew that He came from God, they
still accused Him of doing the works of the Devil.
It is no different
in our time. If someone comes in the name of God, does His work and speaks
according to the Scriptures, yet he is accused of doing the work of the Devil,
the accusers commit unforgivable blasphemy.
Four decades ago,
God sent me with a message to the leaders of the Worldwide Church of God. The
minister of the Toronto branch, which I used to attend in those days, expelled
me from the Church immediately. I
expected that from him, but not from the hierarchy of the Church. The message being
very important, I determined to deliver it personally to the headquarters of
the Church. So I flew to Pasadena, California, but when I arrived there they
did not receive me either. I went back
to my hotel room, I wrote an explanation of about six pages, I paid a secretary
to type it and make several copies, and then I sent a copy to each one of the top
evangelists. I waited a few days, but
since no one replied I returned to Toronto, only to find myself locked out of
the flat which I used to share with two Church ‘brethren’. The minister
apparently had told them that because I had ‘abandoned’ the flat, they were
entitled to help themselves to whatever I had.
And so they did, taking everything: furniture, kitchen utensils, bed
linen, clothes, books, Bibles, personal items, tools, etc. I was left with nothing but what I was wearing
at that time. That is what fundamentalist ‘Christians’ do to ‘brethren’ who
question their doctrines.
What they did was
so unbelievable I found it hard to accept that it was real. But real it was, and when I realized that
they would not change even after taking time to read and analyze what I said, I
left Canada for Australia.
Time passed, always thinking why it happened to
me that way and why God had not helped me when what I did was for Him and not
of my making? But God did help me, and was with me all the time, only that it
would take me years, decades in fact, before I fully understood His methods. He knew that although I had a lot of
enthusiasm and a good background in the Bible after three years of study, it
was not enough to take on the boys of the big end of town so to speak.
In Australia, I
carved myself a new career, obtaining a BA with majors in ancient history and
study in religions, a Diploma of Education and a Diploma in Librarianship. The normal course of study for me would have
been electrical engineering as I had vocational training and experience in
electrical trades, but my heart decided that I must undertake humanity studies
instead. [God works through human heart, mind and conscience].
About two decades later, after another hard
encounter with the Worldwide Church of God, I started publishing The Christian Herald. In retrospective,
I could see that only then did God think that I could undertake this kind of
A few years ago, almost
two decades after the appearance of the first edition of The Christian Herald, and four decades after being expelled from
the WCG, an extraordinary event took place.
A former high ranking evangelist in the WCG wrote on my Facebook page
that he wanted to be my friend. I could
not believe my eyes.
Most of the
evangelists from that time were dead by then, but he being one of the youngest,
yet a very capable one, was still alive and leading a string of ‘Churches of
God’. Now he wanted to be my friend, but
without saying sorry or apologizing in any way for what they did to me in those
early days. Like the story of the man
who fell among thieves and was robbed, stripped of clothing, wounded and left
for dead (Luke 10:25-37). Later the thieves changed their mind, returned to
him, stood over him and without returning his goods or doing anything to help
him, said, ‘We want to be your friends, do you accept it?’ As the saying goes, ‘There is no honour among thieves.’
(I have closed my Facebook account since
I hesitated to
answer him, but after almost a year, I decided to accept his friendship. Then I added, “I suppose you are ready to
return to me the value of the things I was robbed of at that time”. He replied, “I knew nothing of what happened
to you then.” Then I said, “You certainly
knew because I sent you a copy of the letter I sent to all top evangelists of
the Worldwide Church of God.” A long pause followed, and then our conversation
ended abruptly.
I thought that since
God requires restitution, with interest, of things acquired illegally he would
be more than happy to make amends and come clean before Him. But no, he would
rather go before God like that than part with any money now. He confirmed the
Scriptures which say that those who fall away from the truth of God could never
be brought back again.
The point is that
even if he did not know about it then, and found out only when I told him about
it, he should have taken responsibility for it, for two reasons: 1) he was a
very high ranking evangelist, just below the two leaders, H.W. Armstrong and Garner
Ted Armstrong, when those things happened, and 2) he was still preaching all,
or most, of the doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God, therefore his
responsibility extended to that time.
How he envisioned
his friendship with me when one of the purposes of my work is to expose false
preaching, especially that of the Worldwide Church of God and its remnant
Churches, he never explained and I may never know. [The
other purposes of this work are to restore and preach the true Gospel of Jesus
Chris, and to pass on God’s end time messages to this world].
Why concentrate especially on the false preaching of the Worldwide Church of God and its remnant Churches’? Because that Church claimed the identity of one of the seven Churches of God from the book of Revelation, namely the Philadelphia Church of God. In truth, the WCG did have a relationship with the Philadelphia Church of God, but not the one claimed by its leaders. This is a great mystery, and one we hope to reveal in a new edition soon, God willing.
And so, after four decades of demonizing me, and two decades of doing everything in their power to destroy or derail this work, it seems the perpetrators have finally realized that they made a grave error. Unfortunately, when people allow the Devil to take over their minds and hearts, through envy or wicked deeds, he does not give up easily his prisoners.
Isa 14:12
"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How
you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!
Isa 14:13
For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will
exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the
congregation On the farthest sides of the north;
Isa 14:14
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most
Isa 14:15
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit.
Isa 14:16
"Those who see you will gaze at you, And consider you, saying:
'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms,
Isa 14:17
Who made the world as a wilderness And destroyed its cities, Who did not open the house of his
It is a lesson the whole world ought to take note of, for humanity is fast being taken over by this fiend of humanity.
In the end time, just prior to the return of Jesus Christ, instead of rejoicing that their Savior is coming, the Devil entices the whole world, through his false preachers, to revolt against Christ.
Rev 19:19
And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered
together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army.
In the end, we will all give account of how we have used the time God has allocated us in this world. Since my encounter with that evangelist, a number of Church leaders have expressed the desire to ‘make unity in the Church’ or affiliate with us. A particular one, who wrote to us just a few months ago, said that he had read our writings, agreed with us, and wanted to affiliate his Church with us. I had a strong feeling he was lying, nevertheless I said OK. But knowing that he was a disciple of Herbert W Armstrong, who strongly preached what the Scriptures call ‘doctrines of demons’, I asked him whether he is still preaching those things. To which he quickly replied, “You are judging me!”
Do you get the point? They want to affiliate with our Foundation, but don’t want us to know what they preach in their Churches. And why would they do that? Because after deceiving their followers for so long, they cannot tell them the truth now without having a revolt on their hands. They want to tell their followers that they are affiliated with us, leading them to believe that what they preach is all right and approved by us.
Now is there a difference between these deceivers and the Pharisees of Jesus’ time? They all offended the Holy Spirit while claiming to serve God. Jesus Christ warned the Pharisees that they were committing an unpardonable blasphemy, but they did not relent. When they could not prevail against Him by other ways, they killed Him.
That could not possibly happen to us, could it? We shall see!
Our nemeses want absolution of their sin by affiliating with us. But humans can forgive some sins but not every sin. We forgive everyone who has sinned against us, indeed we are under command to do so, but we cannot forgive blasphemies against God. That is for God to deal with.
Jesus Christ said that, “Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.” A legitimate question would be why is sin against the Holy Spirit more grievous than sin against Jesus Christ?
Because the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, therefore sin against the Holy Spirit is sin against the Father. And how can one commit blasphemy against God the Father? By breaking any of the first five Commandments, like worshipping strange gods, taking His name in vain, worshipping images, breaking the Sabbath, and dishonoring ones’ parents!
Jesus Christ placed the Holy Spirit above Him, just as He placed the Father above Him.
Joh 14:28 You have heard Me say to you, 'I am going
away and coming back to you.' If you loved Me, you would rejoice because
I said, 'I am going to the Father,' for My
Father is greater than I.
Now it was all right to sin against the Son of Man as long as He was in this world and people did not quite know who He was, but not after He was confirmed as the Son of God through resurrection from the dead and His rising up to heaven. Now He sits at the right hand of God, waiting to inherit His eternal Kingdom. Those who sin against Him now have little chance of making it into His Kingdom. This is why people ought to be very careful what they say about God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, for any loose talk on this subject could land them on a collision course with God.
Remember what God said about the fourth Commandment? Here is part of it again.
Exo 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made the
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the
seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
A clear statement that God created the heavens, the earth, the sea and everything in them, including human beings! Then He hallowed the Sabbath and made it an eternal sign between Him and His people.
Exo 31:12 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
Exo 31:13 "Speak also to the children of Israel,
saying: 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me
and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am
the LORD who sanctifies you.
Exo 31:14 You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it
is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for
whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his
Exo 31:15 Work shall be done for six days, but the
seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any
work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.
Exo 31:16 Therefore the children of Israel shall keep
the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a
perpetual covenant.
Exo 31:17 It is a sign between Me and the
children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made the heavens
and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.' "
Exo 31:18 And when He had made an end of speaking with
him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of
stone, written with the finger of God.
Now is this sign valid in the New Testament? Absolutely! For if God expected the Israelites, who did not have the Holy Spirit, to keep the Sabbath holy, how much more is He expecting it of those who have the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit became available to the general public only in the New Testament, after Jesus Christ came to this earth and overcame the Devil. And what did He say about the Sabbath?
Mat 24:20 Pray that your flight [from the Great Tribulation] may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.
When He returns to this earth, He expects to find His followers observing the Sabbath and praying that their flight may not be on that day. Now what do you think would happen if they observe another day and pray that their flight may not be on the Day of the Sun for example? Would He be pleased with them and grant them a place in His Kingdom? How could He when they despise the very sign that would make them people of God?
Now consider carefully what God said in the rest of that Commandment: “for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day”.
When did God create these things? When was the beginning of this world? Millions and billions of years ago as the evolutionists, and not a few preachers, would have us believe? No, this is when.
Mat 19:3
And the Pharisees came to Him, tempting Him and saying to Him, Is it
lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
Mat 19:4
And He answered and said to them, Have you not read that He who made them
at the beginning "made them male and female",
The beginning of this world occurred when God created Adam and Eve. SO SAID JESUS CHRIST, AND SO IT WAS!
Now according to biblical chronology, the Genesis creation took place about six thousand years ago. What do you think God will do to those who dishonor Him by claiming that the world created itself out of nothing and for no reason at all through a Big Bang some fifteen billion years ago, and that human beings created themselves through evolution over millions of years?
The tragedy of it all is that countless preachers, who claim to serve God and Jesus Christ, preach this fallacy too, especially those who come from the stable of Herbert W. Armstrong, only with some slight differences. Their sin is amplified by the fact that they claim their authority on account of the Philadelphia Church of the book of Revelation. Since the book of Revelation was given to us directly by Jesus Christ from heaven, it means that they attribute their preaching to Jesus Christ. If they do not believe that this is the worst kind of blasphemy now they will believe it when they face Jesus Christ.
If these people are right, our work and our beliefs are in vain, and none of the prophecies we have talked about will come to pass. But the most important prophecy about our time, the one about the Great Tribulation, is already unraveling before our eyes. What is happening in the Middle East, in Syria, and in much of the world, are merely initial stages of that prophecy.
Now if the world followed an evolutionary course, none of these things would be true; humanity will recover from the current worldwide malaise and life on this planet would continue ad infinitum, or at least until this universe burns itself out. But the world does not follow an evolutionary course but a biblical timeline, and according to that this world is on its last legs.
This brings us to the fifth Commandment, the last one which can produce blasphemy against God.
Exo 20:12
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon
the land which the LORD your God is giving you.
Bear in mind that this Commandment operates on two levels. At the spiritual level it establishes our relationship with our heavenly Father, as we are His spiritual children, and at the physical level it regulates the relationship between human parents and their children.
Now this is what the New Testament says about that.
Mar 7:9 And He said to them, Do you do well to set
aside the commandment of God, so that you may keep your own tradition?
Mar 7:10 For Moses said, "Honor your father and
your mother." And, "Whoever curses father or mother, let him die the
Mar 7:11 But you say, If a man shall say to his father
or mother, Corban! (that is, A gift to God, whatever you may profit by
Mar 7:12 and you no longer allow him to do anything
toward his father or mother,
Mar 7:13 making the Word of God of no effect through
your tradition which you have delivered. And you do many such things.
Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for
this is right.
Eph 6:2 Honor your father and mother (which is the
first commandment with a promise),
Eph 6:3 so that it may be well with you, and that you
may live long on the earth.
Eph 6:4 And fathers, do not provoke your children to
wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Col 3:20 Children, obey your parents in all
things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.
Col 3:21 Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest
they be discouraged.
And here are a few
more statements from the Old Testament.
Exo 21:15 "And he who strikes his father or his
mother shall surely be put to death.”
Exo 21:17 "And he who curses his father or his
mother shall surely be put to death.”
Lev 20:8 And you shall keep My statutes, and perform
them: I am the LORD who sanctifies you.
Lev 20:9 'For everyone who curses his father or his
mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother.
His blood shall be upon him.
Deu 27:16 'Cursed is the one who treats his
father or his mother with contempt.' "And all the people shall say,
Pro 20:20 Whoever curses his father or his mother, his
lamp shall be put out in deep darkness.
Pro 28:24 Whoever robs his father or his mother, And
says, "It is no transgression," The same is companion
to a destroyer.
No other Commandment, beside the first, has been reinforced as strongly in the Bible as this one.
And yet, there is another example that connects it with nothing less than the very survival of the world.
Mal 4:1
"For behold, the day is coming, Burning like an oven, And all the
proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming
shall burn them up," Says the LORD of hosts, "That will leave them
neither root nor branch.
Mal 4:2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of
Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And
grow fat like stall-fed calves.
Mal 4:3 You shall trample the wicked, For they shall
be ashes under the soles of your feet On the day that I do this,"
Says the LORD of hosts.
Mal 4:4 "Remember the Law of Moses, My servant,
Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and
Mal 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
Mal 4:6 And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to
the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and
strike the earth with a curse.
The word ‘curse’ should more correctly have been translated ‘utter destruction’. This is exactly where this world is heading, unless parents and children turn their hearts to each other. But how can they do that when they no longer speak the same language?
In the name of progress, parents had been hamstrung by the ‘wise’ of this world, and been transformed into nothing more than passive spectators and providers of food, clothes and other necessities to children whom they can no longer control or discipline, lest, they are being told, they affect their physical and emotional wellbeing. They have been forced to ignore God’s will and go against Him in relations with their own children. This is what God says on this matter.
Pro 19:18 Chasten your son while there is hope, and do not set your heart on his destruction.
Pro 13:24 He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.
And so, today’s youths are running amuck, beyond the control of parents, police, teachers, and social workers. In New South Wales alone, hundreds of teachers request police protection against unruly students every school tern, and against parents who abuse them for not giving their uncontrollable progeny higher marks.
The extraordinary fact is that this malaise has gripped the entire Western world. Now they want to export their values to the rest of the world in the name of globalization. And why do they do that? Because the aim of world revolution is still very much in the hearts of unreconstructed left wing luminaries, who have largely taken control of our education and the media. By creating chaos in Western societies they hope that the masses will demand strong leadership, and they are only too happy to ‘sacrifice’ themselves to that cause. But then, don’t we all know what left wing demagogues do to the notion of democracy when they grab the levers of power.
These days they no longer call themselves revolutionaries but greenies, having metamorphosed themselves into Green Parties. Their policies have little to do with the environment and more to do with world politics. You know them by the fact that they like to internationalize every little conflict, elevating beyond reason the plight of foreigners while diminishing the plight of their own nationals.
Their weapon is always the defense of the so-called human rights; human rights for homosexuals, for pedophiles, for lesbians, for illegal migrants, and for all sorts of sinners and lawbreakers. And our activist judges have kindly obliged to their requests, to the chagrin and bewilderment of the general population.
It is to their shame that spiritual leaders have been seduced by this charade too, having failed to impress upon their people that human rights must never take precedence over God’s rights. In truth, what they call human rights is nothing of a kind but Satan’s rights. For as the Scriptures say, what is not from God is from the Devil (Mat 5:37; 6:24).
This world has chosen the wrong side and the wrong path, and now it faces catastrophic consequences.
Telling the world what it
does not want to hear
In the first
decade of our work, we relied primarily on the printed media to pass on our
messages to the world. We used to spend
months, even years, searching the Bible and the world media for relevant
information about the deteriorating condition of the world, and inform world
leaders on the meaning of it. We saw the need for this kind of work, and after
much prayer and meditation God impressed upon us that we must do something
about it.
When no Churches
wanted to help, we decided to go about it alone. And so, in 1990, the first edition of The Christian Herald made its
appearance. However, no sooner did we send our magazine to the world that we
encountered the first of many major trials: the sons of Dracula violated and murdered
my mother and sent word of what to expect if I continue with this work.
Did the Devil know
something about this work that we did not know? He had knowledge of God’s
prophecies that we did not have at that time, and knew that his time was up. We
did not expect that kind of reaction from anyone, certainly not after just one
edition. It is no wonder that ever since
that time, the world’s slide towards a catastrophic end has been gaining speed.
Dracula’s servants
must have thought that they killed this ‘baby’ in its infancy, but after our
initial shock we came back a year later with renewed vigor and more determined than
ever to continue with this work regardless of what may come our way.
In those early
years, we used our office equipment to print a few hundred Christian Heralds and mail them to world leaders and to as many
people as would receive them. As one might have expected, our progress was slow. That continued for a whole decade, until the
internet became widely available and we put ourselves on the worldwide web. That
changed everything. Not only did that make our job easier, but we could reach
infinitely more people by the simple clicking of a few computer buttons. Our readers could reach us just as easily,
and many did.
Computer statistics gave us valuable
information about which topics were of more interest to our readers, how many
people visited our web site, and which countries they came from. We deliberately chose not to know people’s
individual email addresses, except if they contacted us first. And even then, after replying to their
inquiries, we never put pressure on anyone. Certainly, we never requested donations from
anyone, as we are being flooded with these days from all over the world. Not that we did not need any help, but if God
has not moved anyone’s heart to contribute, we had to continue with our limited
resources as best we could.
If God wanted to
make a point to the world that one did not need riches, or impose phony tithing
doctrines on their followers to do His work, we have been only too happy to
comply. What angers us though is that
although we have made it clear a number of times that this prophetic work is meant
to be done by two people, no one seems to believe or accept this fact. They seem to think that because we are a Christian
Foundation, we reek with money. Well, we
don’t. For twenty years now no one has
contributed a single cent to this work.
No one seems to like what we are doing, even though thousands come to
our web site every month.
We just pray to
the Almighty to restrain the Satanists of the Worldwide Church of God and its
remnant Churches from harassing us any further and cause us any more
troubles. They have been competing with
the sons of Dracula over who can do us more damage. The sons of Dracula have attacked us
physically, while the Satanists of the WCG have done so mostly spiritually. A
typical example is their teaching on the Holy Spirit, an unpardonable blasphemy
(See TCH 5). Both have been a thorn on our side from the
very beginning. It must rancor them enormously
that in spite of their efforts this work has been going from strength to
Regarding our statistics,
The Christian Herald No 9 had been
our best performer for many years, followed by numbers 5, 6, 4 and 1. Anecdotal evidence told us that numbers 9 and
6 were of particular interest to academia, whereas the others were of more
interest to church goers.
In the last couple
of years, however, some major changes occurred. Our statistics went through the
roof, and the order of popularity changed dramatically. The most popular
editions became numbers 17, 21, and 14, followed by 5, 6, and 9. All of them, plus
a few late editions, now alternate at the
top of the ladder. The good news from our point of view is that all editions
had good numbers in our statistics, and there is none of which we could say
that it was a failure.
In regard to countries,
the USA is leading the way by some distance.
We are not going to give out too many details here, for we learned a
bitter lesson with Russia. When we pointed out that Russia was overtaking the
USA, something drastic happened. Within
two months, Russia went from number one to out of our statistics. Putin’s
‘democracy’ taught us that we must not trust everything governments say, and
that democracy means different things to different people. We apologize to our Russian friends, and pray
that they are safe. Keep up the faith
and the good works friends, for better times are coming.
In Europe, the best
performing country is Germany. France is now in third place, and Great Britain
in fourth. No further comment here, except to say that nations and peoples
shape up their own destinies and Britain is in for some exceedingly traumatic developments.
And so are Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, the four countries that have
been in the news for the wrong reasons lately. These only occasionally show up
in our statistics and hardly more than in single figures.
They should remember
that the people who have no time for God, God has no time for them; and without
God no nation can survive for long in the context of the end time Great
My own country Romania
has been overtaken by all its neighbours. In our last statistics, Bulgaria, less than
half its size, had twice as many readers, Hungary three times, and Ukraine
forty times.
Romania’s masters are
good at persecuting God’s people but not so good at making peace with God. Instead, they are so enamored with the cult
of Dracula that they are now preparing food and drinks out of blood for
tourists who like that kind of cuisine. That’s the kind of tourists they want
to attract to the country. I wonder
where they think they will find them. They
think that the whole world is like Romania.
I hope they are wrong. But, then,
we live in the end times.
Looking at this world
in its current condition, it would be hard to find someone who did not wish
that a strong hand arrived from somewhere to put some order in it and lessen the
sufferings, hunger and terror that have gripped this planet as of late. Well, we are the messengers of good news, for
that is exactly what is going to happen shortly; but before Jesus Christ
returns to set up His Kingdom, this world needs a thorough cleansing, and that is
the role of the Great Tribulation, now in its early stages.
There has never
been a more important time for people to turn to God than now. That can be done only through familiarization
with the living Word of God – the Bible.
We know of no one who has done more to explain the Bible to the world,
and reveal more biblical mysteries, than we have done through The Christian Heralds. One day, this world might appreciate the
significance of this work.
Mat 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a
witness to all the nations, and then the
end will come.
Rev 10:5
The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised up his
hand to
Rev 10:6 heaven
and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things
that are in it, the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the
things that are in it, that there should be delay no longer,
Rev 10:7
but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about
to sound,
the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.
People should never forget what Jesus
Christ told His disciples either.
Mat 13:10
And the disciples came and said to Him, "Why do You speak to them
in parables?"
Mat 13:11
He answered and said to them, "Because it has been given to you to
know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.
Mat 13:12
For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance;
but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Mat 13:13
Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see,
and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
Mat 13:14
And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'hearing
you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see and not
Mat 13:15
for the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of
hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes
and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and
turn, so that I should heal them.'
Mat 13:16
But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they
Mat 13:17
for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men
desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you
hear, and did not hear it.
Some people’s eyes
and ears are blocked from seeing and hearing the truth of God, lest they
“should be converted” and healed. In
other words, God does not want the people who do not want Him. So when you hear people, such as the ‘wise of
this world’, saying that there is no God, you can tell them that they are right
– for them there is no God, only the Devil, whose slaves they had become.
The Devil, demons,
witchcraft, and the like feature prominently in today’s literature, films,
games, and people’s discussions, but mention the word God and they run away
from you. Also, there are hardly any
games for young people that do not include violence, demons, monsters, and
perversions, but we are yet to see one that extols the virtues of God and His
The ‘enlightened
age’ has been both a boon and a bane for this world. While giving us
extraordinary advances and benefits in science and technology, it has also
brought humanity to its darkest spiritual age.
The revolution in
information technology meant that anyone could become an instant publisher,
whether he had something worthwhile to say or not. The traditional checks on quality, relevance
and presentation went out the window; language became mangled, spelling and
grammar atrocious (even with the help of computer programs), and
fly-by-nighters cropped up everywhere.
In the midst of
this cavalcade of information, nothing became more important than the ability
to sift out the good from the bad, the relevant from the trivial, and the
worthwhile from the ephemeral. This is where
The Christian Herald made its
impact. After a long, slow, and tortuous
road, this is now being read regularly by people from upwards of eighty
countries. Our only concern is that no one seems to have the courage to respond
to God’s call. Have no seeds of God fallen into any good ground?
Mat 13:19
When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it,
then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart.
This is he who received seed by the wayside.
Mat 13:20
But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the
word and immediately receives it with joy;
Mat 13:21
yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when
tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles.
Mat 13:22
Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and
the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he
becomes unfruitful.
Mat 13:23
But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and
understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold,
some sixty, some thirty."
The alternative explanation is unbearable to contemplate. It is in the end time that the Word of God has no effect anymore, and the Gospel is being preached merely as a witness to an unbelieving world rather than a means of conversion and salvation. And what do the Scriptures say about that?
Rev 22:10
"Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time
is at hand.
Rev 22:11
He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be
filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy,
let him be holy still."
Rev 22:12
"And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me,
to give to everyone according to his work.
Rev 22:13
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,
the First and the Last."
Yes, the Alpha and the Omega has been speaking to this world, but the world did not want to hear. And so, the unjust remains unjust, the filthy remains filthy, the righteous is still righteous, and the holy still holy. Amen!
of the time: Parliamentary doleful circus
Have you seen the
extraordinary spectacle in the Australian Parliament? Occasionally we see altercations and unusual
developments in other Parliaments – South Korea, Russia, Japan, to mention just
a few – so we assume that what is happening in the Australian Parliament is
also seen overseas.
In June 2012, the
Australian television offered us a Parliamentary spectacle that looked more
like a wake than a session of Parliament.
As our magazine is read by people from over eighty countries, who may
not know what a wake is, here is a definition from Macquarie dictionary.
Archaic: to keep watch or vigil . . . a doleful occasion, for some solemn or ceremonial purpose . . . near the body of a dead person before burial, often accompanied by drinking and feasting.
The nation was
stunned by an extremely undignified spectacle: a host of weeping and sobbing
politicians in the bear pit of the Australian Parliament, particularly the
hypocrites of the left and far left of the political spectrum. Why were they
weeping? Because some people drowned more than seven thousand kilometres away
while attempting to reach Australia in an unseaworthy ship!
Why do we berate
the politicians who weep for the people who jump the queue of refugees and
drawn while attempting to reach Australia illegally? Because we have never seen
those same politicians weep for the Australians who have perished in the
floods, droughts and fires that have become part of everyday life in Australia
Are the lives of
foreigners more valuable than the lives of Australians? All lives are valuable, and no life should
perish unnecessarily, but one cannot legislate against people’s folly. It is a godly principle that one takes care
of his own people first before taking care of those who place little value on
their own life.
It is a sign of
the time and the worldwide trend which makes evil look good, and good look
Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to all the world as a witness to all
nations, and then the end will come.”
Alpha and
Omega Christian Foundation, P.O. Box 123, Berowra
Heights, NSW, 2082, Australia,
Telephone: 02 4351 3848;
Email: aocf <at>;
Newsletter 24 (04/12)
Friends and Leaders Around the
The respite from Europe’s and the world’s debt problems did not last
long. Things only got worse. The
perennial conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has been joined by the
Arab rising nightmares. Global warming
and climate change are marching on relentlessly. Widespread famines in Africa and elsewhere,
and water shortages in much of the world, are now a fact of life; and this at a
time when much of the world is experiencing devastating floods.
International relations are on a knife edge, unmistakably heading
towards a major conflict.
Unemployment, social unrest, crime, terrorism, and a decline in moral
and spiritual standards have become permanent features of this world.
Life is becoming more untenable by the day, and yet, the wise of this
world – atheistic scientists of the like of Stephan Hawking and Richard Dawkins
– are relentlessly blaring at us from our television screens, telling us that,
“Humanity is on the brink of a brave new world”, and “Scientists are creating a
brave new world for all of us”.
Well, someone has to tell the truth, and the truth is that far from
being on the brink of a brave new world, humanity is on the brink of
catastrophe, and terminal catastrophe at that.
Humanity is already in the early stages of what the Scriptures call the
Great Tribulation, or the Great Day of the Lord, or the Day of the Lord’s
The world has forgotten that it has a Creator God, and abandoned itself
to an orgy of immorality and wanton debasing of human life unprecedented in
human history.
Younger generations no longer know right from wrong, true or false, or
holy and unholy, terms which many may have never heard.
This does not mean that God does not know what is going on in the
2Ch 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars."
Ecc 8:11 Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
Psa 37:17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, But the LORD upholds the righteous.
Psa 37:18 The LORD knows the days of the upright, And their inheritance shall be forever.
Psa 37:19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
Psa 37:20 But the wicked shall perish; And the enemies of the LORD, like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish. Into smoke they shall vanish away.
Amo 3:6 If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the LORD have done it?
Now if the LORD takes responsibility for the calamities that have
struck this world and become part of everyday life, should not our leaders ask
themselves why He has done it, and take God’s case to their people, rather than
close their eyes to them or blame the Islamists for many of this world’s evils?
Is it not rather obvious that God is using them as a rod for the
wayward Judeo-Christian world which has become the bearer of atheism,
immorality, homosexuality, unfaithfulness, and just about every sin and
blasphemy under the sun?
For two decades we have warned the world that this is where it was
heading. Now that it has come to pass,
what follows is truly horrendous for the world.
We have expanded upon the reasons why the world is in such a mess in The
Christian Herald No 25, now online at this web site: You would not want to miss it. It deals with
matters of life and death, vital for you and your people.
In the service of Jesus Christ,
Grigore Sbarcea
Coordinator A.O.C.F.
State of the World
Society and Culture
“The television can not be a proper conversation piece since it leaves
talk stilted and half-heard”
Aliens slyly observing Australia might be baffled by our dinners. Not
the stir-fried or the lasagne but the not-so-silent partner at most
Australians' meals: the television. About three-quarters of Australian families
eat dinner together five or six times a week, but 60 per cent ''always or
often'' eat in front of the television, according to research by Rebecca
Huntley of Ipsos Mackay. The alien might wonder why families need the screen as
they munch and slurp. It cannot purely be for information, as this is generally
available nowadays at any hour: the headlines or weather need not wait for six
o'clock as they did when I was a kid.
The television cannot be a proper conversation piece since it leaves
talk stilted and half-heard.
The alien might cautiously conclude that Australian families simply
don't like one another. They need the pulsing pixels to distract them from the
banality or misery of family dining. Maybe the alien's hypothesis is not as
absurd as it seems. Television is often a concession to physical or mental
exhaustion at the end of a working day. It is almost the least we can do while
still being awake. But while the brain's visual areas are busy parsing and
piecing together the bright lights, its higher functions often grow dim.
Studies suggest that excessive television watching leaves viewers lethargic,
unmotivated and unimaginative. As a result, it can leave us more knackered or
foggy - "spaced out", as one researcher put it - than if we hadn't
slumped in front of it. Clearly Australians' nightly idiot box dinners are not
drugging families into a stupor. But perhaps we often prefer this hazy
consciousness to conversation with our loved ones. It is calming, numbing.
A sceptic might reply: simply because the television is on does not mean
anyone's watching it. True. But if so, why is it on at all? Partly for company
in some households where the TV provides background noise all day, from morning
chat shows to the late movie, or flicked between cable channels. It takes the
edge off sharp loneliness or gives an ordinary lounge the hint of
But dinner with one's spouse or family is hardly a desert island in need
of electronic company. Instead, television, like portable music and mobile
games, can also be a device for avoiding the draining or painful facts of
familial life. There is nothing shocking or immoral about this. The human
condition, if not brutish, nasty and short, is certainly fragile and
bewildering. The issue for Australians
taking communion at the wide-screen altar is simply whether or not it makes
life better. Does the short-term break from discomfort or discontent have nasty
long-term consequences? One possibility
was reported by the English organisation Relate. Its study The Way We Are
Now found that British families are having trouble maintaining strong
relationships, which are vital for negotiating the stresses of career,
parenthood, marriage - and new telecommunications and media technology are a
big part of this problem because they fracture focus and dilute concentration.
Taken at the end of a long day, they could also be a serious obstacle
for Australian relationships. For most couples with children, the working day
is usually spent apart, after which come school pick-ups, sport drop-offs,
domestic chores. Meanwhile, smartphones and computers bring the stresses and
distractions of work into the home, and out of office hours. They also
encourage habituation: checking and browsing for a ''hit'', not because the job
requires it. As a result, there are very few minutes left to speak to one
another without interruption or diversion. Relationships fray for lack of
intimacy. The dinner table, for all its archaism, is one of the last asylums
for regular communication; to share impressions, air complaints, squabble and
laugh. This sounds trivial but for busy couples and families it is increasingly
rare. Problems go unsolved, successes unnoticed, discoveries uncelebrated. We
can become familiar strangers: sharing money and rooms but not the tangle and
tumble of life.
Television is no science-fiction villain. This is a human problem, with
human solutions, and the TV is simply one more player in the daily competition
for attention. But the stakes of this contest are high: greater intimacy, and
the contentment, health and resilience it can afford. Along with computers and
smartphones, the idiot box has the upper hand. Which is fine if we're
happy to be the aliens at the table: to one another. (Damon Young, National Times, April 17, 2012)
heard conscientious mothers complain of the negative influence of music videos
for decades. There is so much, you become oblivious - (Christina Aguilera in
leather chaps, The Pussy Cat Dolls pole dancing, lascivious half-dressed girls
gyrating on top of some male rappers). Then I caught the new Rihanna video for You Da One and did a double
take. I don't consider myself a prude, but her X-rated cavorting is crass and
ugly. I do not have daughters, so I don't know how you protect them from that
vulgarity as YouTube will deliver it to them anyway.
then watched a documentary about the making of the Pirelli calendar and
listened with my jaw on the floor to a bunch of models explaining what a
privilege it was to be chosen to mud-wrestle nude and narrowly escape being
gored by wild elephants. To produce a girlie calendar? I caught an episode of Jersey Shore where one of the
cast peed in a sink at a crowded nightclub with absolutely no shame, because
she was too drunk to get to the toilets. And I saw an excerpt of the Victoria's
Secret runway show where a woman tried to walk with some shred of dignity down
a catwalk wearing a G-string and huge metal wings that were clanking around her
hips like a medieval instrument of torture, and I thought, "OK, enough.
Miss Universe competitions seem intellectual in comparison." We shouldn't
let this slide. Let's make having some class an aspiration. But where can young women go to get fashion
pointers that do not leave them looking like hookers?
school formals, boys arrived freshly scrubbed in suits and white shirts and
girls arrived in micro dresses so short they can't sit down without flashing
their knickers. They are so pretty, I want to scrape off all the make-up and
spritz their hair so they get the natural curl back. And add a few inches to
the dresses. A few years ago we published issues of Vogue Girl, where we presented fashionable,
pretty, age-appropriate choices for young girls, and we were inundated with
letters from appreciative mothers. I saw a little girl, maybe 10 years old,
with her mother on the weekend. The girl wore blue jeans, a grey cardigan and a
striped T-shirt, her hair cut short like a boy's. Hallelujah. No cut-off
shorts, no glitter, no nail polish, no tiaras. She looked like Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird. Now, there's a good role model. (Kirstie
Clements, The Sunday Telegraph,
January 15, 2012).
PRISONERS will be banned from
smoking inside Lithgow jail from today in a radical trial which could be rolled
out across all prisons. Nicotine
patches will be handed out to help ward off cravings, smoking will only be
permitted in designated outdoor areas at the maximum security prison and
inmates will no longer be allowed to smoke in their cells or in any of the
jail's buildings. Corrective Services Commissioner Ron Woodham said staff
exposure to tobacco was unacceptably high and way above the national average.
Figures show 75 per cent of male inmates and 81 per cent of female prisoners
smoke. There are more than 300 prisoners at Lithgow jail. "Smoking rates among inmates is
unacceptable, so we need to look at the impact of that on staff and other
prisoners," Mr Woodham said.
"There are smoking bans already in place in most jurisdictions
around the world due to the well-documented hazards of being exposed to second
hand smoke." Mr Woodham said Lithgow was chosen for the pilot program
after serious concerns raised by staff at the facility. Staff will also be
banned from smoking inside the building. "We are taking all the necessary
steps to help smokers cope with the change but we cannot continue to expect
people to live and work in smoke-filled prisons," Mr Woodham said.
rights activist Brett Collins from Justice Action said the trial was "an
outrage" and predicted the move would heighten tensions between prisoners
and staff. "Smoking is the one
single pleasure prisoners have control of. To take it away is an outrage and a
provocation," Mr Collins said. He said there were solutions which could
have been implemented, such as smoke-free wings. But with restrictions on
smoking, Mr Collins said prisoners would be anxious and it would cause tensions
in a culture which was already a "tinderbox". "This will cause a disturbance for
prison guards. It will make the place a lot more dangerous, prisoners will be
fidgety and angry, and all of this could have been easily avoided," Mr
Collins said. A Corrective Services spokeswoman said the trial would be
monitored and assessed before any decision was made whether to roll out the
smoking ban across all NSW prison facilities. Smoking is already banned in
jails in Victoria and Western Australia and Queensland will enforce the ban
from 2015. (Clementine Cuneo,, May 28, 2012)
Australians have adopted smartphones and tablet
computers as the standard operating platform for their lives - at work, at home
and at play. But it is not just adults who are on the way to permanent
connection. As parents readily testify, many children don't just use the new
devices, they are consumed by them. ''These devices have an almost obsessive
pull toward them,'' says Larry Rosen, professor of psychology at California
State University and author of iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession With
Technology and Overcoming its Hold On Us. ''How can you expect the world to
compete with something like an iPad 3 with a high definition screen, clear
video and lots of interactivity: how can anything compete with that?''
Once upon a time it was just television use that
parents worried about. Now screen use by school students may begin at home in
the morning with television, continue with interactive whiteboards, laptops and
computers in class, smartphones at lunch and on the bus and then continue long
into the evening with some combination of TV, computer, phone and tablet.
According to Wayne Warburton, a psychologist at
Macquarie University, US studies show that, beyond the school gates, teenagers
are using screens or listening to music for more than 7½ hours a day; in
Australia it is more than five hours and rising. Authoritative standards on
appropriate use levels are limited. The American Academy of Pediatrics has
recommended parents discourage television for children under two and to limit
screen time for older children to less than two hours a day of quality
programming. The guidelines, says Professor Rosen, are ''ludicrous''. He said
parents should have weekly meetings with their children from the time they pick
up their first device ''listening for signs of kids showing obsession,
addiction and lack of attention''.
Dr Warburton, author of a new book on media use, Growing
Up Fast and Furious, says evidence is emerging to link screen use with
disrupted sleep patterns and growing attention deficit problems. ''Parents say
to me they would love to put some limits on their kids' media use but that it
is so much a part of their identity - playing the same games as their friends,
being involved with the same media - that they feel they would be losing
friends, losing identity and having problems if they didn't have access.''
Dr Warburton says parents really struggle to cut the
access back. And, increasingly, so do children. Among video game players aged
8-18, research shows that typically ''8 per cent find it is impacting
negatively on their life'', he said. Gemma Ackroyd, the principal at Lane Cove
Public school, is also concerned about the ''amount of visual stimulus''
children are receiving and worries they increasingly require it to engage in
learning. ''I'm worried about a loss of time spent thinking creatively and
thinking imaginatively, because all the time there has to be visual stimulus
otherwise [they say] 'I'm bored','' she said.” (Andrew Stevenson, The Canberra
Times, May 29, 2012)
question then is if teachers are doing such important work, and so often doing
it so well, why don't they get paid more money? Those who disparage the
profession would say that the amount of holidays teachers enjoy should preclude
them from any significant salary increases. The holidays they enjoy by
necessity, on account of the school calendar in no way justify the pittance
they are paid. The strange thing about
teaching as a profession in this country is that, historically, one of the
chief obstacles to increasing teachers' pay has been the teachers' unions.
That's not quite correct, the unions have often argued for across-the-board pay
increases. But when it comes to adopting the same industrial practices which
exist in every other workplace, whereby individuals have their performance
reviewed annually, and enjoy salary hikes and one-off bonuses for demonstrated
excellence, the teachers' unions have vehemently resisted what is now the
standard everywhere else.
obstinance on the issue has reflected the old-school Marxist heritage of these
unions, where the united we stand maxim has manifested itself in a one-in, all-in
view on pay. I would suspect that there are hundreds of hard-working teachers
out there who privately love the idea of performance pay, knowing they are good
enough to qualify for it but would never say so for fear of violating the
industrial culture of their union and upsetting the order of things in the
staff room.
been a protection racket for the mediocre. It has ensured that people are
remunerated and promoted on the basis of longevity, not talent. It has held
back the best teachers and discouraged people who would make brilliant teachers
from entering the profession at all. For
the first time I can recall in Australia, there have been some positive signs
from the Australian Education Union about the excellent and long overdue
proposals from School Education Minister Peter Garrett for annual performance
reviews for every government teacher and bonuses of $7500 for highly
accomplished teachers and $10,000 for so-called "lead" teachers. Reading the Garrett plan, it seems strange
that in 2012 a discussion is even taking place about the introduction of these
measures, whereby teacher performance is tied to literacy and numeracy results
at schools, with the appropriate weightings to ensure that teachers at poor
schools don't miss out. In any other workplace,
from a low-skilled call centre to the highest-paid white collar job, the link
between performance and payment has been routine for decades.
comments from the head of the AEU, Angelos Gavrielatos, suggest that even the
peak teachers' union now recognises this. The union has shown more preparedness
than it has in the past to sit down at least and discuss the issue with
government. Gavrielatos said last week in response to Peter Garrett's plan that
every teacher should be entitled to ongoing professional development to make
sure their performance targets can be met.
less than the flat rejection of the plan is a marked shift in the union's
previous rhetoric on this issue, and a sign perhaps that the AEU is finally
heeding public opinion.
the unions genuinely believe in public education they would be well advised to
back the plan. Perversely, their historic commitment to the existing industrial
arrangements have served as a massive free advertisement for the private
system, with independent schools putting their teachers through their paces
every year and paying the best ones a comparative motza. Surely every teacher
who is worth his or her salt should be eligible for that. (David Penberthy, The Sunday Telegraph, April 29, 2012)
What do you do if you want to upset your
parents these days? Properly rebel, I mean. You certainly don’t get a tattoo.
Tattoos won’t bother anybody — they’ve become a fashion accessory, adopted as
widely as bangles and bracelets. Shrewd money is investing in the sector,
because it’s going through a growth spurt: tattoo parlours are up 5.6 per cent
since 2008.
But this isn’t merely a fad: it reflects a
deep underlying secular obsession with living for ever and, especially, staying
permanently young. Young women are driving the boom in fashionable tattooing.
My friend Alice, for instance, is 23, super-cool, and works in high fashion.
She has several tattoos, including a shooting star on the delicate underside of
her wrist. It’s not a tiny, embarrassed thing — it’s a good two inches long.
She got it when she was 18. Alice is booked in for another on Saturday, a
quotation this time. But it’s not only
the young: older folk are desperately getting in on the act. Fern Britton, the
53-year-old television presenter, has just had a couple of butterflies inked
into her abdomen. She was influenced by Felicity Kendal, 64, who has a star
tattoo on her foot and a moon and two feathers further up one leg. The
eagerness with which women like these two are rushing to the tattoo parlour
indicates a desire to hold desperately on to youth. Not worrying about tomorrow
is the defining characteristic of youth, because young people do not think they
are going to die. Who cares if the tattoo will still be there in 20 years’
time? Young people can barely see beyond the next weekend. Older women want to
co-opt some of this sense of recklessness. As Fern Britton says, it’s part of
her ‘disgraceful middle age’. Tattoos, like smoking cigarettes, are a defiant
rejection of getting old. There is a
paradox to this: people do it to be fashionable, which is a temporary, fleeting
state, yet the result is indelibly branded into the epidermis. And this
permanence is the reason it’s fashionable. It says: it’s cool not to care.
As a social trend, tattooing has accelerated
since the turn of the last century. Twenty years ago, a minority of
well-brought-up youngsters restricted themselves to small and innocuous
designs. Teenage girls might have returned from their year off having acquired
an easily concealable yin-yang symbol, or a Tweety Pie cartoon figure on a hip
bone, or, like Samantha Cameron, a little dolphin so low down on the ankle that
a shoe would cover it. This very small act of self-assertion meant: I’m cooler
than my square friends but I’m still sensible deep down. It represented safe
flirting with a fringe identity and, crucially, it signified the passing from
adolescence into adulthood — because only an adult can make such an irrevocable
decision. Now older women are using tattoos to signify how juvenile they are,
or, rather, how in touch with the spirit of youth. Felicity Kendal is of
pensionable age, but she is, in this sense, regressing. The sexual element
can’t be ignored, either: tattoos are often in a place normally only seen by a
lover. Traditionally, of course, we associate ‘tats’ with male tribes — with
ex-cons, sailors, the heavy-leather motorcycling fraternity. They are groups on
the margins. The prisoner with a spider’s web design spreading up his neck is
ruling himself out of an office job. (Not that body art is exclusively a
working class fad: Edward VII had quite a few tattoos, many of them done by
Sutherland Macdonald, a legendary tattoo artist with a shop above the Turkish
baths at 76 Jermyn Street.)
Today, customers want their tattoos to be
more sophisticated affairs than the quaint and stylised images of old. The
draughtsmanship is of better quality than it used to be. Irony is deployed in
the designs, and pretentious spirituality. Women, and a few hyper-fashionable
males modelling themselves on David Beckham, choose symbols, words and phrases
as well, often in learned languages.
Popular places for tattoos on women are underneath arms and wrists and
behind the ears — always places where hair, clothing or posture can easily cover
up if needed. It still tends to be men who tattoo the exterior surfaces of the
body, as you see with Beckham and his ‘sleeve tattoos’. These are images and
words that envelop his forearms. Actually, Beckham’s case illustrates both how
habit-forming body art can be, and, I would argue, the effect of ageing and a
decline in career. As the great footballer approaches middle age and, at the
same time, his professional eminence wanes, so his tattoos have become more
extensive and more obvious. Don’t forget, he started off back in 1999 with a
fairly modest ‘Brooklyn’ (his eldest son’s name) in the small of his back.
Tattoos are more-ish. Keep in mind also
that, while tattoos may be nearly as common as bracelets, they still represent
a much more extreme intervention. In the cause of ‘style’, you are damaging
yourself. This is not quite the same as self-harming: for one thing,
self-harmers are ashamed of their injuries, whereas tattoo-wearers are proud.
Still, you are piercing the body’s integument, which is designed to protect us
from infection and disease. The usual procedure involves pricking the surface
of the skin with needles and injecting pigment into the layer of tissue
underneath. Scarring and ‘granulation’ occur, and that creates your tattoo. And
it’s painful, too, so middle-aged people who undergo this process are fairly
shaking their fists at the Grim Reaper. What lengths will they go to next, you
may wonder? Mind you, none of this
worries young Alice. ‘It’s just like decoration,’ she says. ‘It’s, like,
accessorising.’ She doesn’t care that her tattoos are permanent. She’s happy to
turn her skin into a fashion item. For now.
(Andrew M. Brown, The Spectator,
16 July 2011)
The company makes no profits. It has little revenue. It has just 13
employees and they have not yet worked out how to make money from their
product, which they give away. But this company, Instagram, has just been sold
for $US1 billion. Its founder, Kevin Systrom, will receive about $400 million
for a company he started two years ago when he was 24. If ever there was a
moment that defined the shift in the balance of power to mobile phones, this is
it. The exploding popularity of Instagram offers more proof that a picture is
worth a thousand words.
Instagram, a free app on smartphones, now has a higher market value than
The New York Times. One thing
Systrom has worked out is how to connect with people. Instagram makes it easy
for people to share photos on mobile phones, and does it so well it has quickly
acquired 30 million subscribers. Something
happened during the past week. A year ago, Instagram raised venture funding,
which valued the company at $25 million. Ten days ago, Instagram was given a
market value by its venture capitalists of $500 million. A week later, it was
worth $1 billion. Why? Because Mark
Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, saw this nascent company as an opportunity
and a threat. This transaction did not
take place in the real world of listed public companies. It took place in the
alternative reality of Facebook, which has a dominant and voyeuristic presence
in social media but has yet to convert that dominance into profits in the way
Apple and Google have done. Even so, Facebook has a nominal market value of
$US100 billion and has billions of dollars in venture capital to invest. Even though photo sharing is what turned
Facebook into a behemoth, it was never able to translate the superiority of its
product on computers into a similar superiority on mobile phones, where its process
is clunky, especially when compared with Instagram. The explosion in both the number of users and
enthusiasm for Instagram's product thus represented a threat to Facebook
because it could cannibalise the amount of time spent on Facebook and offer a
superior community experience in photo-sharing. It was becoming the next big
thing in Facebook's domain. This was equally obvious to Google, which has
failed in numerous attempts to convert its dominance as a search engine into a
major position in social media. What
appears obvious is that Instagram went from being, at best, a $500 million
company to a billion-dollar company in a few days because of an off-stage
contest between Google and Facebook. Zuckerberg was willing to pay whatever it
took to keep Google from getting the opportunity Instagram represented.
If he could spend 1 per cent of Facebook's projected $100 billion market
value denying Google a strategic foothold in mobile phones and photo-sharing,
and solve Facebook's own problem with mobile phones at the same time, it did
not matter whether Instagram had any profits or any revenue. It had 30 million
users, high growth velocity, and panache. It also had Kevin Systrom.
This was a strategic play, not a commercial one. It made no commercial
sense but great tactical sense.
Zuckerberg hinted at this long game when he commented on his Facebook
page after the deal: "This is an important milestone for Facebook because
it's the first time we've ever acquired a product and company with so many
users. But providing the best photo-sharing experience is one reason why so
many people love Facebook and we knew it would be worth bringing these two
companies together. We don't plan on doing many more of these [acquisitions],
if any at all." It was fascinating
that on the day Facebook announced this acquisition, another big media group,
Time, released the results of a study it had commissioned into how people use
media. It found that young people with access to multiple media platforms -
internet, TV, magazines, tablets, smartphones and internet television -
switched between mediums 27 times an hour.
The scholar who analysed the project for Time concluded: "This
study strongly suggests a transformation in the time spent, patterns of visual
attention and emotional consequences of modern media consumption that is
rewiring the brains of a generation of Americans like never before." In plain language, the media is increasingly
dealing with consumers who have the attention span of a gnat. (Paul Sheehan, SMH, April 12, 2012)
Eight months after I began tweeting, I was laid off from a job in the
music business. Looking for work in such a bad economy was brutal. Almost a
year went by before I finally landed a job at a men's magazine. Just before I
started, I removed my name from my Twitter feed and replaced it with my
initials, L. C. One morning, a few months later, my boss came
into my office. "We need to talk about your Twitter," he said. "Sure," I said. "What about
it?" He told me that someone in HR
had stumbled on my tweets and was stunned. (Apparently, the ability to craft
crude anatomical jokes isn't what the corporate world looks for in new
employees.) My tweets were a clear violation of the company's social-media
policy. I had a choice: to delete the account or face termination. Sensing my
days were numbered, and being ambivalent about the job anyway, I chose to fall
on my sword. Being unemployed was even
harder the second time around. On the other hand, I had more time to
tweet. What did I get out of it? Certainly not fortune or fame - on Twitter I
was, for the most part, anonymous. But for me, every tweet was a performance.
As John Updike wrote, "No act is so private it does not seek
About a month after I left the job, I separated from my wife, and I
moved out of our house and into an apartment. One morning, in a fit of pique, I
wrote something like, "I would've taken a bullet for my wife, but now I'd
rather be the one pulling the trigger." To me, it was just a joke. To my
son, it was a disturbing remark about someone we both love. He threatened to
stop following me on Twitter. I deleted the tweet immediately.
Around this time, perhaps not coincidentally, my habit started to feel
less like a rush and more like a burden. Instead of tweeting to reflect on my
life, tweeting had become my life. I began to think seriously about giving it
up. I re-tweeted some of my older posts,
telling myself that they would seem new to my now much larger audience. The
truth was that the self-imposed pressure to post constantly - and for the post
to contain at least a kernel of wit or real feeling - had sapped me. I was
burnt out.
Finally I committed "Twittercide". Some of my followers begged
me to reconsider, and the flood of affection and good wishes felt a little like
the end of It's a Wonderful Life. But I knew it was time to return to
mine. Do I still have the occasional
urge to tweet? Do I continue to compose tweets in my head? Do I miss my Twitter
friends? Sure. But the immense weight of compulsion has been lifted. Now,
before I go to sleep, I turn off my iPhone before I turn out the lights. When I
wake up in the morning, my first thought is of making coffee, not of typing,
"Someone spiked my coffee with optimism this morning and I spat it right
out." In my next-to-last tweet, I
encouraged everyone to follow my son. With luck, he will also know when to
stop. He is pretty funny. He will be even funnier when he gets older and
sadder. (Larry Carlat, Sun-Herald, April 21,
JOE HOCKEY has caused a storm of criticism by advocating more cuts to
welfare and saying Australia needs to better align its system to those of its
Asian neighbours, which have lower taxes but far less generous welfare
benefits. As debate raged, Patrick
McClure, the architect of the Howard government welfare reforms now advising
the federal opposition, said ''we've pretty much got the mix right'' but there
was always room for reform.
In a speech overnight in London and an interview on the ABC's Lateline
, Mr Hockey, the shadow treasurer, railed against the entitlement mentality
in Western democracies. The criticisms
were aimed primarily at European governments with their generous welfare
systems but he said Australia, too, needed to ''reduce the size of the state''.
''We need to be ever-vigilant. We need to compare ourselves with our
Asian neighbours where the entitlements programs of the state are far less than
they are in Australia,'' he said. Mr
Hockey would not nominate specific programs the Coalition would target but said
countries needed to live within their means and welfare had become an
''enormous cost burden'' that ''corrodes the very heart of free enterprise,
which drives our economy''. ''The more
time you spend working for the government, that is, paying tax, the less time
you work for yourself and your family,'' he said. The government claimed the Coalition would
slash welfare benefits and accused it of hypocrisy given it had fought Labor's
attempts to pare back middle-class welfare and resisted increases to compulsory
superannuation designed to take pressure off the age pension.
"What that speech means is Mr Hockey is talking about cuts to
things like family payments to help people with the costs of raising the kids,
things like pensions that older Australians rely on, all of the benefits and
services that help families along like relief on childcare fees. Let alone the
great benefits like Medicare and free public hospitals,'' the Prime Minister,
Julia Gillard, said. The Opposition
Leader, Tony Abbott, said Mr Hockey was just pointing out a government needed
to live within its means.
A frontbench colleague said of Mr Hockey: ''I don't know what he thought
he was doing. Maybe it was jetlag.''
Mr McClure advised the Howard government last decade as it overhauled
the welfare sector, introducing mutual obligation and tightening up eligibility
criteria for the disability support pension, including the requirement for some
recipients to work. His biggest
recommendation - not adopted - was to replace various welfare payments with a
single payment accompanied by rewards and penalties. This would bring together
the payment levels of pensions and allowances, reducing complexity and a
disincentive to work.
Mr McClure said yesterday he would revisit this suggestion and others in the policy paper he was preparing for the Menzies Research Centre the think-tank developing Coalition policy. (Phillip Coorey, SMH, April 20, 2012)
Letters to SMH
(April 20, 2012)
all means tighten belt, Joe, but start at the top. Most of us have our “snouts in the government
trough” to some degree – the poor through welfare payments and the rich with
tax advantages on health, super, housing, etc.
I’d be more sympathetic to Joe Hockey’s calls for reform if he started
at the top. Firm, comprehensive commitments to the Henry tax and Gonski education
reforms would be good starts but opposition to a reduction in the health rebate
suggests Hockey and the [Conservative National-Liberal] Coalition remain very
protective of the interests of their traditional [wealthy] constituents. Richard Lynch, Waterloo, NSW
Joe Hockey has given a reminder of what we can expect from a Coalition
government. In his comparison of the
Western system of looking after the less fortunate and the ageing of our
societies with the “filial piety” as practiced in Asian countries, Hockey conveniently
overlooks the huge discrepancies in the tax collection [about 15 per cent, and generally no capital gains or other wealthy
taxes] and distribution in the differing cultures. Couple this with the way
we perceive ourselves as a Christian country and a different, more complex
picture starts to emerge. In Asia the baksheesh
reigns supreme, not a desirable option for us. I am yet to hear Hockey rail
against the generous subsidies we pay to international mining companies or the
overly generous entitlements of corpulent felines [single mothers, etc]. Let’s
be charitable and say he just forgot. A.
Sarkadi, Double Bay, NSW
Letters to The
Australian (April
20, 2012) LET me get this straight: Joe
Hockey is against a mining tax – a tax on wealthy miners – but he is in favour
of reducing the income for those at the bottom of the rung of the economic
ladder, those who can least afford to lose their financial resources. C. Ljubic, Bethania, Qld.
NOW we know what to expect with an Abbot government in power – lower or
no social welfare spending. A few weeks ago we had Tony Abbott [the Liberal Leader], wanting people who
employed nannies to get a tax break, now we have Joe Hockey saying we should
consider adopting an Asian model where entitlements are a fraction of
Australian welfare spending. What does
that mean? No unemployment benefits and pensions? Does Hockey want us to be on
the same footing as Vietnam, India or Cambodia? Robert Pallister, Punchbowl,
JOE Hockey suggests slashing government spending by using payments made
by Asian governments as a reference basis to review payments made by the
Australian government.
In his pursuit of this, it might be useful for him to consider that the
most junior federal politician on about $180,000 a year is paid more than the
President of Indonesia, the President of South Korea and the Prime Minister of
India. And the Australian Prime Minister
receives about $200,000 a year more than the Prime Minister of Japan. Robert Ginn, Mermaid Beach, Qld
All pay price for homeless
More than 100 000
Australians are homeless every night, with new research finding it costs the
taxpayer more to leave someone homeless than to help them. Mission Australia will present the findings
today showing access to health, education and social support for homeless men
saves taxpayers money. It comes as
Housing Minister Brendan O’Connor declared the federal government was still
committed to halving homelessness by 2030.
A City of Sydney report this week found each homeless person cost health
and social services up to $28 000 a year. (,
September 7, 2012)
The worst rates of customer aggression were for staff working in the
emotionally charged areas of child support, rehabilitation services, and at
Centrelink - dealing with people on welfare payments. Staff working in Medicare and customs
agencies also reported high levels of threats from the public. Much of the abuse was over the telephone, but
40 per cent said they had been the target of face-to-face aggression. One of the staff surveyed told the union: ''I
had a customer tell me that he has been in prison for murder, and that when I
least expect it, he will get me.''
Others reported their office having to hire a security guard for the
first time; one told of an angry customer shattering a door and another said
waiting times had blown out from two minutes to 30 minutes. ''Over the last few
years I have only ever had five abuse/aggressive phone calls.
''This year alone I have had twice that number including a threat to
punch my lights out and someone wishing that I died,'' another said. The
Community and Public Sector Union blames staff cuts imposed by government in
its quest to find budget savings for compounding the problem. The union said
staff numbers at the Department of Human Services had dropped from 42,000 in
2010 to 40,000 this year. They are forecast to drop to 38,000 in 2012-13. The
union's national secretary, Nadine Flood, said the survey revealed that staff
safety was ''at a tipping point''.
But the growing anxiety for those on welfare may also be a factor, with
a growing chorus of charitable groups and conservative economists warning that
the refusal to increase the dole to keep pace with wages and pensions was
forcing people into desperate situations.
In the past six months, conservatives including former Fair Pay
commissioners Ian Harper and Judith Sloan and former mining chief executive
Hugh Morgan have condemned the level of the dole, which is $245 a week. The Australian Council of Social Service has
been pressing for an increase of $50 a week. (Misha Schubert, SMH, April
8, 2012)
A COURT decision to approve
workers' compensation for a woman who happened to be having sex while staying
at a motel while working away from home will inspire much public debate - but
for the wrong reasons.
mass appeal of this story is undoubtedly because she was having sex when
injured. But there are wider issues at play. Did she deserve the compensation?
Yes. Absolutely. And this is why. The
woman was injured (while having sex) when a glass light fitting above her bed
was pulled from its mount and fell on her, causing injuries to her nose and
mouth. She was in a motel booked by her employer while away for work purposes.
However the real question was whether the worker suffered an injury in the
course of employment and therefore was entitled to compensation. Many workers
may not realise this, but you do not have to be injured at or during work to be
entitled to workers' compensation. The legal test is this: Did the injury arise
out of, or in the course of, your employment. If it did, subject to some
exceptions, you will be entitled to no-fault compensation.
so many people now working from home it's important that we understand under
what circumstances people are covered for a workplace injury. The injury does not need to occur during
employment. If it occurred during an interval within an overall period of work,
and the injury is sustained while the worker is at a particular place or
engaging in an activity that was expressly or impliedly induced or encouraged
by the employer, the injury will be compensable. In one case a man had left
home to live and work at a mine. The case centred around whether he was covered
by the compensation scheme after he was injured in a car accident that occurred
on a non-work day but during a sightseeing trip arranged for him by his boss -
and he was in a company car. In that case the High Court found that the worker
was entitled to compensation as the employer had encouraged the worker to spend
the day at a particular place or in a particular way.
another case, a worker who slipped in the shower of a hotel room while she was
staying there for a work conference was found to be entitled to compensation.
These are ordinary activities one would expect to see in a motel room. But is
having sex the same as having a shower, sleeping or eating? Yes. The fact that it was sexual activity,
rather than some other lawful activity, made no difference to the overall
result. And that is how it should be. The worker was right to pursue her claim.
She was sent away from home by her employer and was injured while in her hotel
room. She wasn't doing anything illegal when the injury occurred. Jokes aside,
this case confirms the longstanding principle that workers are entitled to
compensation for work injuries - and they should not be afraid to lodge a
claim. (Liberty
Sanger,, April
27, 2012)
was watching a harrowing report of the massacre on Four Corners a few nights
ago, and, in a moment of profound sadness for the dreadful loss of young lives,
some not much older than my eldest son, I tweeted that "thinking back to
Young Labor camps my wife, friends & I used to go to and how easily
something like this could happen here".
As usual, Twitter and conservative bloggers didn't disappoint. One
bloke, Daily Telegraph blogger Tim Blair, wrote that I should "keep my
pretty head low", and that I should "stay brave". As if this
were a laughing matter. As if it were something to poke fun about or make
veiled threats about.
mind the fact that I didn't say how lucky I was that such a thing hadn't
happened in my day, but rather, was expressing concern that something like
Utoya could happen here in Australia. I didn't say, for example, "How
easily something like that could have happened then." I was, pretty
obviously, expressing concern for the future, not gratitude that I had
"survived". The truth is that
it's something political parties - of all persuasions - are going to have to
think about.
our young activists safe is an extremely important consideration, now that one
maniac has had the idea and carried it out. Breivik targeted children to cause
maximum damage to the Norwegian Labour party, and in doing so, he engaged in a
terrorist act. But worse than his own
not-very-funny (and ill-timed) post, Blair allowed threats against me to be
published on his "blog". One
sick individual posted: "Careful what you wish for Mr Howes." And over on Twitter, in response to my tweet,
a bloke who calls himself "Ross at home" posted that it was a
"great shame" that a similar episode hadn't occurred in Australia.
it seems we must be very careful. Because there are people in Australia who
wish for such evil acts to be committed here against our own children. These
people even post their wishes publicly. In light of all this, would I allow my
children to attend political camps now? Probably not, and my wife absolutely
will not. It's pretty clear to me that
the nature of public discourse - the "tone" if you will - is pretty
diabolical at the moment. People are angry. And in some cases, rightly so.
Politics in this country now seems so grubby. The Health Services Union debacle
is an embarrassment to all Labor people, and all unionists - almost to the
point of despair. Which is why I was so
relieved when Bill Shorten moved in court to place the HSU East Branch into
administration. Members deserve better than the pathetic sideshow their union
has become. As some of Australia's lowest-paid workers, they deserve a union
that's on their side.
a labour movement, we have to do better. The HSU East is, clearly, a rogue
union. But we need to demonstrate to the Australian people that no other union
is run like someone's private business. Giving my members this assurance is a
very big part of my day-to-day work. But
the media also must play a role in keeping debate sensible. People like Blair
should know better. It's so easy to take cheap shots and criticise, and so much
harder to admit when you are wrong.
clearly misread my tweet and hasn't had the guts to admit it. If anything, I
feel sorry for him. I mean, what sort of a person makes fun of the murder of
children? Then again, people like Blair
aren't serious people. They're not running anything and they don't have
responsibility for anybody else's children. You can't reason with people like
that. And you can't engage them in sensible, thoughtful debate. They are
ideologues. All you can do is be very thankful they are in the minority - and
that most Australians don't think dead children are a laughing matter. (Paul
Howes, The Sunday Telegraph, April
29, 2012)
FORGET the great Australian dream
of having a big backyard with room for a swimming pool, NSW Planning Minister
Brad Hazzard says Sydneysiders "want" to live in tiny terraces. Outlining his vision for
the city's future, Mr Hazzard said Sydney had it right 100 years
ago when most of the population lived in terrace houses and that today's
cash-strapped and time-poor homeowners were driving a modern-day resurgence in
their popularity. He said there was a growing demand for a return to the
pint-sized properties with developers finding that lots as small as 150sqm were
being snapped up faster than anything else on the market -- even on the city's
ever expanding suburban fringe. The average
block size in areas such as Penrith, Leppington and Box Hill is currently about
500sqm, but Mr Hazzard said it would probably fall to about 125sqm within the
next decade as terraces and semi-detached homes took root. "In Sydney the
21st century will see a return to the semi or terrace style of housing,"
he told The Sunday Telegraph. "If you have a busy lifestyle and you are
close to public transport, who wants to mow the lawn all day?
want a bit of sunshine, a bit of a place you can hang with your mates and have
a barbecue, but you don't want to be bothered. You also want something you can
afford and won't be a financial anchor dragging you to the bottom of the
financial depths for the rest of your life." Mr Hazzard said the move away
from big blocks to terraces was because people have "woken up" to the
cost and waste associated with them. Terraces were far more environmentally
efficient than quarter-acre lots or apartment blocks and offered cross
ventilation for natural cooling, and you could hang the washing in the back
yard "rather than sticking it in the machine all the time", he said.
Terrace living also provided "communities with heart" rather than the
isolation of not knowing your neighbour if you lived on a big block with a huge
fence or in a unit. "You're more likely to get a sense of community
because you are chatting to your neighbour over the fence when you are hanging
up your washing," he said. Mr Hazzard said smaller lot sizes would also
see more land released for the community to build football fields and other
recreational areas. Robert Sullivan, from property developer Landcom, confirmed
that small blocks within walking distance of the public transport were now most
popular option for the homeowners, particularly the young buyers. Mr Hazzard is due to hand down his review of
the state's planning act by the end of June. He said the review would be
"very radical" and he expected it to prompt significant debate within
the community". (Barclay Crawford, The Sunday Telegraph,
June 03, 2012)
Is poor grammar affecting your career?
Some businesses are
introducing language and grammar lessons for their employees. Poor spelling and grammar can affect (not
effect) your career, your business and how you're perceived as a professional. The lack of basic literacy skills among some
younger employees and recent graduates has become such a problem for businesses
that some are introducing language and grammar lessons. Anna Underhill, a
consultant at HR firm Maxumise, said poor spelling and grammar use by employees
had become a serious issue for employers. Ms Underhill said organisations spend
large sums of money on corporate branding in logos and marketing only to have
the good work undone by sloppy correspondence from employees.
“If that message
isn’t coming across in all correspondence then that’s wasted,” she said.
“A lot of the
abbreviated wording is done in social media but you can’t assume the person
receiving it in a business sense knows what you’re talking about.” Experts say grammar gaffes and poor spelling
reflect badly not just on employers but also on employees. Public Relations Institute of Australia head
of marketing Kate Johns said many university graduates had a fundamental lack
of understanding of basic grammar principles.
“It’s not their
fault but that fundamental foundation is missing,” she said. “I think it has
become one of these things; it’s considered attention to detail where it should
be part of the fundamental process.”
Ms Underhill said
email correspondence was particularly a problem for many employers because it
sets the tone for the culture of the company. But while employees were often
given extensive inductions into company processes, basic grammar and spelling
were ignored. “Receptionists get inductions telling them ‘This is how you
answer phones’ but if it’s not monitored in emails that can totally destroy
it,” she said. Ms Johns agreed saying
email was often the only form of communication employees had with clients and
therefore it was important to make a good impression. “You can be really well articulated offline,
but if you can’t translate that online then there’s a gap,” Ms Johns said. “If
things are sloppy from that email correspondence that’s the impression they’re
going to get.” Marcus Ludriks, a manager at Essential Energy, recently
organised language, spelling and grammar courses for 25 of the company’s
“The issue is we
have a number of land owner consultations by phone, letter or email and every
one of those needs to be documented and be able to be relied upon in a court of
law,” Mr Ludriks said. “We want our
people to have better written skills and grammar so any communication with our
customers is clear - there shouldn't be any ambiguity.”
Mr Ludriks said the
main issue was that his employees assumed readers would understand complicated
statements. “When you’re writing a letter to an organisation or a customer,
language needs to be a lot more formal and easily understood,” he said.
Spelling and grammar coach Mary Morel said people understood grammar intuitively
from listening and reading, but often didn’t know the “nuts and bolts”.
“People are more
forgiving of typos in emails,” said Ms Morel, founder of
“We all make
mistakes, but when [emails] become laden with mistakes it’s bad.”
Most common errors:
mixing up “it’s” and “its”; mixing up “effects” and “affects”; misuse of
“which” and “that”;
Putting apostrophes
in the plurals of acronyms, for example “KPI’s” instead of “KPIs”
Switching between
singular and plural when referring to company names, for example “Westpac are”
instead of “Westpac is” (Sarah Michael, The
Telegraph, Sept. 6, 2011)
Rugby league is not a
sport, it’s an atrocity
HEAR that? It's called silence. It's the absence of the rugby league
Is it not glorious? To be free of the stifling tedium of blanket
coverage, the grinding banality of match commentary, the sub-trivial parish
pump gossip and news of yet another player's off-field atrocity. The silence of
January is golden. The featureless white noise of the mate-against-mate,
meathead-against-meathead cavalcade is comfortably distant; just a grim
prospect. Like root canal treatment.
Please don't misunderstand me - I don't dislike rugby league. That
requires too much of the effort which is better directed toward the herculean
task of ignoring it.
It would also mean trying to take it seriously and rugby league already
takes itself far too seriously.
For all the reverberating, unintentionally self-parodying hyperbole,
rugby league remains, as ever it will, the blustering short man of sport.
Beyond our eastern cities and one in New Zealand, some grimy towns in England's
north and a few rustic French villages, rugby league does not exist. This code
is a loud provincial oaf let loose upon the big city - obnoxious, flatulent and
prone to publicly displaying its genitals. Please - I implore you - don't use
rugby league in the same sentence as "World Cup" unless you wish to
be battered by force 10 gales of laughter. Aside from its global dwarfism, its case
is hindered by shoddy pretence. By all means recruit to your side a boofhead
who once missed his flight and had to spend the night in Honolulu. Stick him in
a kitsch kit and call him a Tomahawk, but do at least smirk knowingly when you
pretend he represents the United States.
Rugby league is a platform for flogging industrial beer. It's a hot air
container that temporarily inflates the flaccid careers of club circuit
entertainers and their forgotten anthems. Try time? No. Try hard time.
Then there is the spectacle itself - 26 post-adolescents with hideously
engorged musculature dressed each week in different livery, yet each of which
somehow resembles a beverage can. These run in strict linear patterns until a
mistake is made and one lot falls over the other's line. For this points are
awarded. Rugby league is painfully contrived. It is prima facie absurd. Knock a
fellow down then permit him up to play the ball. Repeat several times until
ball is kicked away. No sight in competitive sport is more abject than the
flagrant non-aggression pact that is a rugby league scrum.
No, I don't dislike rugby league, though if I cared to I could manage to
find offensive the fetish made of the game's (selective) history. How did the
Johnny Come Comparatively Lately code wrest popularity from its parent? By
inherent superiority? Crowd-pleasingly open play? Or the fact that for five
seasons it was the only game in town?
The NSW and Queensland rugby unions suspended senior competition during
World War I. Rugby league did not. When Balmain played Glebe in the 1915 grand
final, young men were being sacrificed at Gallipoli. The Queensland Rugby Union
was unable to reform until 1929. By no
means do I impugn those who played on or to suggest that many thousands have
not worn both khaki and club colours. But it does strike me as a slightly
anomalous note when the code wraps itself in the flag and has the Last Post
played at its Anzac Day Test. Merely
ridiculous is the gladiatorial imagery with which rugby league is inevitably
promoted. The big hits, the on-field biff that officials piously condemn, but
actually exult in. Again the short man aspect is the fore. If, like me, you like
to watch mixed martial arts - which is hysterically condemned despite strictly
enforced rules of engagement - the spectacle of artless behemoths running into
each other is depressing in the extreme.
Perhaps I do dislike rugby league, but I don't begrudge its right to
exist, which is more than can be said of its attitude toward everyone else.
There are still in rugby league not a few resentful rednecks who see an
Australian failure in rugby or soccer as "good for our game" and the
encroachment of Australian rules on its traditional turf as a crisis surpassing
that of refugee boats.
Less really can be more. In rugby
league's case, much less. (Paul Pottinger, The Daily Telegraph, Jan. 5,
2012. Paul Pottinger is Deputy Editor of
Carsguide. His heretical views in no way reflect those of The Daily Telegraph, which knows that rugby league is the greatest
game in the world.) [Yep! Ed]
Example of Fair Play that is nicer than Cristian
Ronaldo’s dribbling
Football has become
an industry ruled by money, and the notion of fair play in sport has become
lost along the way. “We must do
everything to win” is the holy mantra that guides our leaders and coaches. For
most players, fooling the referee for a goal or a penalty is no shame but an
art. In this morass, occasionally, we see gestures that remind us that there
are more important things than a victory, a goal or three points.
The last game of
the Iranian championship, between Sepahan – Fajr Sepasi, produced a play that
could become the Fair Play of the year, according to FIFA.
What happened?
In the 30th
minute, when the score was nill all, the forward guest player Nazari, alone
with the goalkeeper, instead of scoring kicked the ball outside when he saw
that his direct opponent Farshid Talebi collapsed and was inert on the ground,
thus giving the medical team the chance to intervene and take care of him.
So instead of being
1-0 for Fajr, the game ended 1-0 for Sepaham, the goal being scored in the 86th
The guest team lost
the points, but won the respect and admiration of football fans all over the
Fair Play, a priority in Iran.
It is not the first time that
Iranian championship offers such incidents.
A couple of seasons ago, in a game between Moghavemat and Steel Axin,
when the score was 1-0 for the hosts, forward Amin Motevaselzadeh was in a
perfect position to double the advantage for his team, but refused to score
when he saw the goalkeeper collapsed on the turf. (Amir Kiarash, Adevarul (Bucharest),
August 31, 2012)
DETROIT used to be the industrial
heart of America and home to opportunity. Now it is one of the most violent
cities in the world. In
the devastated inner city, the 85 per cent black population either preys on
each other or prays the country's first black president can save them. Because
hope is all they have left.
is why Earline Mason, who lives in one of the worst gang and violence-plagued
areas of eastside Detroit, carefully maintains her small front lawn with a
whipper-snipper. Amid the chaos of her
existence, where half of the houses are now abandoned, burnt-out or bulldozed,
and where the street signs are routinely removed to confuse the cops - should
they ever bother turning up - Earline still believes. Half of the working-class population has fled
to newer, safer townships at Detroit's outer edges, leaving the inner city to
the gangs and those who are too poor to get out.
house, worth $85,000 eight years ago, is now valued at $10,000. But she will not give up. She has a sign on
her lawn backing Obama in the 2012 presidential race, believing he will come
though Obama has never directly addressed his country's black population,
fearing it would alienate white voters, she believes he is worried about her as
an older black woman trying to maintain dignity in a dangerous slum.
of course he thinks of me," says Earline. "They want to blame
everything on Obama, but this was all happening before he got in there. It's
not his fault." Everywhere is
ghetto. You know it not just by the firebombed houses and collapsed porches and
boarded-up ruins, but by what hangs on in the rubble.
Almon, 45, who runs a stable of lesser-known rappers and a fledgling music
label called Murdercap (which stands for "murder capital"), believes
Earline is deluded. He does not think
hope is coming.
know you're in a ghetto when there's no proper stores but on every corner
there's a church and across the street is a liquor store and across from that
is a fast-food place and a nail salon and a funeral home because of all the
shootings," he says. Almon, who
served with the XVIII Airborne Corps in 1991's Operation Desert Storm, welcomed
Obama in 2008, believing it would be a turning point for the ghetto in which he
was raised. Four years on, he says things have gotten worse. He does not blame
Obama directly but says that blacks (the term African-American is now rarely
used) sat back thinking his victory would automatically transform their lives.
It hasn't worked out that way.
own nothing in these parts except for crack houses and churches, says Almon, as
we cruise the unbelievably devastated city.
The Lebanese own all the fuel stations, the Iraqis have all the small
stores. The small fast-food joints, called Coney Islands, that sell the fried
chicken and melted cheese steaks and fries, are run by Albanians.
some of the most fattening, unhealthy food on the planet," Almon says.
"The Albanians won't eat it. But they know if it's unhealthy, we will.
"The (Iraqi Christian) Chaldeans have four churches in Detroit and
thousands of stores. We blacks have got thousands of churches and four stores.
Who's smarter?"
an intersection, foot soldiers from Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam work the
pausing cars. They wear bow ties and sharp white shirts, selling the
organisation's newspaper, The Final Call, and small bags of fruit. The idea is
to inject some ideology, and health, into the streets, to bring about what
Farrakhan calls the "resurrection of the black man and woman of
America". But the organisation's
demand for strict self-discipline has little appeal in the ghetto, where drugs
and sex are the currency. The priorities
are back to front. Incredibly, it is common to drive past what appears to be
uninhabitable shacks, where children are living, and see late-model Cadillacs
parked outside, with after-market $5000 rims.
kids think all this is normal," Almon says. "They rarely leave their neighbourhood
and they certainly don't go to other states or other countries. Everyone thinks
it's normal. That's why nothing's done."
Harvard produces academics, no one should be too surprised that the ghetto
produces gunslingers, crack dealers and "baby mammas". "For a
girl, her prospects are to have a baby or two by the time she's 18, low
self-esteem, growing messed up because there are no real men in the
ghetto," Almon says.
everyone's looking at her like a piece of meat. If she lived in the (outer)
suburbs, she might be a doctor or an engineer. Here, she'll be a ho, a drug
addict or a baby mamma.
for boys, you might as well tattoo a prison number right on their chest at
birth. They are going to prison.
got young, dumb, ignorant young guys raised by young women, with no men around.
I cannot think of a worse scenario. They have the mentality of a child, the
emotions of a woman and the destructive power of a grown man. "Put a gun in their hands, you know what
happens. What's the chance of some white guy shooting Kid Rock or Justin
Timberlake? It ain't gonna happen. But black rappers Tupac and Biggie (Smalls,
aka the Notorious B.I.G.), they're dead."
Almon, like many blacks, wishes Obama would - just once - speak directly
to them. "I want him to come out and say: 'Stop embarrassing me. Stop
killing each other,"' says Almon. "It's always been bad in America
but it's far worse now. There are more guns, there is more poverty, the police
are more vicious because they're scared, too, and the economy has gone to hell.
"This city is Planet of the Apes and it's every gorilla for himself."
Detroit murder rate in 2011 was 346 deaths, compared to 714 in 1974. But since
that time, the city's population has dwindled from 1.5 million to 800,000. The
murder rate has not dropped at all and Detroit is routinely named among
America's five most violent cities. Until
the early 1980s, Detroit had the highest-earning black population in the world.
An unskilled labourer could earn more than $100,000 in the city's car plants.
The wages have since plummeted and car companies are demanding employees have
two years of college education.
City, as Detroit is known, is coming back after massive federal bailouts, but
young ghetto men cannot get the jobs or do not want them. The crime lifestyle is perpetuated. Almon is angry with his own people, believing
the high levels of black criminality reflect on him personally. "You feel
like you've got a bullseye on your back and a price on your head," he
says. The case of black kid Trayvon Martin, shot dead in Florida in February by
self-appointed street guardian George Zimmerman, sent a needless reminder to
black America that they are always being profiled or watched with suspicion.
"I always need to adjust my behaviour," Almon says. "If I'm not
in a black neighbourhood, I dress not to scare people. Because if they see a
black guy coming, they're scared. "I
don't like it, but the truth of the matter is I understand it. It used to be
that black people were scared of white people in America. "Now it's whites
scared of blacks and it's because of the crime."
has pragmatic reasons for not appearing to be a "black" president.
Black leadership falls to old stagers like the Rev Al Sharpton and the Rev
Jesse Jackson, who always turn up when there's a high-profile killing or a
perceived injustice. In Almon's view, these men are not leaders but "race
hustlers" who place responsibility anywhere but black society, which sends
the wrong message to the ghettos. "Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson blame
white people," Almon says. "Every time they get their name in the
paper, they're just selling their products. They ain't no different to the
black people who sold their people into slavery for bags of salt and beads. "Black people, we got to grow up. It's
very difficult to be believe that 50 years ago you had Dr King lead his
movement against the mightiest government on Earth, and his followers, regular
people, had such dignity, so well dressed, such respect. "Look at us now.
No dignity, no pride, or respect. We are far, far less educated. How is that
possible?" Almon's views do not have wide appeal in the ghetto. For
Gwendolyn Chapman and her daughter Ebony, who live in a tough, drug-riddled
eastside area, it's the city's services - police patrols, streetlights and
rubbish collection - that have failed. But having a black president means all
is not lost.
I still have hope," she says. "I think he's a good president. He made
things happen." She cites his recent court victory on health care, but you
won't need health care if you're dead. Gwendolyn mentions that a body was
pulled out of here the day before, one street away. "I want Obama and
that's all I got to say," she says.
Late last week, Republican candidate Mitt Romney spoke to the National
Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, saying: "If you want a
president who will make things better in the African-American community, you're
looking at him." He was jeered.
Bryant, 54, fixing up his uncle's house behind Hitsville, home of the Motown
museum, says Detroit is becoming a ghost town. "Unemployment is at
all-time high and the city has lost 50 per cent of its population," he
says. "I don't know whether it's because of the city, the state or federal
government. Something's got to be done. It's a Third World city now. I'll vote
for (Obama) again because of who he's running against," he says.
still have hope. I live off hope." (Paul Toohey, The Sunday Telegraph,
July 15, 2012)
Science and the environment
Laws of
physics different in cosmos If John Webb, of the University of NSW, and his team,
which won the Eureka Prize for Scientific Research, are correct, they will have
shaken the foundations of physics. By
analysing observations of more than 300 distant galaxies, they have found that
one of the fundamental constants of nature is not a constant. This fine-structure constant, alpha - a
measure of the strength of electromagnetism - seems to vary across the
universe, getting weaker in one direction and stronger in the other. ''The results astonished us,'' Professor Webb
said last year. If confirmed, it means the laws of physics could be different
elsewhere in the cosmos. (Deborah
Smith,Science Editor, SMH, Aug.29,
[It also means that the long ages of ‘evolution’ are
nothing but trash, and that even on this earth the laws of physics that
operated before the Flood of Noah were different from the ones that operate
now, as the Bible says, and as true scientists stipulate. Ed.]
THE inventor of the World Wide Web has denied there is
an “off-switch” which could turn off the internet across the globe. Tim Berners-Lee, who launched the web on
Christmas Day 1990, said the internet was unstoppable. His comments come after
moves by the Egyptian government to suppress the web led to speculation the
regime had found a kill switch.
ice disappearing faster than previous estimates
Central's chief climatologist Heidi Cullen joins Lateline to discuss the
worrying new data about the extent of this summer's arctic sea-ice melt.
PRESENTER: A few weeks ago, NASA climate scientist James Hansen and two of his
colleagues published a new study in PNAS, the official journal of the US
Academy of Science, which Hansen says contains proof that extreme weather
events in the last 10 years, including the European heatwave of 2003, the
Russian heatwave of 2010 and last year's terrible droughts in Texas and
Oklahoma were directly linked to global warming, proof if you like that climate
change is actually happening now.
Now comes worrying
new data about the extent of this summer's Arctic Sea ice melt and scientific
fears that the ice cover could be broken up and gone by 2015. Well Heidi Cullen
is the chief climatologist and a vice president of Climate Central, a media and
research organisation focusing on climate change and she joins us live from
Princeton, New Jersey.
Heidi Cullen,
thanks for being there. And can I start with this: how significant is this
latest scientific data on this year's Arctic Sea ice melt?
I think it's very significant and it comes after a summer here in the US that's
been incredibly extreme and it just shows further proof that we are seeing
signs of warming across all regions. And what was interesting about this NSIDC
study was that it showed that we've broken the 2007 record and we've still got
two weeks left to go in the melt season.
revealing this new data, one US scientist put it this way: he said, "The
architect ice cover used to be like a great big ice block or a block of ice and
now it's like crushed ice," in fact he said it's like a giant slushie
that's easy for storms to break up. It's a pretty colourful way of putting it,
but is he right?
absolutely right. And I think it really shows us that the Arctic is becoming
more and more vulnerable and we know that what happens in the Arctic doesn't
stay in the Arctic and in fact it has ramifications globally.
the big melt in 2007 was not attributed to a global warming but to a series of
very big storms. There has been at least one big storm this season. I mean, is
it possible that we're seeing simply the results of that rather than a global
warming event?
it's a combination of the two and I think what was really significant about the
PNAS study and the recent report by NSIDC was that the Arctic Sea ice melt that
we've seen both in terms of extent and volume, estimates are that 70 to 95 per
cent of that melt can be attributed to us, it can be attributed to human activity.
So, Mother Nature is playing a role, these storms that we've seen are playing a
role, but we are the far bigger player in the signal that we've observed.
now, when the ice is fragile like this, when it is like slush or crushed ice,
is it more vulnerable to the kind of storms you're talking about? Because some
scientists are particularly worried when you get large areas of sea, you get
bigger waves and the ice may break up very quickly.
that's exactly the case. And I think what also happens is that it just begins
to set up this feedback pattern where as the ice gets smaller and more
vulnerable, it exposes more and more of the dark ocean surface which just is
more prone to heating and the warming increases, so it's kind of a vicious
can you explain the physics of that for us? I mean, are you simply saying if
the ice cover is there, it sort of reflects the heat back up into space rather
than being absorbed into the atmosphere?
I mean, just think of it as a white sheet, very reflective, a dark ocean
surface, dark, very absorbing. As that ice melts, that reflective blanket
begins to go away and this air-conditioner, if you will, this air-conditioner
that the Arctic is becomes weaker and weaker and darker and darker and more
prone to warming and we're seeing it both in the Arctic as well as in the
it possible - stick with the Arctic for a moment. Is it possible to gauge what
effects that will have on weather patterns and extreme climate events
potentially in the Northern Hemisphere?
Really, really big research question right now. And I think what we do
understand is that the Arctic warming definitely has an impact on winters in
the Northern Hemisphere. And again, it's connected to this feedback where in
the fall and in the winter, as we have less and less sea ice, more ocean
surface is exposed; that means more water and more moisture can go into the
atmosphere, more fuel for storms. And basically we know that Arctic Sea ice
plays a role in our Northern Hemisphere weather pattern specifically when it
comes to winter weather and snow storms. And right now the science suggests
that it influences the waviness of the jet stream and also its tendency to kind
of get stuck in a pattern. So what it does is it influences the likelihood of either an extremely snowy winter, which
we've seen here in the US as well as in Europe, or a mild winter, so it kind of
pushes us into one extreme or the other.
[Emphasis ours. Note for the Catholic Church
and its spokesman Cardinal Pel: stop picking up on variations in the climate to
prove that Global Warming is just a normal cycle, like many in the history of
this world. Global Warming is real and prophecied to ocurr at this exact time
in world history. Ed.]
ask you - it's a pretty obvious question, really. If it were to completely melt
away or largely melt away, the sea ice in the Arctic in summer, would it
actually come back in winter?
as you get warmer and warmer, it gets tougher and tougher to grow back your ice
sheets. So, right now scientists say that in the coming decades, possibly as
soon as 2030, we could see a summer ice-free Arctic and that is absolutely
going to make it tougher and tougher to have extensive ice sheet growth. So
it's going to have impacts, absolutely.
one thing we should be quite clear about here: the melting sea ice is not going
to raise sea levels, but the big fear is what happens if the great Greenland
ice sheet begins to melt? Now what is the scientific evidence about what's
happening to that ice sheet? Because if that does melt that would certainly
raise sea levels.
Right. So right now we know that the poles are warming faster than other parts
of the planet just by the virtue of the fact that they're at the extremes. So,
as the Arctic and the Antarctic continues to warm, these land ice sheets become
more and more vulnerable as we see the warming increase. Greenland has upwards
of 25 feet of ice stored in it, 25 feet of water stored in it and we don't
expect to see that melt anytime soon completely. Projections say that by the
end of the century we could see a metre of sea level rise increase, and
basically, as the Arctic warms up, the Greenland ice sheet itself becomes more
and more vulnerable, both at the surface and then underneath from melting below
the surface.
we have any evidence of what's happening actually in Antarctica in that regard?
Because we seem to get conflicting stories from different scientists about this
from time to time.
I think the recent Nature study that was published by folks at the British
Antarctic Survey was a really beautiful study 'cause what they did was they
took an ice core that took us back 50,000 years in Antarctica's history. And
one of the tricky aspects of studying Antarctica is that we have very little
data. Our data basically goes back to 1957 or so, but we know that specifically
the Antarctic Peninsula has been warming upwards of three degrees Celsius over
the past 50 years ago or so. We know there's been a lot of warming also on the
West Antarctic Ice Sheet. We don't have a lot of data. But this ice core study
really showed that the rate of change that we've witnessed over the past
century has been really, really rapid. And the tricky part is with respect to
attribution, so what caused this rapid warming? And I think the survey was very
conservative. They didn't attempt to really do an attribution study, but they
more or less said there's no way that we don't have an influence, that the
human fingerprint isn't present, but interestingly enough, the Ozone Hole,
stratospheric ozone loss could also be playing a role in the warming that we're
seeing in the Antarctic in addition to greenhouse gas pollution. So it's a
combination of several factors, but definitely we're playing a role as well.
Let's go to another study which certainly is an attribution study. A few weeks
ago NASA's James Hansen published a new study in the official journal of the US
Academy of Science. I mentioned that at the beginning of the interview. He says
it actually proves that a whole series of extreme weather events throughout the
Northern Hemisphere in the past 10 years can be linked directly now to global
warming, and put bluntly, he says this is proof of climate change. He's jumped
a long way from the sort of caution that climate scientists normally have.
How's this study being received by other scientists?
you know, I think that Dr Hansen has been very outspoken and he - his work
really, I think, it builds upon a body of evidence that really does show us
that as the planet warms up, we're going to see more and more extreme events
and there have been really quite substantial attribution studies prior to Dr
Hansen's that really shows that there is a human fingerprint in extreme weather
events that we're seeing right here and right now. And I do think that the big
takeaway from this whole field of science - call it attribution science or
essentially doing weather autopsies - shows us that the extreme weather events
that we're seeing really are being pushed by greenhouse gas pollution,
essentially, that there is a human fingerprint in extreme weather events that
we're seeing right here and right now.
Hansen's going more than a fingerprint though; he's saying the entire cause is
now clear and he cited, as I said, a whole series of major weather events. Is
it a controversial study? Are there scientists who are questioning this data?
think that there's more work to be done, but I think that it is fairly well
established that when you warm up the planet, you increase extremes, and
really, the likelihood of these events is going to become more and more
frequent. And we know that the planet has warmed significantly over the past
century, so all weather events are now born into a warmer climate. And it is
just very rational to make this connection and to help people understand that
the weather that we're observing today is not natural. It's partially a result
of what we're doing to the planet.
when you say it's not natural, do you think the general public in the United
States is actually getting this? I mean, can you imagine, for example, a time
when Oprah Winfrey would put James Hansen on her couch and talk to him about
climate science? Would an American audience be prepared to listen?
know, I do think that the past two years here in the US have really begun to
change people's minds. After 2011, which here in the United States broke the
record for the most billion-dollar weather disasters -we saw 14 billion-dollar
weather disasters, totalling more than $50 billion. We literally, on the seventh
anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, are seeing the landfall of another hurricane
here in the US, Isaac. We're seeing another year of increasingly extreme
weather. We had wildfires in Colorado, the drought across the United States,
which continues and is already affecting crops like corn and soy beans. So, the
public has been very exposed to extreme weather over the past two years and it
is absolutely impacting the way they perceive the weather and people are making
the connection between extreme weather events and climate change more and more.
And I think across-the-board we're seeing folks in the US really feel that
there is a need to begin to address this problem. So we're seeing - I think
we're seeing some positive change.
be interesting to see if that's reflected in politics because incidentally,
James Hansen's policy solution to all of this is for the US to institute a
carbon tax as Australia has actually done to make fossil fuels more expensive
and clean energy solutions more economical. Can you imagine any US government
in the future, in the near future at least, even considering such a thing?
know, right now, it really does appear that jobs and the economy are the major
focus of our ongoing campaigns right now. The Republican National Convention is
taking place right now in Tampa. I don't think you're going to hear much
discussion of climate change. But interestingly enough, surveys suggest that
the American public really does support moving away from fossil fuels and taking
steps to prepare for climate change. They're making this connection between
climate change and extreme weather and I think there's support, there's
unfortunately just not a lot of leadership on the issue right now.
Cullen, we're about to go to that question of US leadership shortly, on the
Republican side anyway. We thank you very much for take the time to talk to us
The end by 2030?
Gland, Switzerland. Tropics in decline as natural resources exhausted
at alarming rate – WWF 2010 Living Planet report. New analysis shows
populations of tropical species are plummeting and humanity’s demands on
natural resources are sky-rocketing to 50 per cent more than the earth can
sustain, reveals the 2010 edition of WWF’s Living Planet Report – the leading
survey of the planet’s health. The
biennial report, produced in collaboration with the Zoological Society of
London and the Global Footprint Network, uses the global Living Planet Index as
a measure of the health of almost 8,000 populations of more than 2,500 species.
The global Index shows a decrease by 30 per cent since 1970, with the tropics
hardest hit showing a 60 per cent decline in less than 40 years.
Icy silence greets new Antarctic climate findings There’s been a curious silence this week on the
climate-denier blogs, concerning a story which was one of the most clicked
stories of the week on the national news site As and v irtually every
mediaoutlet in the contry reported, an Australian scientist drilling into
Antarctic ice cores found that 8000 years worth of natural CO2 increases have
occurred in just 200 years since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Joel Pedro, the glaciologist behind the study,
said:”Just as the steady increase in CO2 helped to melt the ice caps and warm
the earth out of the ice age, its rapid increase now is also driving up
temperatures, only at a much faster rate.”
In other words, he came up with
almost incontrovertibleevidence that humans are driving global warming.
Another story
floating around this week, which was also absent from several prominenet denier
blogs, ahowed that ice in Greenland has been shown to be melting over a larger
area than ever previously detected in 30 years of satellite observetions. Those were two big stories, yet there was
silence from the deniers. Could it be that the best way to refute the strong
vidence was to ignore it? While many
deneiers argue warming isn’t happening, others admit it is, but say humans
aren’t to blame. Both groups have been
completely silent all week. Elswhere in
this week’s media, there was a minor blow-up about the vaccination issue,
centered on the prominent anti-vax campaignerMeryl Dorey.
The vaccination
issue provides an interesting comparison with climate change, as a vast
majority of sensible people accept the science that vaccination is very
effective in disease prevention. The
people who oppose vaccination are mostly rogue crusaders with their own agenda
to peddle. But as they do not threaten any industry or livelihoods there is no
broad movement promoting their so-called facts as half of a genuine “debate”.
Climare change is
different. Climate change denial is a thriving industry. Unlike the
anti-vaxers, there are many who stand to benefit by denying the science. Just
as Australian mining industry figure and anti-warming author Ian Plimer. Nore, I’m not one of those believers in
anthropogenic global warming vehemently opposed to coal, cattle farts or carbon
dioxide. I believe that polluting
industries should be phased out over generations, not months, so I am lukewarm
at best about the usefulness of the carbon tax. The carbon tax will not save
the world, but the world still needs saving.
Climate change is here and already affecting everythingfrom insurance
premiums to food production and the health of the Barrier Reef. That’s what the
deniers really deny – our right to protect all of these things for our
children. Are deniers starting to realize this? Or did they just forget to pick
up the papers this week? (Anthony Sharwood,, July 27, 2012)
Alarm about shortage of phosphorus, a nutrient
essential for food production
A SCIENTIST known as Dr Rip, who has helped save lives
in the surf; researchers who may have solved the mystery of why we exist in
this particular part of the universe; and a team that has raised the alarm
about a future shortage of phosphorus, a nutrient essential for food
These Sydney scientists were among researchers who won
Australian Museum Eureka Prizes at a gala ceremony in Moore Park last
night. Nineteen prizes worth $180,000
were handed out for science teaching, mentoring, innovation, journalism and
photography, as well as for many research disciplines. . . Research on phosphorus by Dana Cordell and
Stuart White, of the University of Technology, Sydney, winners of the Eureka
Prize for Environmental Research, have sparked international concern about how
long the main source of this element - phosphate rock - will last.
is no substitute for phosphorus in crop growth and its scarcity threatens the
world's food production unless the resource is managed sustainably, Dr Cordell
and Professor White have argued.
Vegetarian diet may be solution to impending
water crisis, say scientists
LEADING water scientists have issued one of the
sternest warnings yet about global food supplies, saying the world's population
may have to switch almost completely to a vegetarian diet over the next 40
years to avoid catastrophic shortages. Humans derive about 20 per cent of their
protein from animal-based products now, but this may need to drop to just 5 per
cent to feed the extra 2 billion people expected by 2050, according to research
by leading water scientists.
''There will not be enough water available on current
croplands to produce food for the expected 9 billion population in 2050 if we
follow current trends and changes towards diets common in Western nations,''
the report by Malin Falkenmark and colleagues at the Stockholm International
Water Institute said.
''There will be just enough water if the proportion of
animal-based foods is limited to 5 per cent of total calories and considerable
regional water deficits can be met by a … reliable system of food trade.''
Dire warnings of water scarcity limiting food
production come as Oxfam and the UN prepare for a possible second global food
crisis in five years. Prices for staples such as corn and wheat have risen
nearly 50 per cent on international markets since June, triggered by droughts
in the US and Russia, and weak monsoon rain in Asia.
Oxfam has forecast the price spike will have a
devastating impact in developing nations that rely heavily on food
imports. Adopting a vegetarian diet is
one option to increase the amount of water available to grow more food in a
climate-erratic world, the scientists said. Animal protein-rich food consumes
five to 10 times more water than a vegetarian diet. One-third of the world's arable land is used
to grow crops to feed animals. Other options include eliminating waste and
boosting trade between countries with surpluses and deficits.
''Nine hundred million people already go hungry and 2
billion people are malnourished in spite of the fact that per capita food
production continues to increase,'' they said. ''With 70 per cent of all
available water being in agriculture, growing more food to feed an additional 2
billion people by 2050 will place greater pressure on available water and
The report's release coincides with the start of the
annual world water conference in Stockholm where 2500 politicians, UN bodies,
non-governmental groups and researchers from 120 countries meet to tackle
supply problems. Competition for water between food production and other uses
will intensify pressure on essential resources, the scientists said. ''The UN
predicts that we must increase food production by 70 per cent by mid-century,''
the report said. ''This will place additional pressure on our already stressed
water resources.'' A report from the
International Water Management Institute said the best way to protect farmers
from food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia was to help them
invest in small pumps and simple technology. (John Vidal, Guardian News &
Media, August 28, 2012)
The severest
drought since 1956 in America's agricultural heartland has dashed the hopes
that were alive just a couple of months ago of a bumper harvest. Traders and
economists warned that the effect will ripple out from the US because it is the
world's biggest producer of corn and a major supplier of soybeans and wheat.
year we have a rally in prices that is driven by the fundamentals," said
Shawn McCambridge, an analyst at Jefferies Bache. "I really do anticipate
these prices staying strong and producers will have to try to pass the cost
onto consumers." The dizzying gain
in prices has shocked many in the industry. Corn prices have surged 51pc over
the last month, wheat is up 40pc and soybeans have gained almost 20pc. The
prospect of another bout of food inflation will alarm governments in developing
countries where the run-up in prices in 2008 caused widespread hunger and
revolts. It also presents a new headwind for western countries trying to
kickstart economic recoveries. . .
The drought
forced the US government last week to cut its forecast for corn production this
year to 12.9bn bushels from a prediction of 14.8bn it made last month. "I
get on my knees every day and I'm saying an extra prayer right now," Tom
Vilsack, the US agricultural secretary, said today. "If I had a rain
prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it."
Dan Basse,
president of AgResources in Chicago, said that the government's prediction will
prove too optimistic if the dry weather persists. "We've been traipsing
through the fields of southern Illinois and it is worse than the government
EXTREME weather events in 2009 and March this year provided the people
of NSW with an indication of what the state is increasingly likely to face as
the climate changes, a report by the federal government's Climate Commission
The year 2009 was the hottest year on record in NSW and a rise in the
number of similar heatwave events is predicted. The number of days reaching
more than 35 degrees in Sydney is expected to triple by 2070.
Climate change ''cannot be ruled out'' as a factor in recent heavy
rainfalls, such as the flash flooding in Sydney on March 8, the wettest March
day for more than 25 years, the report says.
The state, on average, is expected to become drier, increasing the risk
of longer, harsher droughts and of bushfires, but the intensity of downpours
could also increase in a hotter climate, due to warmer ocean temperatures.
The report, The Critical Decade, NSW Climate Impacts and Opportunities, is released today. At a public forum at Parramatta Town Hall tomorrow
night the public can question members of the commission, which is an
independent panel of climate scientists and policy and business leaders. The chief commissioner, Tim Flannery, said
NSW was highly vulnerable to climate change.
''Changes in Sydney's climate will have far-reaching implications for
health, agriculture, tourism, water security and biodiversity,'' said Professor
Flannery, who will attend the forum.
But the state also had the opportunity to benefit from a boom in clean
energy, he said.
NSW is a world leader in research on solar photovoltaics and has
produced the heads of four of the six top global manufacturers of this
technology, including Shi Zhengrong, the chief executive of the world's largest
solar company, Suntech. The report says an estimated $20 billion would be
invested in solar power in Australia by 2020 and NSW was ''well placed'' to
capitalise on this. ''Even if solar
panels are imported from overseas, around 30 to 40 per cent of panel
installation costs will go to local installers,'' it says. The climate
commissioners Will Steffen and Lesley Hughes, who will also attend the forum,
said a shift to cleaner energy sources was needed to help minimise climate
change risks.
''This is the critical decade for action. The longer we wait, the more
difficult and costly it will be,'' Professor Steffen, of the Australian
National University, and Professor Hughes, of Macquarie University, conclude in
their report summary. They say the coastal areas of NSW face significant risks from
sea level rises. ''A 1.1-metre rise by the end of the century could put between
40,000 to 60,000 houses, 1200 commercial buildings and 250 kilometres of
highway in NSW at risk of inundation.'' With a sea
level rise of 0.5 metres, storm surge flooding in Sydney that is now considered
a one-in-100-year event could occur every few months. (Deborah Smith, SMH, May 14, 2012)
The World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) has released a statement on the
status of the global climate in 2011. The WMO is an agency of the United
Nations that provides authoritative information on the state and interactions
of the atmosphere and oceans and their effect on the climate and water
The WMO found
that in 2011 the global mean surface temperature was the highest recorded in a
La Nina year. At 0.4°C above the long term average, this represents the
eleventh warmest year on record.
Globally the amount of rain and snow falling in 2011 was the second
highest on record over land. However, there was a marked difference between wet
and dry regions, with some areas of intense flooding and some areas of intense
Australia saw
its second wettest year on record, with 52% higher rainfall than normal.
Cyclone Yasi was the globe’s most intense landfall cyclone in 2011 and
Australia’s most intense landfall cyclone since 1918. The Perth region
experienced destructive fires in February and November, with the former causing
the worst property damage in WA since 1961. While Australia was wet, other
parts of the world experienced extreme heat and drought:
mean annual temperatures were up to 5°C above normal in parts of the Arctic
coast, and Arctic sea ice cover was well below average in 2011, with the second
lowest seasonal minimum.
United States broke a number of heatwave records, including the highest mean
summer temperature recorded and records for the number of days above
Spain, Switzerland, Brussels and Luxembourg reported their warmest years on
Africa saw a severe drought that began in late 2010 and continued through most
of 2011, which caused a humanitarian disaster. Significant famine and population
displacement meant that approximately 13 million people required relief
The idea that a changing climate can persuade the ground to shake,
volcanoes to rumble and tsunamis to crash on to unsuspecting coastlines seems,
at first, to be bordering on the insane. How can what happens in the thin
envelope of gas that shrouds and protects our world possibly influence the
potentially earth-shattering processes that operate deep beneath the
surface? The fact that it does reflects
a failure of our imagination and a limited understanding of the manner in which
the different physical components of our planet - the atmosphere, the oceans
and the solid earth, or geosphere – intertwine and interact. If we think about climate change at all, most
of us do so in a very simplistic way: so, the weather might get a bit warmer;
floods and droughts may become more of a problem and sea levels will slowly
creep upwards. Evidence reveals,
however, that our is an almost unimaginably complicated beast, which reacts to
a dramatically changing climate in all manner of different ways; a few - like
the aforementioned – straightforward and predictable; some surprising and
others downright implausible. Into the latter category fall the manifold
responses of the geosphere.
The world we inhabit has an outer ring that is extraordinarily sensitive
to change. While the earth’s crust may seem safe and secure, the geological
calamities that happen with alarming regularity confirm that this is not the
case. In April 2010 Eyjafjallajokul, an ice-covered Icelandic volcano, brought
European air traffic to a grinding halt. And a year ago, our planet’s ability
to shock and awe headed the news once again as the east coast of Japan was
bludgeoned to a cataclysmic combination of megaquake and tsunami, resulting –
at a quarter of a trillion dollars or so – in the biggest natural-catastrophe
bill ever. In the light of such events,
it somehow seems appropriate to imagine the earth beneath our feet as a
slumbering giant that tosses and turns periodically in response to various
pokes and probs. Mostly, these are supplied by the stresses and strains
associated with the eternal dance of a dozen or so rocky tectonic plates across
the face of our world; a sedate waltz that proceeds at about the speed tht
fingernails grow. But changes in
theenvironment also have a key role to play in waking the giant, as growing
numbers of geological studies targeting our post-ice age world have disclosed.
Between about 20,000 and 5000 years ago, our planet underwent an
astonishing climatic transformation.
Over the course of this period, it flipped from the frigid wasteland of
deepest and darkest ice age to the – broadly speaking – balmy, temperate world
upon which our civilization has developed and thrived. During this
extraordinarily dynamic episode, as the immense ice sheets melted and colossal
volumes of water were decanted back into the oceans, the pressures acting on
the solid earth also underwent massive change. In response, the crust bounced
and bent, rocking our planet with a resurgence in volcanic activity, a
proliferation of seismic shocks and burgeoning giant landslides. . . .
The breathtaking response of the geosphere as the great ice sheets
crumbled might be considered as providing little more than an intriguing
insight into the prehistoric working of our world, were it not for the fact
that our planet is once again in the throes an extraordinary climatic
transformation – this time brought about by human activities.
Clearly, the Earth of the early 21st century bears little
resemblance to the frozen world of 20,000 years ago. Today, there are no great
continental ice sheets to dispose of, while the ocean basins are already pretty
much topped up. On the other hand, climate change projections repeatedly
support the thesis that global average temperatures could rise at least as
rapidly in the course of the next century or so during postglacial times,
reaching levels at high latitudes capable of driving catastrophic breakup of
polar ice sheets as thick as those that once tht covered much of Europe and
North America. Could it be, then, that if we continue greenhouse gas emissions
to rise unchecked and fuel serious warming, our planet’s crust will begin to
toss and turn once again? The signs are
that this is already happening. In
Alaska, where temperatures have risen by more than three degrees in the past
half century, the glaciers are melting at a staggering rate, some losing up to
one kilometre in thickness in the past 100 years. The reduction in weight on
the crust beneath is allowing faults contained therein to slide more easily,
promoting increased earthquake activity in recent decades. The permafrost that helps hold the state’s
mountain peaks together is also thawing rapidly, leading to a rise in the
number of giant rock and ice avalanches.
In fact, in mountainous areas around the world, landslide activity is on
the up; a reaction both to a general rise in global temperatures and to the
increasingly frequent summer heat waves. Whether or not Alaska proves to be the
“canary in the cage” – the geological shenanigans there heralding much worse to
come – depends largely on the degree to which we are successful in reducing the
ballooning greenhouse gas burden arising from our civilisation’s increasingly
polluting activities, thereby keeping rising global temperatures to a couple of
degree at most. So far, it has to be
said, there is little cause for optimism, emissions rising by almost 6 per cent
in 2010 when the world economy continued to bump along the bottom. Furthermore,
the failure to make any real progress on emissions control at December’s Durban
climate conference ensures that the outlook is bleak. Our response to
accelerating climate change continues to be consistently asymmetric, in the
sense that it is far below the level the science says is needed if we are to have
any chance of avoiding devastating consequences.
So what – geologically speaking – can we look forward to if we continue
to pump out greenhouse gases at the present hell-for-leather rate? With resulting global average temperatures
likely to be several degrees higher by this century’s end, we could almost
certainly say an eventual goodbye to the Greenland ice sheet, and probably the
covering West Antarctica too, committing us – ultimately – to a 10-metre or
more rise sea levels. GPS measurements reveal that the crust beneath the
Greenland ice sheet is already rebounding in response to rapid melting,
providing the potential – according to researchers —for future earthquakes, as
faults beneath the ice are relieved of their confining land. The possibility exists
that these could trigger submarine landslides spawning tsunamis capable of
threatening North Atlantic coastlines.
Eastern Iceland is bouncing back too as its Vanajokull ice cap fades
away. When and if it vanishes entirely,
new research predicts a lively response from the volcanoes residing beneath. A
dramatic elevation in landslide activity would be inevitable in the Andes,
Himalayas, European Alps and elsewhere.
Across the world, as sea levels climb remorselessly, the load-related
bending of the crust around the margins of the ocean basins might in time act
to sufficiently “unclamp” coastal faults such as California’s San Andreas,
allowing them to move more easily; at the same time acting to squeeze magma out
of susceptible volcanoes that are primed and ready to blow.
The bottom line is that through our climate-changing activities, we are
loading the dice in favour of escalating geological havoc at a time when we can
most do without it. Unless there is a
dramatic and completely unexpected turnaround in the way in which the human
race manages itself and the planet, long term prospects for our civilization
look increasingly grim. At a time when
energy, water and food resources are coming under ever growing pressure, and
when the debilitating effects of anthropogenic climate change are insinuating
themselves increasingly into every nook and cranny of our world and lives, the
last thing we need is for dozing subterranean giant to awaken. (Bill McGuire, SMH/Guardian News & Media, Mar
22, 2012).
Did Noah's Flood spark global warming? New documentary says temperature rising for last 5,000 years. Yes, global temperatures are rising, says a
new video documentary, but it's not because of manmade carbon dioxide gases as
former Vice President Al Gore insists.
It's because Earth has been warming slowly but surely ever since Noah's
Flood 5,000 years ago, says a retired geophysicist and climate researcher in
the video.
In "Miraculous
Messages: From Noah's Flood to the End Times," the latest
release from Grizzly Adams Productions, John Baumgardner, who spent 12 years
working on a Global Ocean Model at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico
and was directly involved with climate research, does not dispute the Earth's
experience of increasingly warmer temperatures. But he contends the primary
cause is not related to man's burning of coal and oil. Baumgardner notes that the Earth has
experienced warming and cooling cycles several times since Noah's Flood
approximately 5,000 years ago. One such period was from AD 900 to AD 1300.
"During that time the Vikings colonized Greenland, and abundant farming,
grasslands, herds, and even vineyards were present in Greenland," he says.
The "Little Ice Age" followed this warm period. In AD 1600, during
this period, the Thames River in London froze. With unmistakable evidence of
significant variations in global temperature over the past 2,000 years, the
current warming is "not out of range," Baumgardner explains.
"Current warming actually started in 1800 and accelerated during the 20th
century, so now we're about a degree warmer than we were 100 years ago."
"Miraculous Messages" looks at additional factors that affect climate
cycles. According to Baumgardner, recent research indicates a connection
between the amount of solar (magnetic) activity on the sun and the average
temperature of the Earth's surface. "Currently solar activity is
high," he says. "There are fewer cosmic rays reaching into the
atmosphere and, as a result, less clouds and higher temperatures."
Walt Brown, a
retired U.S. Air Force colonel, a mechanical engineer from MIT, and the former
chief of science and technology studies at the Air War College, is another
scientist featured in "Miraculous Messages." According to Brown, it
is inevitable that man contributes to some global warming, "but the amount
is probably not large and no one really knows the extent." The documentary explores how Noah built his
massive Ark, the number of animals aboard, and where the Ark landed, based on
research from scientists in various fields. In addition, "Miraculous
Messages" explains in depth how a catastrophic worldwide flood could have
happened and the current evidences left behind from this event – 25 mysterious
anomalies found on Earth. (,
September 22, 2007)
WHEN the most senior police
officer in central Sydney, an assistant commissioner no less, declares a section
of the city a no-go zone after midnight you know you've lost the battle against
crime. "Those who stay out after midnight are either
going to become one of two things: they are going to be a victim or an
offender, the way things are going," assistant commissioner Mark
Murdoch said last week, responding to the c outcry over the fatal assault on
18-year-old Thomas Kelly in Kings Cross.
the defeatist attitude? Isn't there another option apart from
"victim" or "offender"?
It's called law-abiding citizens out and about in their own city without
fear of violent crime. Or are we supposed to cower at home behind twitching
curtains while thugs and bullies rule the streets. Th
no way to run a city. You only have to
look at the renaissance of New York's Times Square to see what is possible with
proactive policing and determined political leadership. When my family lived in Manhattan in the
1980s, sections of the city were dangerous no-go zones. Times Square, at
the centre of the island, was the seedy province of pimps, prostitutes and
crack dealers. But fast forward to today
and the city is unrecognisable. Between 1990 and 2011, the homicide rate fell
by 80 per cent, the robbery rate by 83 per cent and the burglary rate by 86 per
cent. Times Square is now a bustling entertainment precinct where you feel
completely safe walking with children at 1am.
agent of this turnaround was tough former prosecutor Rudy Giuliani, who became
mayor of New York in 1993, on a platform of cleaning up the city. His handpicked police chief Bill Bratton,
instituted a statistics-driven, zero tolerance approach to crime which was
inspired by the work of sociologist James Q. Wilson, who died in March,
aged 80. Wilson's "Broken
Windows" theory meant focusing on small crimes, such as littering, and
keeping neighbourhoods free of signs of disorder, such as broken windows. The idea is that if it looks like someone
cares, it is more likely order will prevail. It turned out that zero tolerance
for anti-social behaviour, and targeting petty crime, prevented serious crime
from occurring, as did jailing repeat offenders. The result, wrote Giuliani in a tribute to
Wilson this year, was "a resurgent city and thousands of New Yorkers who
are alive today because of his radical solution to a tidal wave of crime."
In his book, Turnaround,
Bratton writes that before he arrived, years of corruption scandals had left
the police force "seemingly without the will to fight crime. The cops on
the beat wanted to do their jobs, but the brass didn't trust them to do
familiar? "The NYPD had been
content to focus on reacting to crime while accepting no responsibility for
reducing, let alone preventing it. Crime, the theory went, was caused by
societal problems that were impervious to police intervention. "(But) I believed that police could, in
fact, be counted upon to have a significant effect on crime. "With effective leadership and
management we could control behaviour in the street, and by controlling
behaviour we could change behaviour. If we could change behaviour we could
control crime." Plenty of anti-law
enforcement academics have tried to deny the New York success story. But the facts are the facts. Policing made a
a contrast to Sydney, where police provide the cop-out excuse that poor Thomas
Kelly was in the "wrong place at the wrong time." How? It was 10.05pm on a Saturday. He was talking on his mobile phone and
walking hand in hand with his girlfriend down Victoria St, a tree-lined
residential street 200m from an apartment block where I used to live, in the
most densely populated place in Australia.
Victoria St has a Holiday Inn, cafes, an upscale restaurant, backpacker
joints and the back entrance to Kings Cross train station. It's not exactly the
Bronx, circa 1987. "You could have
had 1000 police at Kings Cross on Saturday night. It would not have prevented
this incident from occurring," said assistant commissioner Murdoch.
But police believe the man who smashed Thomas Kelly in the face last Saturday
night had also king-hit another young man at the same location just five
minutes earlier. If police had been around to see that first assault they could
have arrested the perpetrator and Thomas would be safely home with his family.
the past week, we have a lot of talk around the margins, about CCTV cameras,
more regulation of pubs and clubs, more public transport, prepaid taxis. But
surveillance cameras won't prevent an aggressor fuelled by crystal meth and
alcohol killing another innocent. Former
Detective Sergeant Tim Priest, who blew the whistle on an earlier era of police
inaction in Australia's former heroin capital Cabramatta, knows what needs to
be done.
Cross is dangerous, seedy and dirty, It's an embarrassment.There has to be a
line drawn."
says NSW police should follow the Bratton model, and establish "special
crime areas" in Kings Cross and other crime hotspots, from Parramatta to
the CBD. "Put a cop on every street
corner. It's not rocket science."
clothes detectives, like the old 21 Division, would arrest troublemakers and
anyone on the street who looks intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
"No tickets, no warnings, no move-on notices. You are taken off the
streets," he said. "People soon know if they play up they'll spend
the night in a cell." The place would be cleaned up in weeks. But
Priest doesn't detect any will for action from Premier O'Farrell, whose great
law and order gesture last week was to close Grafton jail, another sign that
this risk-averse government is going soft on crime. Without political
leadership, we can hardly blame police for avoiding trouble. By the time
Giuliani came along, New Yorkers were fed up with crime, and ready for the
Sydneysiders, Thomas Kelly's death was a turning point. But we will have to
wait for our Rudy Giuliani. (Miranda Devine,
The Sunday Telegraph,
July 15, 2012)
the Gillard government has been quite prepared to help send their yacht on to
New Zealand, but has damned the opposition as "reckless" for
suggesting such boats could just be turned back to Indonesia instead. What a
joke.Oh, and notice how well-informed these 10 Chinese are on the border laws
of Australia and New Zealand? More evidence that the changes we make to laws
here are noted by boat people and people smugglers overseas and factored into
their decisions. Remember how this government
once insisted its weakening of the boat people laws in 2008 couldn't have
caused the huge rise in boat arrivals? That only "push factors" were
to blame?
really did think that lie would work ...
Boat two is the one with 120 asylum-seekers - all men from Iran and
Afghanistan - who were rescued by a tanker while sailing to Australia, only to
be returned to Indonesia.
first they refused to get off the tanker, demanding the same kind of
resettlement deal the Rudd government offered in 2009 to lure Sri Lankan
asylum-seekers off our Oceanic Viking. Once again, how well informed these
latest boat people are about how soft we can be. I suspect they also know all
about our laws, since so many claim to be from Iran, one of the less likely
sources of refugees. You see, Iran refuses to take back any Iranian who asks us
for asylum if that person does not want to go back, which means once an
"Iranian asylum seeker" touches our shores, they're home. But note,
again, how these Iranian and Afghans were already safe in Indonesia, which has
the added convenience for them of being Muslim. Yet this week they were
demanding something more from Australia.
thing: does the oppression these 120 men are allegedly fleeing only affect fit,
young men? Is Iran not dangerous for women, children and the old? Or are these
men so selfish as to save only themselves? Actually, there is another
possibility - and it's one that these two boats so powerfully suggest. It is
that what we call "asylum seekers" are more often than not seeking
something other than the asylum we'd gladly offer people in genuine fear of
their lives. They could be after an
economic opportunity. A welfare state. An immigration spot that they would not
get if they asked for it by legal means, using identity papers we could
check.In other words, we are seeing more people that ... well, that we're still
obliged as journalists to call "asylum seekers" - because the Press
Council insists we should, and the Gillard government is only too anxious for
an excuse to muzzle us if we don't submit.
As the council has decreed: "Great care must be taken to avoid
describing people who arrived by boat without a visa in terms that are likely
to be inaccurate or unfair in relation to at least some of them ...
on the specific context, therefore, terms such as "illegal
immigrants" or "illegals" may constitute a breach of the
council's standards of practice on these grounds. The risk of breach can
usually be avoided by using a term such as 'asylum seekers' ... " So a debate on one more battleground of the
left is made too dangerous for us to speak frankly. But then you see these
boats, plus another two on Tuesday carrying 250 people, and I suspect the truth
cannot be denied, whatever the latest words used to hide it. (Andrew Bolt, The
Sun Herald, April 12, 2012)
How Health Services Union betrayed all workers
Craig Thomson is at
the centre of allegations, which he denies, that have stained the unions.
Source: The Daily Telegraph
IT hasn't been a great
week to be a union official. Once again the ongoing stories of alleged
corruption and unethical behaviour at the Health Services Union (HSU) have
dominated the headlines. The actions of
a few in a union of 77,000 members have tarnished the reputation of the entire
union movement which represents two million Australians.
So far I haven't
spoken publicly about the issues surrounding the HSU and I have (like most
other union leaders in the country) lived in hope that the leadership of the
union would get their show into order and get back on with the job of fighting
for the rights of low-paid health workers. And while it is clear that many
branches of the HSU have made necessary changes, it seems that other parts of
the union have failed to resolve the significant questions that remain
unanswered about the corporate governance of the organisation. That is why on Thursday the Executive of the
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) took the unprecedented action of
voting to suspend the HSU from the ACTU. It was not a decision that was taken
lightly and it was a decision that weighed heavily on the shoulders of all
members of the ACTU Executive. But the
fact that there were 1797 votes cast in favour of the suspension and 103
against shows how strongly the vast bulk of the union movement feels about the
current state of play inside the HSU.
It is important
that the rest of the labour movement send a clear and unambiguous message to
the leadership of the HSU. A message that representing workers is an honour
that should never be abused and that if we are to take on powerful employers
and governments to fight for what's fair and decent in our society we have to
ensure that our own house is in order.
Unfortunately for
the rest of the labour movement, the alleged actions of a small minority in a
relatively small sector have stained the reputations of the majority. Every day across this country 4000 officials
work for unions of all persuasions in very adverse conditions to ensure
Australia remains the home of the fair go, and the voiceless in our society are
heard. The two million workers who make
up the labour movement are police, nurses, teachers and doctors. They drive our buses, fight fires,
manufacture products and sell them to us in shops. They clean our streets, collect our garbage,
serve us in banks and provide vital services to our nation. They are good and
decent Australians and, as Jimmy Barnes said, they're just working hard to make
a living. And these working men and women made a conscious decision that they
needed a voice in their workplace which is why they are part of their union.
Many of them made that decision despite their employer trying to dissuade them
from doing so and despite decades of demonisation of unions by the Liberal
Party. Those of us who have been
fortunate enough to be elected to represent those two million workers have a
serious responsibility. We have an obligation to manage the funds that those
workers pledge to their union and we have a responsibly to always act in a manner
which puts the interests of our members first.
And those of us who manage the unions have an added responsibility to
not betray those 4000 officials who work each day fighting for the rights of
our members. Indeed, when I reflect on
the current debacle inside the HSU it's the more junior officials of the union
that I feel most sorry for, apart from the membership of course. These officials are decent people, working
long hours in adverse circumstances for not a lot of money, and now they have
had much of their hard work thrown out the window due to allegations of selfish
action by a few despicable individuals.
All officials
across all unions have the right to be angry. They have done nothing wrong.
They too work extremely hard for very little reward and do the right thing by
their fellow unionists, but because of this HSU debacle the public reputation
of union officials has been destroyed.
Many in the conservative press and on the Liberal side of politics have
taken great joy out of this situation. They've always been hostile to
organisations which empower working people -- unions do that so they'll jump at
any opportunity to weaken the movement's credibility. Unfortunately, with a small minority in our
movement giving our enemies free kicks things have become that much harder for
the rest of our members. But at the end of the day what we seek to achieve for
working people is the right thing.
Providing strength and unity for workers is still necessary in our society.
That's why taking action against the enemy within was the right thing to do for
the labour movement -- and will be the right thing to do in the times to
come. (Paul Howes, The Sunday Telegraph, April
8, 2012)
Tax challengers take a
swing, but legislation is unlikely to buckle
The Gillard government's carbon and mining taxes are set to be tested in
the High Court. These constitutional assaults will be launched by two of
Australia's mining billionaires. At this stage, it is far from clear that they
have even the beginnings of a winnable case.
The attack on the carbon tax is led by the Queensland mining magnate
Clive Palmer. He revealed on ABC's 7:30 that he had received legal
advice that ''the carbon tax in its current form is unconstitutional'', but
refused to set out why.
Palmer has left constitutional experts scratching their heads. It is not
clear whether he has a genuine argument that the carbon tax is invalid or
whether his statement should be given the same weight as his charge that the
Greens are guilty of treason because they are being funded by the CIA to
destroy Australia's coal industry.
Palmer's claim can be assessed only when he releases the basis of his
challenge. That said, it will be very difficult for him to mount a case. The
constitution grants the Federal Parliament a broad power of taxation. It is
also clear the tax has been drafted carefully with a view to withstanding
constitutional challenge. It relies upon a range of federal powers, and comes
with a number of clauses designed to head off constitutional attack. It may be that a careful, forensic analysis
by Palmer's lawyers of the many hundreds of pages of carbon tax legislation has
thrown up a technical flaw or novel High Court argument. This is unlikely but
the possibility cannot be discounted. We will have to wait to see whether his
announcement was hot air.
In contrast, the likely basis of attack on the minerals resource rent
tax by the West Australian mining billionaire Andrew Forrest is well known. It
has been suggested this tax breaches the requirement in section 114 of the
constitution that the Commonwealth not ''impose any tax on property of any kind
belonging to a state''.
It is hard to see how this argument can succeed. The mining tax is not,
in any direct sense, a tax on state property. Instead, it is calculated as a
percentage of the profits made by large mining companies from the extraction of
coal and iron ore. This is consistent with an earlier High Court decision that
found section 114 was not infringed by a tax on income produced by state
property. This is a risky line of attack
for the states. It proceeds on the assumption coal and iron ore are state
property. Such minerals are indeed owned by the Crown, but the concept of the
Crown is divided between the Commonwealth and the states. The High Court might
find that the minerals are, in fact, owned partly by the Commonwealth.
It has also been suggested the mining tax is invalid because it breaches
the requirement in section 51(2) of the constitution that federal taxes not
''discriminate between states or parts of states''. This protection is
complemented by section 99, which says the Commonwealth must not, by any law or
regulation of trade, commerce, or revenue, give ''preference'' to one state
over another. The mining tax would
certainly fall foul of these provisions if it imposed a higher rate of tax in
one state than in another. But it does not. The tax is the same throughout
Australia in being set at an effective rate of 22.5 per cent.
The impact of the tax will certainly be felt more keenly in states with
large mining industries, especially Western Australia. However, the High Court
has said that this does not amount to discrimination. It is always the case
that federal taxes operate differentially across the country, depending on
levels of industry and income generation.
It is not possible to say conclusively whether the constitutional
attacks on the carbon and mining taxes will succeed. This will depend on the
fine detail of the arguments and which specific aspects of the legislation are
challenged - both of which have yet to be released. Nevertheless, both schemes appear to be
robust examples of federal tax legislation. It would be very surprising indeed
to see either struck down by the High Court. If the carbon tax and mining tax
are to removed from the statute book, this will almost certainly need to be
achieved through the political process.
(George Williams, Sydney Morning
Herald, March 27, 2012)
Sir John Kerr's dismissal
of the Whitlam government in 1975 is still a subject of heated debate.
There's more to the issue
than some Whitlam government partisans are willing to admit, J. R. Nethercote
There is a danger that the furore surrounding Sir
Anthony Mason's activity in events leading up to Sir John Kerr's decision to
remove the Whitlam government on Remembrance Day 1975 will obscure some
important matters concerning the manner in which governors-general fulfil their
There has been a concerted but ill-informed effort to
suggest that a governor-general can only act upon the advice of his or her
official advisers, ministers of the Crown appointed under section 64 of the
Constitution, and that only ministers can tender advice to a governor-general.
These views encapsulate the normal situation in ordinary day-to-day conduct of
the vice-regal role. But they are far from the full story. It is crucial to recall,
first of all, that ''advice'' in this context - what might be called ''advice''
with a capital ''A'' - is of a particular kind.
''Advice'' tendered by a minister to a vice-regal
office-holder is not, like advice in colloquial usage, optional. Subject to
some well-known qualifications such as the right to counsel and to warn, to
seek clarification or more information, ''Advice'' in this sense is obligatory. The Governor-General does not have a choice
about accepting it. It thus differs from the advice an official gives to a
minister. Advice in that relationship can be adopted, amended, qualified, laid
aside, or rejected, amongst other possible responses. And there is no question
these days that a minister is free to look elsewhere if that suits the occasion.
In the case of 1975, many, including former ministers from the Whitlam
government, have rushed in to express shock, horror and disbelief that a
governor-general should look for advice from anyone other than a minister or
some other office-holder, such as the solicitor-general, designated by a
While such a view obviously has rhetorical force in
debates about removal of the Whitlam government, especially among the faithful,
most people should have been more circumspect. In particular, they should
simply have cast their minds back two years to the situation which arose
following the 2010 election, when neither side of politics secured a majority
in the House of Representatives. In the event, after protracted negotiation,
the parliamentarians sorted the situation out among themselves. Thus, any need
for special vice-regal activity was averted. But it need not have been so.
Without the various alliances, the Governor-General could have had to decide
whether to allow the Gillard government to test its position in the House of
Representatives (on the Address-in-Reply, for instance), even if it did not
appear to have majority support; or the Governor-General might have insisted,
in such circumstances, that the government surrender the seals of office.
The question of having a fresh election for the House
could have arisen. These and related
issues were active in the fortnight or so following the 2010 election and they
had likewise been present in 1961 for some time until it became clear that the
Menzies government, by the slimmest margin, had retained office.
In 1989, the governor of Tasmania, Sir Phillip
Bennett, found himself in just such a predicament. The premier, Robin Gray,
armed with a formidable array of opinions about the law from such luminaries as
Sir Maurice Byers, Robert Ellicott, Tom Hughes, Professor R. D. Lumb and
Professor Pat Lane sought, in view of the close result in which neither side
had a majority, a fresh election. When
the House of Assembly met, the Liberal government was defeated in a confidence
In addressing the situation the governor had available
to him opinions from another group of jurists, among them the recently retired
chief justice of the High Court, Sir Harry Gibbs. The governor spoke to the
leader of the Labor opposition, Michael Field, and interviewed the
independents. Satisfied that a viable government could be formed, he informed
the premier who thereupon resigned and advised that the leader of the
opposition be sent for.
In the crisis of October-November 1975, the prime
minister took the view that the governor-general was not entitled to seek
outside advice; as Sir John Kerr put it, ''I could only get advice through
him.'' The Whitlam proposition holds so far as advice with a capital ''A'' is
concerned. It carries less weight when it is matter where the governor-general
has some discretion; incapacity to secure passage of budget legislation in
Australia is just such a circumstance.
Many apologists for the Whitlam government, following
Whitlam himself, seek to buttress its position in the dispute by writing and
speaking as if Australia had a British constitution as it emerged following the
Parliament Act 1911. The real position is that the Australian Parliament, under
the Australian Constitution, is fully bicameral.
Even budget legislation needs the consent of both
Houses; attempts to argue otherwise are simply deceptive sophistry. In the case
of 1975, the need to look elsewhere apart from ministers partly arose because
the governor-general had hardly been well-served by those claiming to be his
exclusive advisers. The famous
Enderby-Byers opinion intended to nullify an earlier unsolicited opinion of the
shadow attorney-general, Robert Ellicott, never got past a draft and was
reportedly never signed by the attorney-general himself. Even if the governor-general is a mere
''appointed official,'' as Gough Whitlam's latest biographer seeks to portray
him, he would in this position be entitled to ponder remedial action.
It is, anyway, an absurdity to imagine, even in the
world of 1975, a vice-regal officer could be quarantined from other information
and opinions aside from that which his official advisers deigned to pass on.
In 1975 there were unsolicited opinions. Then, as now,
there was plenty of material in the news and opinion pages of newspapers and
much of this could be sharply at variance with whatever the official advisers
may be submitting. Kerr, himself, was well-armed with relevant influential
books, the most significant being Dr H. V. Evatt's The King and His Dominion
Governors. That the governor-general
had grounds for looking elsewhere is clear enough. He received views from
fellow vice-regal incumbents in NSW and Victoria (both spurned by Whitlam in
the search for a successor to Sir Paul Hasluck). Whether the High Court of
Australia was the appropriate place to look is, as a matter of fact, much
debated; and simply because the governor-general solicited the aid of some of
its members did not mean they had to comply. Moreover, addressing this question
entails a good deal more than whether the dispute might in some form or other
have come before the Court - the justiciability issue. Nevertheless, it should
be underlined that whatever views were put to him by state governors or members
of the High Court, or anyone else for that matter, were nothing more than
opinions he was free to adopt or reject. However eminent, people so consulted
were not in the relevant sense advisers to the governor-general. (J R Nethercote, Canberra Times, September 6, 2012. J. R. Nethercote is Adjunct Professor at the Public Policy Institute,
Australian Catholic University).
NATO Official Rules Out Military Intervention in Syria NATO does not believe that military intervention in Syria would bring any improvement in the
security situation there, a senior alliance official said Friday, according to AFP. Germany's Manfred Lange, Chief of Staff of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Europe (SHAPE), said the military was telling leaders that there was no good case for military
action and the political process had to be pursued. "The military advice is (that) there are
not sufficient visible signs at the moment that a military intervention could
lead to an improvement of the security situation," Lange was quoted as
having said. "The political process
has to be pushed forward, sanctions need to take effect. At the moment, this
situation cannot be solved by the military in a responsible way," he told
a briefing. He added that with little
prospect of action at the United Nations "it is clear that the Alliance
doesn't have any military plans on Syria."
NATO concluded a seven-month air campaign in Libya last year which
helped rebels oust former leader Muammar Qaddafi and there has been speculation
such an operation could be repeated in Syria if UN approval was obtained. Permanent UN Security Council members Russia
and China oppose any such intervention, even as the death toll mounts steadily
in Syria where rebels are trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China have used their veto power three times to block UN Security Council
resolutions targeting the Syrian regime. (Elad Benari,,
Sept. 21, 2012)
That's a shame given the magnitude of the region's
challenges: slowing growth, territorial disputes and over- reliance on exports
to countries that can't consume as they once did. More troubling is the
leadership void as APEC prepares for its confab this weekend. Still, here are
four things I would love to see APEC tackle this weekend.
First, attack the bubble in inequality. If anything is
clear about the last decade, it's that the rich are getting richer at the
expense of the poor. Other than a Pacific shoreline, the one thing countries
such as Brunei, Chile, Russia, the United States and Vietnam genuinely have in
common is a widening income gap. This socially corrosive development does no
one any good aside from those at the top.
Working jointly to eradicate corruption and build better safety nets
would broaden the benefits of growth. So would an APEC-wide free-trade zone.
World leaders and trade ministers talk a good game about reducing tariffs and
sign off on sweeping communiques to that effect. We need less gabbing and more
action to stop trade deals from becoming bilateral and narrowly focused. The
problem in today's world isn't too much globalisation, but not enough for those
who need it most. Reinvigorating an area that accounts for roughly 55 per cent
of global output through lower barriers on goods, services and people would
create a new economic engine in a world that needs one.
Two, address climate change. APEC should join hands to
promote energy conservation. Its members burn through more than their fair
share of oil, gas, coal and trees. That
reliance on dirty energy fouls Hong Kong's skies, causes deadly floods in
Thailand and the Philippines, adds to the price of Chinese goods, raises costs
for American motorists and forces Indonesia to offer budget-crippling fuel
subsidies. This problem also burdens
Japan at a time when the majority of its nuclear reactors are offline, hurting
manufacturers beset by a rising yen. It feeds hostility between China and its
neighbours and distorts Australia's resource-dependent economy. Cutting use of fossil fuels would lower tensions
in the South China Sea and increase incentives for alternative green-energy
sources. That might help reduce the need for massive public-infrastructure
expenditure, cut poverty, tame inflation, increase manufacturing productivity
and slash healthcare costs.
Three, overhaul territorial laws driving Asia toward
armed conflict. APEC should help devise a code of conduct for the disagreements
among China, Japan and South Korea. The leaders of three of Asia's biggest
economies can't even get into a room together and chat. That is an impediment
to lowering trade barriers, linking bond and stock markets and figuring out
what to do with the trillions of dollars of currency reserves Asia has amassed
over the last 15 years. At the very
least, APEC should include the issue in its formal communique in ways that the
10-member Association of South-East Asian Nations hasn't. The benefits of
pragmatism and free trade outweigh nationalistic tendencies. If Asia doesn't
put these issues on the discussion table now, the result could be clashes that
imperil trade, credit ratings and markets.
Four, devise a common response to North Korea. APEC
members include five of the six parties trying to rein in that country's
ambitions to build an arsenal of nuclear weapons. It is perhaps the only forum
in which China's financial support of the Kim Dynasty could conceivably come in
for criticism. The United Nations, where China has a permanent Security Council
seat and veto privileges, sure hasn't done the job. The recent power transfer from the late Kim
Jong-il to his son, Kim Jong-un, is an opportunity for the Asia-Pacific region
to tackle one of the biggest threats to peace and stability. All APEC leaders
need to do is take it. One idea: Hold up Burma's sudden opening, and the
world's rapid embrace of its efforts, as a blueprint for the good that may come
from change in North Korea. There are
many other things on which APEC should take the lead - water and food security,
human trafficking, a global approach to financial regulation, increasing
literacy, seeing to it that girls are educated as well as boys. The trouble is,
the group's performance since its first summit in 1989 is so spotty. APEC has
to improve its record. Humanity needs more from Vladivostok than photos of
people in furry hats. (William Pesek, Canberra Times, Sept. 6, 2012).
Hizbullah Claims Rockets Can Reach All of Israel
The Hizbullah
terror leadership claimed Monday that its missiles can now reach all of Israeli
Speaking at a
ceremony in southern Lebanon, Nabil Ka'uk announced from the podium that
“Hizbullah rockets can reach all Israeli settlements,” referring to Israeli towns and cities. The reference by
Ka'uk, who is deputy director for Hizbullah's terror activities, included all
territory, including that liberated in the 1967 Six Day War, and those that
preceded it. Ka'uk's leader, Hizbullah
chief Hassan Nasrallah, also continues to threaten Israel with annihilation,
but does so only from the safety of a hideout whose location is known to very
few of his closest advisers. Last month Nasrallah addressed massive halls
of supporters, separated by gender, who listened as he spoke to the families of
those who were killed during the 2006 Second Lebanon War with Israel. His
address was heard, as usual, via a video link, in the "Shahid" Hall
in Haret Hreik, Beirut. IDF military
intelligence experts have estimated that Hizbullah has stockpiled tens of
thousands of missiles in varying ranges, all of which are pointed at various
locations within the Jewish State.
This week the Home
Front Command is testing Israel's new nationwide text message alert system, designed to warn citizens about an
impending missile attack. Each day, residents living in various cities within a
new area of the country receive a text message alerting them that Home Front
Command is testing the new system, together with a numeric code. The
messages are sent between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and are transmitted in Hebrew,
English, Arabic and Russian. (Chana
Ya'ar,, Aug.
13, 2012)
IDF Intel Chief: 200,000 Missiles Aimed at Israel
There are some
200,000 missiles and rockets aimed at Israel, a top IDF official said Thursday
- and no part of the country is "safe" anymore. IDF Intelligence head Aviv Kochavi gave a
chilling presentation Thursday morning at the Herzliya Conference on Israeli
policy, telling listeners that Israel's enemies had 200,000 rockets and
missiles pointed at the country, and could reach all parts of Israel – even the ostensibly safe
“center” of Tel Aviv and its suburbs.
Most of the
missiles have a range of about 40 kilometers – the range of Qassam and most
Katyusha rockets – but thousands of missiles have ranges of hundreds of kilometers,
making every location in Israel within their reach. Not only that – but the
missiles are more lethal now than ever before. “The warheads on these missiles
contain hundreds of kilograms of explosives, not dozens, as in the past. And
their firing precision and ability to hit specific targets is also greater,”
Kochavi said. The rockets are largely located in Lebanon and Syria, with a
smaller amount in Gaza – and in Iran, as well, which has thousands of missiles
that could reach Israel. “Every tenth house in Lebanon is now a weapons depot,” Kochavi said. Besides conventional weapons, Israel is also
facing a nuclear threat. According to Kochavi, Israel has lost the battle to
prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons; Tehran already has enough uranium
for four atomic bombs, with over 100 kilos enriched to a level of 20% - more
than enough for the one bomb Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he
would need to “rid the world of the Zionist entity.”
Whether or not Iran
actually builds these bombs is not a question of technical capability, Kochavi
said, but a question of political will. The ability to build the bombs is
there, and whether or not they will actually be assembled is a decision that
top Iranian officials, especially Supreme Leader Ali Khameini, has yet to make.
“From the moment the order is given, it will take about a year to assemble the
bombs,” Kochavi said. “Developing them into warheads will take a little
longer.” He added that the sanctions against Iran have not
yet persuaded Tehran to change its nuclear development policy one way or the
other, but that could change if the government feels it is losing control. Still, sanctions are
preferable to the other alternatives, at least at this time, he said. “Only
concerted international effort can persuade Tehran to halt their pursuit of the
project,” he added. Despite the fact
that so far it appears that Islamists have been the big winners of the “Arab
Spring,” it is not they that led the revolutions in Arab world, but the
desperation of youths and young adults who face a future of unemployment and
hopelessness. If the new regimes do not work quickly to raise hope for the
masses, he said, the current unrest could continue for many years.
However, one aspect
of the weakening of traditional Arab dictatorships in the region has negatively
affected Israel; with less authority has come more porous borders, and Iran has
been taking advantage of this fact to move more weapons into neighboring Arab
countries. As a result, more terror attacks with Iran's backing can be
expected. Kochavi said that the attack last August on the southern Negev was
orchestrated by Iran, and thanks to the large amount of weapons in the region –
with the Middle East now “the world's largest weapons warehouse” - similar attacks
in the future are all but inevitable. (David Lev, Israel National News, Feb. 2,
Ahmadinejad: World forces
must annihilate Israel
In Ramadan speech
to Islamic country ambassadors, Iranian president says liberation of Palestine
will solve all world problems. In a speech
published on his website Thursday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said
the ultimate goal of world forces must be the annihilation of Israel. Speaking
to ambassadors from Islamic countries ahead of 'Qods Day' ('Jerusalem Day'), an
annual Iranian anti-Zionist event established in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini and
which falls this year on August 17, Ahmadinejad said that a "horrible
Zionist current" had been managing world affairs for "about 400
Repeating traditional anti-Semitic slurs, the
Iranian president accused "Zionists" of controlling the world's media
and financial systems. It was Zionists, he said, who were “behind the scene of
the world’s main powers, media, monetary and banking centers.” "They are the decision makers, to the
extent that the presidential election hopefuls [of the USA] must go and kiss
the feet of the Zionists to ensure their election victory,” he added.
Ahmadinejad added that "liberating
Palestine" would solve all the world's problems, although he did not
elaborate on exactly how that might work.
“Qods Day is not merely a strategic solution for the Palestinian
problem, as it is to be viewed as a key for solving the world problems,"
he said. He added: "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for
the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world
justice and freedom.” The Iranian
president said that Israel reinforced "the dominance of arrogant powers in
the region and across the globe" and that Arab countries in particular -
he cited Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Turkey - were affected by Israel's
"plots." Ahmadinejad, who has called the Holocaust a myth, has
previously called for Israel's annihilation, in a 2005 speech in which he used
a Persian phrase that translates literally as "wiped off the page of
time." (Joanna Paraszczuk, Jerusalem Post, August 8, 2012)
Khamenei then claimed the current century as the century of Islam and
promised that human history is on the verge of a great event and that soon the
world will realize the power of Allah. Many clerics in Iran have stated that
Khamenei is the deputy of the last Islamic messiah on earth and that obedience
to him is necessary for the final glorification of Islam. Khamenei has been
heard to say that the coming of the last Islamic Messiah, the Shiites’ 12th
Imam Mahdi, is near and that specific actions need to be taken to protect the
Islamic regime for upcoming events.
Mahdi, according to Shiite belief, will reappear at the time of
Armageddon. Selected forces within the Revolutionary Guards and Basij
reportedly have been trained under a task force called “Soldiers of Imam Mahdi”
and they will bear the responsibility of security and protecting the regime
against uprisings. Many in the Guards and Basij have been told that the 12th
Imam is on earth, facilitated the victory of Hezbollah over Israel in the 2006
war and soon will announce publicly his presence after the needed environment
is created. Sources within Vali’eh Amr,
the revolutionary forces in charge of the supreme leader’s protection, also
recently revealed an assassination attempt on Khamenei that was thwarted just
in time.
SepahOnline reports that
last year during Khamenei’s visit to the port of Asalouyeh in southern Iran,
Revolutionary Guards found pistols and hand grenades hidden by one individual
dressed as a janitor in a barracks that Khamenei was set to attend. The supreme
leader was then returned to Tehran immediately.
Other sources within the Guards report that following Barack Obama’s
letter to the Iranian leader last month requesting negotiations, Khamenei
ordered Iranian officials to speak positively about holding nuclear talks and
giving hope to Obama and other Western leaders that a negotiated solution is
possible. This was apparent after a trip
of U.N. nuclear inspectors to Iran this week, who called the talks positive. At
the same time, his directive to the Guards ordered a speedy completion of the
Iranian nuclear bomb program in which Guards’ missiles can be armed with
nuclear warheads. Khamenei believes once that’s achieved, Iran can test a
nuclear bomb, letting the world know that Iran has joined the nuclear-armed
club and that any confrontation will result in destruction of much of the
Western world.
The Revolutionary Guards not only can hit all U.S. bases in the Middle East
with their ballistic missiles but also reach most capital cities in Western
Europe. The Guards, with the help of China and North Korea, are working on
intercontinental ballistic missiles. But more dangerous to America, as reported last July, is
the Guards action in arming their vessels with long-range ballistic missiles
and their expansion of their mission into the Atlantic Ocean, right into the
Gulf of Mexico. Any Iranian military or commercial vessel easily could get
right outside the U.S. coastline and in less than 60 seconds fire a ballistic
missile armed with a nuclear payload and detonate it over U.S. skies in an electromagnetic attack
that would plunge America back into the 18th century. Studies show within just one year after such
an attack, two-thirds of Americans would cease to exist and the rest would live
under dire conditions. The radicals ruling Iran not only have prepared for mass
suppression of their own people as they get close to their confrontation with
the West, but also have prepared to fuel unrest through their proxies in the
Middle East and elsewhere. SepahOnline,
with sources within the Guards, reports that Afghanistan will soon witness an
increase in terrorist activities against U.S. forces. The Guards not only are
training Taliban fighters in Iran close to the Afghan border, but are shipping
armaments to forces in Afghanistan with an order to create instability by
harming U.S. forces and destabilizing the Afghan government. Guards agents have also been ordered to do
the same in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf counties. The Guards also
announced the imminent formation of a defensive unit to deal with possible
radioactive contamination. Although they did not say why, they could be
preparing for a nuclear exchange with the West once Iran becomes nuclear-armed.
WND previously has reported that the chieftains in Iran also are
preparing to execute their own internal critics and opponents at the right
time. This was similar to action taken
by the founder of the Islamic regime in 1988, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. In the book, “A Time to Betray,” it is
documented when Khomeini announced the campaign, he said, “If the person at any
stage or at any time maintains his (or her) support for the opposing groups,
the sentence is execution. Annihilate the enemies of Islam immediately” (Reza Kahlili, WorldNetDaily, Feb. 4, 2012)
Iran: We can destroy US
bases 'minutes after attack'
DUBAI - Iran has threatened to destroy US
military bases across the Middle East and target Israel within minutes of
being attacked, Iranian media reported on Wednesday, as Revolutionary Guards
extended test-firing of ballistic missiles into a third day. Israel has hinted
it may attack Iran if diplomacy fails to secure a halt to its disputed nuclear
energy program. The United States also has mooted military action as a
last-resort option but has frequently nudged the Israelis to give time for
intensified economic sanctions to work against Iran.
"These bases are all in range of our
missiles, and the occupied lands (Israel) are also good targets for us,"
Amir Ali Haji Zadeh, commander of the Revolutionary Guards aerospace division, was
quoted by Fars news agency as saying. Haji Zadeh said 35 US bases were within reach
of Iran's ballistic missiles, the most advanced of which commanders have said
could hit targets 2,000 km (1,300 miles) away.
"We have thought of measures to set up bases and deploy missiles to
destroy all these bases in the early minutes after an attack," he added.
It was not clear where Haji Zadeh got his figures on US bases in the region.
US military facilities in the Middle East are located in Bahrain, Qatar, the
United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Turkey, and
it has around 10 bases further afield in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan.
China: We will defend Iran even if it means Third
World War
The enemies of Iran are also enemies of China according to Zhang
Zhaozhong, an important Chinese general.
He said that China will defend Iran even if this means the Third World
War. His statement comes after Beijing
estimated that the West’s sanctions against Iran will complicate, aggravate and
heighten tensions over Teheran’s nuclear program.
“China was always against unilateral sanctions against Iran”, said Liu
Weimin, the spokesman of the External Affairs Minister, after the USA, Britain
and Canada imposed new sanctions against Iran. The sanctions were announced
after the International Agency for Nuclear Energy (AIEA) reported that there is
a possible military dimension to Iran’s nuclear program. China, which buys large quantities of petrol
from Iran, has become Iran’s most important commercial partner, with bilateral
exchanged valued at 30 billion dollars, compared with 400 millions fifteen
years ago.
Russia, an ally of Iran, whose position is similar to that of China,
qualified the new sanctions as “unacceptable”.
In his turn, the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that Iran
will not back down over its nuclear program in spite of the West’s
sanctions. (Valentin Vioreanu, AFP/CAPITAL (Bucharest), Dec 2, 2011)
military groups and universities have been linked to pervasive Chinese cyber
espionage and technology acquisition efforts, according to U.S. intelligence
BEIJING — Russian
President Vladimir
V. Putin arrived in China on Tuesday, a visit that contrasted with
his shunning of a summit of world leaders hosted by President Obama last month
and was intended to drive home the existence of an alternative group, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which excludes the United States.
Admired by the
Chinese for his staying power as leader of Russia for 12 years, Mr. Putin and President
Jintao will discuss
their approaches to Syria, Iran and their efforts to squeeze the United States
out of Central Asia, Chinese and American analysts said. Both countries are
also opposed to an American plan for a missile-
defense system in
Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe that is designed as protection against
In what appears to
be a show of solidarity, the Iranian president, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, will
attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting as an observer, and the
Kremlin announced that Mr. Putin would meet with him. Russia is scheduled to
host a next round of talks later this month among world powers on the Iranian nuclear program. In
the face of the commonality of interests, however, the relationship between
China and Russia is seeded with historic rivalries from the cold war, and the
realization in Moscow of a sudden change in the power equation: that China is
now far richer than Russia. Overlaying these factors is the inability of the
two countries to come to an agreement on gas that Russia, the world’s biggest
producer, owns and China, the biggest consumer, wants. At first, China had
expected Mr. Putin would make Beijing his first overseas trip after his
inauguration as
president in early May. But Europe is Russia’s biggest energy customer, and Mr.
Putin visited Germany and France last Friday, and dropped by Belarus and
Uzbekistan in the past week. Still, the
visit, followed by the two-day Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit
meeting, is fraught with the symbolism of two major powers interested in
further developing a multilateral organization in which the United States is
not present and Iran plays a role, if only as observer. “Iran, too, is very keen on the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization,” said Vali Nasr, an Iran expert and former State
Department official in the Obama administration. “That it is happening in China
reflects China’s increasing interest in Central Asia and also its desire to
lead international and regional alliances without the U.S.”
The six member
countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are China, Russia,
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. Afghanistan will
attend the meeting in Beijing as an observer, a sign of China’s interests there
after the 2014 withdrawal by the United States.
Despite what would seem to be a confluence of interest on energy, there
was little chance that Russia and China would resolve the outstanding
differences over delivery of gas to China in time for an agreement between the
two leaders, Arkady V. Dvorkovich, a vice prime minister, said on the eve of
the visit.
The sticking point
after two decades of talks remained price, with Russia wanting to sell its gas
at $350 to $400 per 1,000 cubic meters, and China prepared to pay $200 to $250,
according to Chinese press reports.
Indeed, the English language newspaper China Daily recently reported
that China, frustrated by the stalemate on gas price in price between China
National Petroleum Corporation and Gazprom, increased its supplies from Turkmenistan,
a sign of how Beijing’s economic strength allows it to play the market. Even
so, the atmospherics on energy had improved and there was now an “opportunity
for both sides to unfold a new age of energy cooperation,” said Xu Xiaojie, a
former director of investment of overseas investment for the China National
Petroleum Corporation. How much time Mr.
Putin and Mr. Hu would devote to Syria was not known. The two countries “cover
each other’s back in the United Nations Security Council” on Syria, and both
remained in favor of keeping the government of President Bashar al-Assad in
place, a senior American official said.
Both leaders seemed unconvinced that Mr. Assad was losing his grip on
power, though if the Syrian leader alienated 70 percent of the population it
was conceivable that Russia would cut its losses and become part of a solution,
with China following suit, the official said. China reiterated the joint
approach on Syria at the daily press briefing at the Foreign
Ministry on Tuesday, hours after Mr. Putin’s arrival.
“Both sides oppose
external intervention in Syria and oppose regime change by force,” Liu Weimin,
the spokesman said. Russia is opposed to the Obama administration’s plans for
missile-defense sites in Poland and Eastern Europe that are designed as
protection against Iran, and China also has problems with American missile
defense, said Lora Saalman, a nuclear expert at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center
for Global Policy in Beijing. China supports Russian concerns, but has its own
set of worries when it comes to American missile defense, namely in the
Asia-Pacific region, Ms. Saalman said. Within the realm of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization, the Afghan leader, President Hamid Karzai, is likely
to be accorded special attention. China’s Vice Foreign Minister, Cheng Guoping,
said that Afghanistan had been given observer status for the first time at the summit
where the post-2014 scenario in Afghanistan was likely to be discussed.
China, in
particular, had started talking to elements of the Taliban to try and ensure
protection of its iron ore, steel and other mineral interests in Afghanistan
after the American withdrawal, said Sajjan Gohel, international security
director of the Asia-Pacific Foundation, based in London, who visited Beijing
recently. (Janet Perlez,, June 5, 2012)
Insults add to sense
Putin’s time is up The President has
put noses out of joint. Vladimir
Putin’s fondness for expensive Swiss watches is well known, but it seems, by
all accounts they help to cure his tardy timekeeping. The Russian President
arrived four hours late to a summit meeting with President Victor Yanukovych in
Ukraine at the Black Sea resort of Yalta last week. The reason? He decided to stop off along the
way to visit the leader of a motorbike gang called the Night Wolves. While he
kept Ukraine’s President waiting, Putin embraced the Night Wolves leader,
Alexander Zaldostanov, knwn to his buddies as The Surgeon, and hang out at
their summer camp near Sevastopol. He and The Surgeon are old friends, and
Putin embellished his macho credentials last year by riding with the bikers at their gathering in
Putin posed for photos with the bikers, was given a Night Wolves jacket,
and noticed that there were more women at this year’s camp, telling
Zaldostanov: “The last time I was here, I liked how you, big and strong means
you all are, treated the girls . . . with great care and respect.” His hosts were not amused when Putin finally
arrived at the summit. Ukraine’s Emergency Situations Minister, Viktor Baloga,
wrote scornfully on his Facebook page: “president Putin exceeded the limits of
lateness. He travelled to bikers and their war brides, this was his priority.”
Putin won no marks for charm during the talks either. Baloga accused him of
rudeness for speaking during Yanukovych’s address to the summit, which was
intended to build closer ties between Moscow and its former Soviet
neighbour. ‘It’s discourteous to
interrupt when the host of the meeting is speaking,” Baloga said. “It’s clear that Putin doesn’t know this
The Kremlin leader tried to play down the row by insisting Putin had
visited the Night Wolves for only a short time and that the meeting had been
“of an exclusively work-related nature”.
Critics wondered what sort of important business the President of the
Russian Federation could have with the leather-clad leader of a motorcycle
gang. Putin has long had a habit of
being late to business meetings, as if keeping people waiting were a
demonstration of his own greater importance. Now, it is simply causing offence.
Putin kept a hall full of business leaders waiting for 40 minutes before he
spoke at last month’s St Petersburg International Economic Forum, which is
intended to showcase Russia’s appeal as a centre for global investment. Things got worse for an even higher-powered
group of foreign chief executives invited to have a meeting with Putin at the
forum. They were kept waiting for three hours in a narrow hallway, prompting
one oil chief to say: “People are feeling insulted.” Five years ago, guests would simply have gritted
their teeth and smiled, grateful for an audience with a busy president. Nobody
is walking out, but the President’s tardiness now adds to an impression that he
has overstayed his time in office. Formally, he may be at the beginning of a
second 12-year period in power. Practically, the clock is ticking on Putin.
(Tony Halpin, The Times, July 23,
Banned Film sets new generation of Russians talking
Role of the FSB security
service is put under the spotlight, Helen Womack writes in Moscow. Russians are discovering a documentary film on the internet whose
explosive subject has been a taboo in their country for more than a
decade. The film itself is not new but
the fact that a new generation of Russians - the glasnost generation, as former
Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev calls them - are downloading, sharing and
discussing Assassination of Russia is a significant development.
As Vladimir Putin enters the final stretch in the race to become
president for a third time, this is probably not a discussion he wants to hear.
When the former KGB agent first appeared on the political stage in the late
1990s, the question everyone asked was: who is Mr Putin? After 12 years of his rule, two four-year
terms as president and most recently a term as influential prime minister, the
same question still begs an answer.
There is much we do not know - who murdered his critics; who planted a
series of bombs in high-rise apartment blocks in 1999 that provided the casus
belli for the second Chechen war and propelled Mr Putin to power.
The film is about these apartment block bombs, which were officially
blamed on the Chechens. But another school of thought suggests that the FSB
security service might have been behind the bombing of their own people for
political ends. There has never been an official inquiry into the bombings and
many of those who have tried to investigate them are now dead. If it were ever
proved that the FSB and not the Chechens blew up nearly 300 Russian civilians
as they slept in their beds, the legitimacy of the present regime would be
shattered. It's a big ''if''.
Assassination of Russia was made in
2001 by French producers Jean-Charles Deniau and Charles Gazelle. It was based
on the book Blowing Up Russia by the US-based Russian historian Yuri
Felshtinsky and the former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, who died of polonium
poisoning in 2006. The film opens with scenes of bodies being pulled out of the
rubble of four apartment blocks in Moscow and the southern cities of Buinaksk
and Volgodonsk. Sacks of explosives had been planted in the cellars of the
buildings. The death toll from the bombings was 292.
The film shows Mr Putin, then president Boris Yeltsin's chosen
successor, reacting to the terrorist outrage with his now-famous words: ''We
will follow the terrorists wherever they go. If they are at the airport, we
will be there. Excuse me, but if they are in the toilets, we will go in there
and blow them away. That's all there is to it; the problem is solved.'' What raised suspicion about the official
version of events was an incident in the city of Ryazan, 210 kilometres
south-east of Moscow, on September 23, 1999.
Another tower block was apparently about to be blown up but residents
spotted the perpetrators and called the police. Although the local FSB
confirmed explosives had been found at 16/14 Novosyolov Street, the FSB at
national level came out 24 hours later with the explanation that it had been a
''training exercise'' and the sacks contained sugar. The film shows angry residents from Ryazan,
and FSB officers awkwardly trying to explain themselves in footage from a talk
show on the once-independent NTV channel before it was taken over by the state
in 2001. Assassination of Russia
has been seen in the Baltic states but is banned from Russian television, which
remains the main source of information for most of the public.
Not everyone who has seen the film online approves of questions being
raised to rock Mr Putin's boat of national stability. ''Jewish propaganda,'' wrote one person
commenting in Russian under the nickname of theyugunter. But freelistener wrote: ''Wake up Russia!
Don't let them rule for another 12 years.''
Boris Makarov, a teacher, said he was left with a ''pile of questions''
after watching the film. ''We still don't know who carried out the attacks or
who ordered them. Why hasn't this film been shown on TV? Why has the whole
subject been swept under the carpet? It only raises more suspicions. If Putin
is innocent, why does he ban information?''
Back in 1999, this reporter interviewed the residents of the tower block
in Ryazan for the British paper The Independent. The main witnesses
were the Kartofelnikov family at flat 19.
Yulia Kartofelnikova, a young doctor, said: ''It was about nine in the
evening. Dad had just come back from the garage [he was a bus driver]. He
spotted a white car backed up to our building. A piece of paper with the number
62 [code for Ryazan] was pasted over the number plate. He thought it was odd.
Most people wouldn't notice such a thing but he is a driver, so details catch
his eye. ''I saw the car, too. I was
looking down from the balcony. Dad came up and rang the police. The phone was
engaged, engaged, but he persisted and got through. I was walking Malish [their
dog] when three policemen arrived. I showed them the way to the basement. The
police were not keen to go down there but one young officer did and he came
rushing back up again, shouting 'bomb'.''
Another witness s, radio engineer Vladimir Vasiliev, said he had seen
the occupants of the white car - two men and a woman - and they looked Russian,
not Chechen. The building was evacuated and the residents spent the night in
the local cinema. Lieutenant-Colonel Sergei Kabashov of the Ryazan police said:
''Our preliminary tests showed the presence of explosives. We were not told it
was a test. As far as we were concerned, the danger was real.'' The residents received a discount on a new
metal door they installed for extra security.
Ms Kartofelnikova said: ''Some of us wanted to take the matter to court
but Alexander Sergeyev [of the local FSB] paid us a visit. He said he
understood our feelings but we should think of the situation in the country and
be loyal.'' (Helen Womack, Sydney Morning Herald , Weekend Edition,
Feb. 25-26, 2012)
New Mini-USSR Russia
Is Recreating the Soviet Union, One Little Step at a Time
With anger still simmering
over Russia's fraud-tainted December elections, many Russians are unlikely to
notice that their country has been ushered into a new economic space starting
January 1. On New Year’s Day, the Single Economic Space (SES) between
Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus formally came into effect. The SES is expected
to facilitate the free movement of goods, labor and capital within
member-states, according to proponents of the project. There will be new deal
for foreign investors too, as three member-states of the SES boast a combined
population of 170 million and account for over 80 percent of the former Soviet
Union’s economic potential. Their combined gross domestic product is estimated
at $2 trillion, while the value of interstate commerce has gone up to $900
billion in recent years, making the economic space a formidable regional
economic organization. The presidents of
Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan put a final seal on the integration project
during a December 9 meeting. The SES builds on a new single Customs Code, which
has been in force for Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia since July 6, 2010. But
the SES is also expected to be a precursor of a grander, supranational Eurasian
Economic Commission modeled on the European Commission, which could start its
work in 2015. Proponents of tighter integration have claimed that the Customs
Union, which kicked off in January 2010, was a huge success. Transports and
customs control has already moved from national borders to the Customs Union
borders. According to official reports, Kazakhstan’s export to Russia increased
by 38 percent and its export to Belarus more than doubled. Russia’s exports to
Kazakhstan spiraled up 25 percent and foreign trade turnover between Belarus
and Russia increased by 50 percent at the end of 2010. Such successes have
prompted Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to tout the SES as Russia's way of
"reaching out with a hand of cooperation to our closest neighbors, to our
friends, thereby creating conditions for economic modernization and improvement
in people’s lives.”
"We have been
working in the Customs Union for two years [and] the benefits are obvious,”
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev told a meeting of the Eurasian Economic
Council and EurAsEC Interstate Council in late December. “There has been
significant growth in bilateral trade: with Russia, we are approaching $20
billion, the current increase is 40 percent, and trade with Belarus is also
increasing." Buoyed by such success, president Nazarbayev said the Customs
Union could gain "prominent positions in the global energy and grain
markets, with the three countries together holding 90 billion barrels of oil
reserves and accounting for 17 percent of global wheat exports.” This is no
mean achievement for the Kremlin-led Customs Union, economists say. But those
expecting immediate and dramatic transformation in the economies of Belarus, Kazakhstan
and Russia over the next year are in for a long wait. Because of uneven
economic development in the member states, the transition period in some areas
extended to the 2017 to 2020 period. "The real economic effect will be
felt only after three or four years," said Natalya Orlova, the chief
economist at Alfa Bank. "From a consumer perspective, the creation of the
SES offers many benefits, but in terms of employment there are drawbacks
because non-competitive companies in member-states will eventually be forced to
leave the market."
Even though the
creation of SES will greatly simplify trade procedures, reduce tariffs and
remove barriers between countries, there are also negative implications for
member countries, especially Russia, where the investment climate has been
worsening, said Alexei Devyatov, the chief economist at UralSib Capital.
"Some businesses are likely to move to the neighboring states, like
Kazakhstan, where the investment climate is more favorable," Devyatov
said. "But we are not likely to witness an exodus." The SES member
states will also need to resolve systemic issues such as tax risks of doing
business and foreign exchange interactions in member-state banks, said
Konstantin Grechukhin, an analyst with a Russian audit firm MEF-Audit. "In
a common economic space, sharing knowledge and new technologies is the only way
to go," Grechukhin said. And while
Russia and Kazakhstan may have benefited from establishing the Customs Union,
this is not necessarily true of the other members. Belarusian President
Alexander Lukashenko has been alternating between showering praise on the
integration project and heaping complaints on its implementation. During a
recent press conference for Russian journalists, he blamed the global economic
crisis, high Russian energy prices and the Customs Union for the severe
currency crisis in Belarus. In particular, Lukashenko recalled the prohibitive
duties imposed on imported cars last summer, which benefited the Russian car
industry but prompted Belarusians to rush to buy used cars imported from the EU
early in the year. As a result, he said, Belarus lost $3 billion. The
conditions under which Customs Union members operate have been unequal,
Lukashenko said. Other economists, including New Economic School researcher
Natalya Volchkova, have dismissed the SES as a “political project.” Russia has
little to gain in terms of economic benefits because the economies of member
states are too small, and Russia already has a strong foothold in them,
Volchkova said. The integration is also unlikely to lead to mutual growth of
direct investment among member countries. "Russia should not expect to
gain new technologies from member states as a result of integration,” Volchkova
said. Moreover, in order to lure countries like Belarus to the SES, Moscow has
agreed to unprecedented concessions, such as supplying oil to the country
without levying a duty in exchange for Minsk’s revenues from export duties on
oil products, a move experts say could cost the Russian budget up to $2 billion
a year. “In order to further its regional ambition, the Russian leadership has
had to pay the high price of economic concessions to member countries,”
Volchkova said. (Tai Adelaja, Russia Jan. 4, 2012)
Ex-Soviet states
take first step to Putin 'Eurasian Union'
MOSCOW - Three ex-Soviet states were Friday to agree the first
steps towards creating a Eurasian economic union, a project backed by Russian
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to bind closer the former USSR.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Kazakhstan and Belarus
counterparts Nursultan Nazarbayev and Alexander Lukashenko were to sign a
declaration on further economic integration at a summit in Moscow, the Kremlin
said in a statement. "The
declaration will set out the ultimate aim (of economic integration) as the
creation of a Eurasian economic union," it said. Putin first evoked the idea of creating a
Eurasian Union in a newspaper article published shortly after the announcement
that he would seek to return to the Kremlin as president in 2012 polls. The
three countries already have a customs union but the creation of the Eurasian
Union -- which would have its own executive body and oversee a single economic
space -- would mark a huge step further. The single economic space is due to
come into force in 2012 alongside a Eurasian Economic Commission, a body that
would apparently be run on lines similar to its Brussels-based EU equivalent.
"The commission -- the first such in post-Soviet history -- will be
neutral in relation the countries involved and will gradually take on national
powers," the Kremlin added. The Kremlin did not give a date for the
creation of the Eurasian Union itself but the Vedomosti daily quoted sources as
saying that 2015 would be given as the target date. The initial members would be Belarus,
Kazakhstan and Russia but any ex-Soviet state would be welcome to join, it
added. Putin in his article said the union would build on the experience of the
European Union and would be a "historic breakthrough" for ex-Soviet
states. The prime minister, an ex-KGB officer who once described the Soviet
collapse as the greatest geo-political tragedy of the 20th century, denied he
simply wanted to recreate the USSR under another guise. It remains unclear what
impact the project could have on Russia's entry to the World Trade
Organisation, which is finally expected to be agreed by the end of this year
after 18 years of negotiations. (Hurriet
Daily News, Nov. 18, 2011)
Kremlin ousts critic of Putin
A former KGB
colonel turned opposition lawmaker who has angered the Kremlinwith his scathing
criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin was stripped of his parliamentary
seat on Friday. Gennady Guddkov’s removal from the lower house paves the way
for similar action against other opposition lawmakers, sending a clear message
to members. He denounced the move as “political revenge”. (, Sept. 16, 2012)
WARSAW: For all that Poland has accomplished since the fall of the Iron
Curtain, it has long resisted fully coming to terms with its communist past -
the oppression, the spying, the massacres. Poles preferred to forget, to move
on. So it may come as a surprise that
Poland and many of its neighbours in central and eastern Europe have decided
the time is right to deal with the unfinished business. Suddenly there is a
wave of accounting in the form of government actions and cultural explorations,
some seeking closure, others payback.
A court in Poland last month found that the communist leaders behind the
imposition of martial law in December 1981 were part of a ''criminal group'';
Bulgaria's president is trying to purge ambassadors who served as security
agents; the Macedonian government is busy hunting for collaborators; Hungary's
new constitution allows legal action against former Communists; and even in
Albania, one of the poorest nations in Europe, the national museum opened a new
pavilion on Monday focusing on the abuses of communism under the dictator Enver
Hoxha. Last Sunday in Germany, the
Chancellor, Angela Merkel, nominated as the next president a former pastor and
East German activist, Joachim Gauck, who turned the files of the Ministry for
State Security - better known as the Stasi - into a permanent archive. Across eastern Europe, a consensus of silence
appears to have ended, one that never muted all criticism and discussion but
did muffle voices crying out for a long-awaited reckoning. The sudden turn to the past in Europe is not
just in the realm of politics and justice. There have been trials and verdicts,
but also dramas and documentaries, thrillers and histories, all seeking closure
to a past that refuses to be forgotten. In
Poland, nearly 1 million people have filled theatres to watch Antoni Krauze's Black
Thursday, a film exploring an episode in 1970 when government troops gunned
down dozens of protesters in Gdynia and other cities on Poland's Baltic coast.It
took Krauze four decades to make the film. First he was wary of communist
censors and then stymied by public apathy. The movie was a hit last year
precisely because of the unsettling subject matter: unarmed protesters and
innocent bystanders are shot in the streets or sadistically beaten in police
''In the beginning of the '90s, people thought it wasn't right to go
back to those times,'' Krauze, 72, said recently.
The resurfacing a generation later of these issues is not entirely
without controversy, often driven by hard-line governments and prompting
accusations of score-settling and political opportunism.
In Poland the return of the post-communists - with the Democratic Left
Alliance winning in 1993 - reinforced cleavages in Polish society between those
ready to move on and those who could not.
''I expected some kind of Nuremberg for communism,'' said Tadeusz
Pluzanski, whose father was tortured by the communist secret police. ''There
was no revolution,'' he said, ''just this transformation process.'' Pluzanski published a book in October about
the experiences of his father and others with the provocative title Beasts, the cover marked by red
splashes like bloodstains. To his surprise, the first two printings of 6000
copies quickly sold out and a third printing is on its way to bookstores. ''With dictatorship comes a dark heritage
and after the dictatorship is gone at first no one wants to deal with it,''
said Antoni Dudek, a member of the board at the Institute of National
Remembrance in Poland. ''Usually it comes with the new generation that is ready
to ask inconvenient questions.''
(Nicholas Kulish, The Washingtom
Post, Feb. 25, 2012)
Morsi Tells Iran Peace Treaty with Israel to be
Egypt’s Muslim
Brotherhood president-elect Mohammed Morsi told Iran he will "reconsider the Camp David
Accord" with Israel and that he wants closer ties with Tehran to create a
“balance” in the Middle East. He made the comments in an interview with the government-controlled Fars News
Agency before he was announced as the winner of the presidential elections.
After he was declared the victor Sunday afternoon, Morsi vowed he will
“preserve international agreements,” without mentioning Israel by name. Morsi
told Fars a mouthpiece for the regime, that closer relations
with Iran “will create a balance of pressure in the region, and this is part of
my program." Iran’s
government-controlled media promoted the Muslim Brotherhood candidate during
the election campaign, and the Iranian foreign ministry quickly congratulated
the “Egyptian people and government on election of Mohammed Morsi as the
country's new president,” Fars reported Monday morning. Tens of
thousands of Egyptians gathered in Cairo and across the country to celebrate
the victory of Morsi, chanting slogans in praise of Allah. The Muslim
Brotherhood’s signal for closer ties with Iran comes as no surprise, but
Morsi’s statement underlines the threat of Israel's being under the potential
stranglehold of an Iranian-Hizbullah-Hamas-Egyptian axis. (,
June 25, 2012)
Treachery made Bin Laden’s
lair a hellish harem
No wonder Osama Bin Laden looked so ancient and enfeebled in his last
days in Abbottabad. Just 54 at the time of his death, he had been trapped for
six years in a house with multiple bickering wives who made his life hell,
according to a new book by a retired Pakistani general. The world’s most wanted man, a mass murderer
feared by millions, was a henpecked husband, harried into submission, with
three wives, eight children, and five grand children crammed into the one house
in Pakistan for six years. The glimpse
into the terrorist leader’s last days before he was killed by US Navy Seals
last year has a certain black humour, as told by Brigadier Shaukat Qadir. The revelations came last week as Pakistani
authorities filed charges against the three widows, who are under house arrest
in Islamabad.
Bin Laden had been married six times, according to his Islamic
faith. But when he was killed he had
reportedly retreated to the top floor of the three-story house, and lived in
one room with just one wife – the youngest and his favourite. Another wife lived across the corridor. But
his oldest wife ruled the roost. She had moved downstairs and was reported to
be “deeply jealous” and constantly fighting with the younger women. When Bin Laden was told that she planned to
betray him to the Americans, he was so dispirited that he just stared “blankly
into space”. “So be it,” he said,
according to London’s Daily Telegraph.
And sure enough, the jealous oldest wife is now accused of having sold
out Bin Laden in the ultimate act of spite.
The poisonous atmosphere between the wives is said to have contributed
to Bin Laden’s frail health and the onset of dementia. It’s as good and argument as any against
polygamy. (Miranda Devine, The Sunday
Telegraph, March 3, 2011)
Op-Ed: The Global Counterterrorism Forum: No Room for
After the terror
bombing of Israelis in Bulgaria, Hillary Clinton's new forum whose purpose is
assisting countries whose populace is endangered by terror, but which excludes
Israel, becomes a bad joke. Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton initiated a Global Counterterrorism Forum for 29 Middle
Eastern and European countries affected by and supportive of terrorism, the
purpose of which is given as dealing with terrorism, assisting the countries
whose populace is endangered, and effectively eliminating the sources of
funding. Israel, a victim of constant
Hamas and Hizbullah terrorism, was blatantly excepted. Despite Clinton’s
explanation that they were seeking a way to involve Israel, this exclusion was
clearly an acquiescence to the will of the Islamic leaders. Senators
Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) stated, “few countries in the world
…have suffered more from terrorism than Israel,” and Israel would have
contributed greatly to the forum and perhaps benefitted from it. By
discriminating against Israel, the United States government has once
again emboldened the Islamic countries responsible for worldwide terrorism and
diminished its position as Leader of the Free World. Israel
remains the closest ally of the United States so that the
US has become its own enemy.
We American citizens must denounce the activities of our nation against the
democracy Israel and, by extension, ourselves, as they are attempting to forge bonds with our
adversaries. No matter how we strive to
comply with Islamic directives of intentionally rejecting Israel, these
countries have made it perfectly clear, through the Muslim Brotherhood, their Koran, and the terrorist or stealth
agents they send to invade the globe, that they will conquer and Islamize,
enslave or kill. I denounce Mrs. Clinton and the United
States administration for allowing these countries to establish the rules
of engagement. (Tabitha Korol,, July 18, 2012)
Six months after the overthrow of the
Tunisian strongman Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, an avowed secularist and hardly the
tyrant he is portrayed as having been, such incidents have become frequent. In
May, Nouri Bouzid, another Tunisian director and critic of Islamist extremism,
was stabbed in the head. Hundreds of hardline Islamists now prowl the streets
of Tunis seeking converts. Radicals have firebombed the city’s legalised
red-light district, demonstrated outside the local synagogue, killed a Catholic
priest, hounded a teacher out of his job for saying something deemed insulting
to the Prophet Mohammed, forced the interim regime to block all internet
pornography and caused widespread chaos by rioting to demand that the veil,
previously banned, be made compulsory.
The intellectual elite threw their support behind the revolution, in
which only a tiny percentage of the population participated. Now they complain
of a lack of police protection. But the laconic policeman in charge at a local
station, in response to a plea for help from a member of the CinemAfricArt
audience, rather hit the nail on the head. ‘Ben Ali was protecting you, and you
kicked him out,’ he reportedly said, and shrugged.
In April, Islamist volunteers took control of
Ettadhamen, the working-class suburb of Tunis that was the centre of the
revolution. It now looks like a microcosm of what lies in store for the
whole country. These days, only the Islamists are happy. Tunisians belonging to
the country’s once vast middle class, who shunned the uprising, have sunk into
a collective depression. Many are openly stating what recently was considered
sacrilege: the revolution was a terrible mistake.
Tourism revenue, once the primary pillar of
the economy, is down by more than half. The second pillar of the economy,
foreign investment, has also crumbled. The entire south of the country was
dependent on trade with Libya, and now sits idle. The poverty rate was 4 per
cent before the revolution, but has increased to 40 per cent. The crime rate in
this once remarkably crime-free country has skyrocketed. Few venture out after
dark. In May, I was caught up in one of the capital’s periodic riots, and saw a
young man beaten to death. It came as no surprise that the foreign media, for
whom Tunisia is once again an irrelevance, did not report the incident; but
even the local media ignored it. Editors who once sprouted pro-Ben Ali
propaganda have thrown their weight behind the interim regime, a watered-down
version of what existed before the uprising.
Tunisia’s political outlook is as dismal as
its economic performance. The main Islamist political party, Ennahda
(Awakening), looks certain to triumph in forthcoming elections. Lesser-known
liberal parties have formed a coalition and are holding the odd demonstration,
but they don’t stand a chance in the face of the well-organised and funded Islamist
onslaught. Ennahda has, of course,
distanced itself from the street violence. There have been some attempts by
apologists for radical Islam in the West to compare the party and other
‘moderate’ Islamist groups with the Christian Democrats of Europe. In truth,
the closest parallel to the party’s odd combination of highly organised
structure and denial of responsibility is the European far right. Both are
crypto-fascist in nature, both have viable views on day-to-day policy, and both
rely on a grassroots network of thugs of whose activities they can publicly
wash their hands. Jean-Marie Le Pen of France never once admitted any
connection with the skinheads who did his dirty work beating up immigrants in
the banlieues, yet such politicians are quietly understood by the grass roots
to represent them. Ennahda, too, faces
the complication that there exists in Tunisia a movement of even harder-line
Salafists: angry young men who want an Islamic state right here, right now. It
cannot afford to alienate what will be a sizeable chunk of its electoral
support. That helps explain the mystery of the party’s lack of a political
manifesto. Ennahda relies on a kind of double consciousness, whereby nobody
knows, yet everybody knows, what it is and where it wants to take Tunisia: away
from Paris and towards Mecca. When it
comes to eradicating Tunisia’s liberalism, while the political Islamists and
street thugs may disagree on tactics, they ultimately see eye to eye. ‘Some of
the oldest democracies, such as Britain and France, had ministries for the
colonies,’ Ennahda’s leader, Rachid Ghannouchi, has written. ‘The same
democracies, in which homosexuality, fornication, gambling, abortion and birth
control have been legalised, impose unfair conditions on weaker nations.’
Britain, it should be pointed out in fairness, is also a country that readily
offered this man a refuge from persecution for two decades.
The fact is that moderate Islamism is a myth.
There are, to be sure, more than a billion moderate Muslims — people who pray
five times a day or not, fast during Ramadan or not, perhaps entertain
superstitions about pork, the devil, or the conduct of the birds vis-à-vis the
Kaaba, or indeed seek by painstaking study of the Koran and the Hadith to
reconcile the basic values of their religion with modern life and the
discoveries of science. But Islamism is a political ideology that takes a
literal, fundamentalist interpretation of the Koran as a master plan for
society: Islamic law. You are either an Islamist or you are not, in the same
way that you cannot be a little bit pregnant.
For all who understand this, the sad reality has now dawned: Tunisia’s
uniquely secular inheritance went up in smoke with the Jamsine Revolution —
perhaps the dumbest and most self-defeating uprising in history. (John R. Bradley, The Spectator, 16 July 2011)
''The mullahs in Pakistan brainwash him and then send him here to kill
people,'' Shah Mohammad told the elders, according to a man who
translated. The Herald cannot
verify his claims. However, similar claims have been made recently by other
elements of Oruzgan's security forces, particularly that boys are being
recruited to target prominent Afghans working with the Karzai government. The Herald accompanied local
Australian commander, Major Leigh Partridge, local Afghan National Army
commander, Lieutenant Colonel Abdul Ghafoor, and a section of Australian troops
to the shura.
Without any warning - even Major Partridge and his soldiers were unaware
of the boys' capture - Shah Mohammad directed one of his police officers to
open a shipping container, and a slight boy was ushered out.
He shuffled across the dirt compound to stand in front of village
elders, before glancing across in fear or surprise at the Australians. ''I'm from Peshawar,'' he said when directed
to by Shah Mohammad, referring to the Pakistani border city known for its
radical madrassas. He was then taken back to his makeshift holding cell. ''I've also captured another one,'' Shah
Mohammad told the elders. ''He was younger than this one, he was a little
boy.'' The Afghan security forces based
in the Mirabad Valley are increasingly taking security control from an
Australian team commanded by Major Partridge and based at Patrol Base
Wali. Oruzgan is widely expected to be
included among a group of provinces to be handed over to Afghan control over 12
to 18 months from late May. That would see Australian troops finishing their
mentoring and security role in Oruzgan by mid 2013. In the past, the Mirabad Valley was
considered a Taliban stronghold and was unreachable by the government. However,
after an operation last year, the area has seen a drop in Taliban attacks.
During the shura, Shah Mohammad called on villagers - some of whom are
suspected of giving safe harbour to insurgents - to work with the government. (Dylan Welch, Sydney Morning Herald,
March 27, 2012)
North Korea doing as it pleases – with a twist
It's a bracing moment to discover, as we did on Saturday, a
nuclear-armed rogue state is trying to perfect its intercontinental missiles by
aiming them towards Australia. It's only
a test; it's not carrying a warhead; it's not aimed at Australia, but only in
its direction; it probably doesn't have the range to reach northern Australia
in any case. Julia Gillard was right yesterday to say there was "the
lowest potential risk". It is not
the test we should worry about; it's why North Korea is testing and what
capability it is trying to develop. Rival football teams watch each others'
training sessions not because they are threatened by the training but because
they want to assess their competitors' capability. There are two reasons why
it's troubling. The purpose of the test is explained by an eminent physicist,
one whom the North Koreans in 2010 trusted enough to actually invite into their
nuclear facilities, Siegfried Hecker, former director of the US Los Alamos
nuclear laboratory. Hecker said that
while North Korea possesses enough material for six to eight nuclear warheads,
it's frustrated by its inability actually to deliver a warhead to a target:
"They have the bomb but not much of a delivery system. That's why these
tests are so important."
Second, North Korea's earlier tests have aimed east, over Japan. This
one is aiming south, for the first time. If it proceeds, it will show it is
unconcerned by the prospect of angering a whole new region.
The test is a wake-up call to Australia. We are not isolated. "The concern is that their technology is
improving," says Alan Dupont, the Michael Hintze professor of
international security at Sydney University. "Based on their previous
test, they would only be able to reach just south of Singapore. But it's
conceivable that this time or in the next five years Australia could be reached
directly by North Korean missiles."
North Korea's intent to improve its intercontinental missile capability,
combined with its nuclear capability and history of deceptive and aggressive
conduct, moved the Foreign Affairs Minister, Bob Carr, to tell the Herald:
"The North Korean nuclear and long-range missile plans represent a real
and credible threat to the security of the region and to Australia." It was the US that brought the news to
Australia. It was delivered to Carr in person by the US assistant secretary for
East Asia and the Pacific, Kurt Campbell, last Friday. As reported on Saturday, Campbell told the Herald:
"If the missile test proceeds as North Korea has indicated, our judgment
is that it will impact in an area roughly between Australia, Indonesia and the
Philippines. We have never seen this trajectory before. We have weighed into
each of these countries and asked them to make clear that such a test is
provocative and that this plan should be discontinued."
Sceptics will ask whether this is the same US intelligence that gave us
the invasion of Iraq. Fair question. That war, a travesty based on a fiction,
has damaged US credibility. But we'll very soon know. The North Koreans have
said they will launch between April 12 and 16, apparently to coincide with the
100th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il-sung. It
appears to be part of a series of events designed to entrench the new leader,
Kim Jong-un, in power. The North Koreans
argue that they have a right to peaceful access to space, and that it's only a
satellite, not a weapon. The UN Security Council, however, has judged that
North Korea has forfeited that right with its years of delinquent aggression. A
satellite launch involves ballistic technology - it's a distinction without a
difference in this case. So the UN Security Council has forbidden North Korea
either. Not only that. Pyongyang agreed
anew, only last month, to a new deal with the US. In return for food aid, North
Korea promised not to test missiles or launch satellites. North Korea shrugged off this agreement in
less than three weeks. With typical rejection of responsibility, Pyongyang has
said that any country that challenges its right to launch will be guilty of an
act of hostility. This helps explain why
Pyongyang's neighbours and interlocutors are so angry and exasperated. Japan
has promised to shoot down any North Korean missile if it ventures near its
airspace; South Korea is seeking to renegotiate with the US an alliance
agreement to restrict its own missile range to 300 kilometres; and now Barack
Obama is threatening fresh sanctions against a country already in a perpetual
state of self-inflicted famine.
Why would North Korea do such a thing? It is not a normal nation state
but more a nation-scale exercise in organised crime. Rather than allow a
legitimate economy, it earns foreign exchange by rackets - it exports illicit
drugs, counterfeits US currency, sells fake Viagra in industrial quantities,
and extorts aid and demands attention by threats of violence. Even if Pyongyang does one day develop
missiles capable of reaching Australia, and manages the technology to mount
them with nuclear warheads, do we have anything to fear?
The risk would be minimal yet Dupont argues it's one Australia needs to
consider: "North Korea knows we're an ally of the US and Japan so if they
wanted to send a message, prove a capability, without actually attacking the US
or Japan, perhaps demonstrate that they could strike a US territory - say Guam
or Hawaii, then Australia might be a possible target. "It sounds far-fetched but the
scenarios, you have to go through [them]."
The bad news is that Australia currently has no defence against an
incoming ballistic missile. The good news is that it's in planning. The air
warfare destroyers under construction in Australian shipyards are behind
schedule but ultimately supposed to be equipped with SM-3 anti-missile systems. And then there is always the great and
powerful friend. As the defence analyst Professor Hugh White puts it: "The
US extended nuclear deterrence includes Australia. North Korea knows that if it
launched a nuclear attack on Australia, it would face full US retaliation and
it would be the end of their country."
North Korea's regime may be crazy, but it's not insane. (Peter Hartcher,
Sydney Morning Herald, March 27,
“Sarkozy’s Lavish lifestyle exposed” “PARIS: France might be on the
edge of a financial meltdown but no one appears to have told President Nicolas
Sarkozy. He’s actually splashing out $15,000 a day on food and keeps 121 cars
under the Elysee Palace, according to a new book. Socialist MP Rene Dosiere, in his book Money
From the State, sets out what he sees as extraordinary excesses by the French
President. Mr Sarkozy, whose palace
budget exceeds that of the Queen, has stated that there will be a “rupture”
with his money splurging ways and more transparency.
He has cancelled
the annual $750,000 palace garden party but just last week he sent a medical
team to the Ukraine on board a state-owned private jet to attend to one of his
sons, Pierre, and fly him back to Paris to the tune of $33,000. His fleet of
cars costs $150,000 a year to insure and a whopping $800,000 to fuel. He also uses an Airbus A330 that cost $350
million to kit out, claims Mr Dosiere.” (,
Feb. 7, 2012)
[The monarchy cost the French too much. They beheaded their king and got themselves a
president. I wonder whether their guillotine is still functional.]
The Vatican - PLO Pact Designs on Jerusalem are on the Vatican's agenda, now
that the city is in Jewish hands. The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a weekly column
for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book "A New Shoah", that
researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by
Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal,
Frontpage and Commentary.
Several days
ago, Israel gave up to
the Vatican some sovereignty over the “Hall of the Last Supper” on Mount Zion
in Jerusalem, the complex of buildings where David, Solomon, and Jewish kings of
Judea, are said to be buried, although that is contested. Vatican officials then met with
representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Ramallah. The talks
were co-chaired by Mgr. Ettore Balestrero, the Holy See’s Under-Secretary for
Relations with States, and by Palestinian minister, Ziad Al-Bandak. The basis for the new Vatican-PLO agreement
is a memorandum signed by Palestinian and Vatican officials in 2000 and
which repeated the Vatican’s call for an international mandate to preserve
“the proper identity and sacred character” of Jerusalem. The Catholic
Church wants Israel relinquishing sovereignty at the Western Wall and the
Temple Mount. This is the “Holy
Basin” formula, which refers to the area of the “Nobel Sanctuary”, the Mount of
Olives, Mount Zion and a variety of Christian holy sites which the
administration of former U.S. President Bill Clinton already began reccomending
be administered under a “special regime”. The Obama plan also calls for
designating the Old City of Jerusalem as an “international zone”.
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican’s Council for Interreligious
Dialogue, recently asked to place holy places under Vatican authority or
“international custody” saying:“The Holy See has always accepted which was set
by Resolution 181 on 29 November 1947 - which declared that Jerusalem must be
the object of special regime under the auspices of the international
community”. In 1964, when Pope
Paul VI made the first papal visit to Jerusalem, the city was divided by
barbed-wire and snipers crouched on the roofs. Jews and Christians with Israeli
passports were barred from entering the Old City, in violation of Article 8 of
the 1949 Armistice Agreement. At that time, the Vatican ambassador’s residence,
at the foot of the Mount of Olives, provided a close look at the razing of over
40,000 Jewish graves in Judaism’s oldest cemetery and where, according to
tradition, the resurrection of the dead on the Day of Judgment will happen.
The Vatican
never raised its voice to protest against the apartheid imposed by the
Jordanians. Israeli leaders asked the Vatican to use its “good offices” to
intervene in order to stop the desecration, but during this dark period, the
rape of Jewish Jerusalem did not lead to any expression of concern from Vatican
diplomats. The Catholic Church, which
has now discovered “rights” in Jerusalem, was totally silent from
1948-1967, when its representatives witnessed the systematic pillaging of the
Jewish synagogues. Once Israel reunited
the city, followers of all three monotheistic faiths have been able to worship
without restrictions, with the only apartheid the restrictions imposed on
Jews on Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount, which though under
Israeli sovereignty, is controlled by the Moslem Wakf.
Would a
Palestinian flag over Temple Mount in the heart of ancient Jerusalem promote
tolerance, or would it have the opposite effect? If this area came under the control of the
Palestinian “security” forces or was put in international custody, how
long would it take before the Jews praying there would be pelted with rocks and
garbage as occurred in October 1990? No Israeli government must tolerate any policy of division,
“shared control” or “internationalization” that opens the door to a return to
the Arab apartheid of Jordanian occupation between 1948 and 1967. The
Vatican never raised a cry for internationalization during that time. The pact between the Vatican and the
Palestinians includes a condemnation of “unilateral decisions and actions
altering the specific character and status of Jerusalem”. Yet the most blatant
unilateral act in recent years has been the illegal construction project on the Temple
Mount conducted by the Wakf, the Islamic religious trust. Instead of making blatantly political
agreements with the Arabs, Catholic leaders should cooperate with the Jews and
recognize that the only way to guarantee religious freedom is by maintaining
the unity of Jerusalem under Israeli sovreignity.
There is a
deep reason for Vatican opposition to Israel’s possessing the Old City. The
Roman Catholic Church believes Israel’s right to be the Kingdom of God ended
forever with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Roman Legion in
70 CE. Israel’s rebirth challenged Catholicism’s “Kingdom of God” when
Jerusalem “the eternal” became the capital of Israel in 1967. The world
must ensure that Har Habayit, the Temple Mount, where humanity
received the gift of one God, King David raised a sanctuary for the Ark of the
Covenant and King Solomon and Herod built the Temples, does not fall into
the hands of genocidaires and looters. (Giulio Meotti, Thursday, February 09, 2012)
Hello? Is anyone noticing that
the world's leaders are behaving irrationally?
Could more
conspiratorial environmentalistas’ interpretations of our times be correct,
that is, someone has been putting something in the water and we are all
being lobotomized, even without major
brain surgery? You could make the case this week. Much of the world’s
leadership, even though presumably suckling their bottled water, exhibits all
the manifestations of imbibing something adversely affecting the normal
cognitive processes:
Barack Obama gets on television to boost his proposal for creating jobs by
massive government expenditures and tax increases at a time when most Americans
think the main problem – after disappeared jobs — is a runaway federal deficit.
Never mind he sent a $447 billion spend and tax bill up to the Congress without
a co-sponsor in either of the houses, that his own Party’s Senate leadership
initially refused to look at it, then introduced something radically different
as a Millionaires’ Tax. All that even though the President has repeatedly
endorsed his Republican opposition’s claim any tax increase during a recession
is job-killer. Of course, neither bill has a — woops! we can’t say that any
more — chance of getting through the Republican-dominated House or the
splintered Democratic Senate. Hello?
Russian Prime
Minister Vladimir Putin [soon scheduled to slip back into the presidency in
Moscow’s musical chairs] has dreamed up a restoration of Stalin’s old USSR as a
“Eurasian Union”, a regional agglomerative dictatorship. Putin’s vision is a
world of such regional blocs, graciously allocating the U.S. the Western
Hemisphere. Unable to accomplish fundamental post-Soviet reforms, he has put
together helter-skelter economic collaboration with neighbors [including
pumping their gas and oil] with Belorussia, Kazakhstan and a loose customs
union [Common Economic Space]. He now aims bringing in the current pro-Moscow
Ukraine leadership. But his present arrangements already cost Moscow $1.7
billion in tariff sharing revenues last year. Meanwhile, prospective investors
in this harebrain scenario are trading every ruble to dollar they can get their
hands on and tossing them out of the country — more than a record $49 billion
so far this year. Hello?
Luxembourg Prime
Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, chairing the Eurogroup finance ministers, says
“[E]verything will be done”. He means in an effort to avoid Greek default and
without Athens opting out of the 17-member single currency. But the rating
agencies just whacked Italy’s credit rating, Spain’s soaring borrowing rate fell
only because the already strapped European Central Bank bought its increasingly
high risk bonds, and debt-ridden Portugal is failing to meet targets. The
decision whether Greece will get the next tranche of its bailout was delayed
until mid-November so the European Union, the European Central Bank and the IMF
can pull themselves together to decide whether Athens has met conditions for
receiving help. Latest official figures say not: the Greek budget deficit will
hit 8.5 percent of GDP in 2011 instead of the 7.6 percent it promised
creditors. Greek officials now pledge the 2012 deficit will be slashed 6.8
percent of GDP instead of the promised 6.5 percent if a €6.6 billion [$8.83
billion] worth of supplementary austerity and reform measures package is forthcoming
by 2013 Without the “current” €8 billion [$10.71 billion] tranche, Athens would
bankrupt by this November with major repercussions for Europe and the world.
Dictator Bashar al-Assad allegedly told visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet
Davutoglu Damascus would strike Israel with missiles if NATO helps his
country’s rebels during his rapidly escalating civil war. “If a crazy measure
is taken against Damascus, I will need not more than six hours to transfer
hundreds of rockets and missiles to the Golan Heights to fire them at Tel
Aviv,” Assad warned after Turkish foreign minister conveyed a United States’
polite request to clear out. Assad continued: “All these events will happen in
three hours, but in the second three hours, Iran will attack the US warships in
the Persian Gulf and the US and European interests will be targeted
simultaneously” True, Assad is rumored to have chemical and bacterial warfare
stocks. But the Israelis sit on the Golan Heights less than 75 miles, downhill
to Damascus. After Assad’s father tangled with the Israelis in 1982 — the
largest air-to-air combat of the jet age and one of the shortest — Syria lost
85 Soviet MiGs. Hello? Yep, must be
something in the water, the wine, the arak or wherever. (Sol W. Sanders,, October 12, 2011)
Prolonged cannabis use leads to drop in IQ, study
AUSTRALIAN doctors and
health researchers have called for an anti-tobacco smoking-style campaign on
the dangers of cannabis after a study found a link between long-term use of the
drug and a significant, and possibly irreversible, drop in intelligence. The landmark study, the first to compare the
IQ of users before they began smoking the drug and after prolonged intake,
found cognitive decline was most pronounced in people who started using as
A senior lecturer at the
University of NSW's psychiatry department, Matthew Large, said the findings
were particularly relevant to Australia, which had one of the highest rates of
cannabis use in the world.
''Can we, as a country,
afford to have a significant proportion of people becoming less intelligent?''
said Dr Large, who was not involved in the study. The British research was based on data from a
longitudinal New Zealand study, which has tracked the health of more than 1000
individuals born in the 1970s in Dunedin. Participants had their IQ tested four
times before age 14, and again at 38 in 2010-11, and were asked detailed
questions about their cannabis use throughout adolescence and young adulthood.
The researchers found
participants who smoked cannabis regularly, four days per week or more, for a
year before at least three testing phases had the greatest decline in
intelligence, a drop of six points on the IQ scale. Those people who had never used the drug
during the 20-year study had a slight increase in intelligence when tested as
adults. The neurological effect of
cannabis, which could not be explained by recent cannabis use, addiction to tobacco,
alcohol or other hard drugs and schizophrenia, were most noticeable in users
who began smoking as teens. Many of these participants who began smoking as
teens failed to regain their lost brain functions up to a year after they
stopped taking the drug.
The authors, whose findings
were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
journal, said: ''One hypothesis is that cannabis use in adolescence causes
brain changes that result in neuropsychological impairment.'' In all drug users, an intelligence drop could
not be attributed to dropping out of school, as the effects were found in users
who completed high school. The director
of the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre, Jan Copeland, said
the study findings were as ''close as you can get'' to showing cannabis use
caused deficits in intelligence.
''[The researchers] knew
exactly what [the subjects'] cognitive functioning was before they used
cannabis, they knew everything about their social, cultural and personal
circumstances, then mapped the cognitive decline against their cannabis use
over time,'' she said. The deputy
director of policy at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical
Research, Wayne Hall, said the findings added to the case for preventive public
health education to reduce adolescent initiation and use.
Dr Large, whose research
has found a link between cannabis use and early onset schizophrenia, said the
dangers of cannabis use needed to be communicated to young teens. ''Most people
when they first start smoking cannabis are handed their first joint by their
best friend's older brother when they are 13 or 14 with no knowledge of its
risks or benefits,'' he said.
Professor Copeland said the
age of first use among the general Australian population was 18.5 years but
agreed that continuing public health campaigns were needed. (Nicky Phillip, SMH, August 28, 2012)
really important to remember that tea is a plant," Jeffrey Blumberg told
me at the 5th International Scientific Symposium on Tea and Human Health,
located at the D.C. headquarters of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. We
don't typically think of tea as the type of green, leafy vegetable typically
promoted by the USDA, but Blumberg, the meeting chair and a professor at the
Friedman School of Nutrition Science at Tufts University, pointed out that the
flavonoids extracted from tea leaves are similar to the beneficial phytochemicals
found in fruits and vegetables. If we can't get Americans to eat the
recommended daily amounts of fruits and vegetables, he suggests, why not let
tea count as one or two servings? The benefits may go beyond those gained from
adding more plant food to your diet. The research presented at the symposium
covered the gamut of health benefits attributed to tea -- from reduced risks of
gastrointestinal cancers to improved mental acuity in older adults. And new
studies suggest that tea could play an important role in three major public
health issues:
Weight Loss In green tea, the combination of caffeine and
catechins -- the stuff that gives it its bitterness and astringency -- may
promote weight loss. Dr. Rick Hursel of Maastricht University in the
Netherlands explained that in a meta-analysis of experimental trials, drinking
green tea was associated with an increase in energy expenditure equivalent to
burning about 100 extra calories in a 24-hour period. This, combined with an
increase in blood fat oxidation, might explain why subjects in a related review
lost an average of 2.9 pounds over a 12 week period.
These effects
were slightly more prominent in subjects who weren't habitual caffeine users,
and Asian subjects lost twice as much weight as Caucasian participants,
suggesting that both lifestyle and genetic factors play a role in green tea's
effects. Hursel recommends 2-3 cups of green tea a day in those looking for
weight loss benefits. Meanwhile, fried green tea ice cream remains best
Heart Health If you can't stay away from fatty foods, Dr.
Claudio Ferri of the University L'Aquila in Italy suggests following up your
Big Mac with a cup of black tea. After observing tea's potent ability to dilate
the arteries of lab rats, thus reducing their blood pressure, Ferri tested its
effects in hypertensive human subjects. He found, somewhat incredibly, that tea
consumption counteracted the meal's negative effects on blood pressure and
arterial blood flow. Blumberg jumped in
to clarify that the symposium was endorsing tea as part of a healthy diet. But as Ferri pointed out, it can be difficult
to get patients to give up their eating habits and switch over to his preferred
Mediterranean diet. These
results led him to conclude that preventing cardiovascular disease doesn't only
have to be about sacrifice. And in a
meta-analysis of over half a million normal individuals, drinking one cup of
tea per day for a year was associated with a reduction in blood pressure
equivalent to a 8-10 percent reduction in stroke risk.
Bone and Muscle
Strength From the Texas
Tech University Health Science Center came a take on traditional Chinese
medicine. Postmenopausal women -- who are at an extreme risk of osteoporosis --
were prescribed regimes of green tea and Tai Chi. Six months later, and with a
high compliance rate, those who had consumed 4 to 6 cups of green tea daily,
with or without the Tai Chi, had "improved markers for bone formation,
reduced markers of inflammation, and increased muscle strength." Dr. Leslie Chen explained that while
osteoporosis in incurable, the flavonoids and antioxidants found in green tea
may work to mitigate its effects and reduce the risk for fractures. And even
though it took a lot of tea, no adverse side effects were measured. Further study is probably warranted in all of
these areas. "But the bottom line is tea contains zero calories,"
said Blumberg. "And when you translate all of this data, a little increase
in bone strength, a decrease in blood pressure, across a whole population,
little changes make a big difference." (Lindsay Abrams, The Atlantic, Sep 20
Herbal tea: the key to better health. The humble cuppa can boost
your wellbeing in many ways, says nutritionist Teresa Boyce. Tea has been used for centuries, not only for drinking pleasure but also
in the treatment of many health complaints.
Herbal tea is not only made from the leaves of plant but may also
include the seeds, flowers or roots. Any of these components may be steeped in
hot water and consumed. Herbal tea is caffeine –free and has many health
benefits. If you have wandered down the tea isle of your local supermarket or
health –food shop you would know the selection of herbal tea is huge – which
can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you are looking for.
Herbal teas to try
+ Peppermint: Commonluy used to enhance
digestion and sooth an upset stomach. Peppermint is often made from tea bags,
however you can make it yourself quite easily. Snip a few leaves from a mint
plant, place in a cup, then add boiling water. Let it steep for a few minutes.
+ Lemon
balm: Perfect for those suffering from anxiety. It is useful for treating
stress, depression and sleeplessness. It may also relieve digestive tract spasms and abdominal cramps.
+ Dandelion:
The ideal liver cleanser and detoxifier. It is also a diuretic and helps with
fluid retention. Dandelion tea has a mild falvour and is a green color. Dandelion root can also be consumed as a warm
drink. It has a stronger flavour and is dark brown. Dandelion root is often
used as a caffee substitute.
+ Nettle:
Useful for easing intestinal disorders, high blood pressure, arthritis and
gout. Nettle tea may increase milk production in nursing mothers and can help
prevent prostate problems in men. If you haven’t drunk nettle tea before, start
with one cup a day for a week, then increase to two or three cups a day.
+ Resemary:
A garden herb that acts as a circulatory stimulant and has a calming effect on
digestion, benefiting intestinal cramps and colic. Rosemary tea is made by
adding one teaspoon of dried leaves to one cup of boiled water. Steep for ten
minutes and strain.
+ Camomile:
An easy-to-drink tea that may soothe a child’s stomach aches and pains. For
adults, chamomile can help with insomnia, acting as a mild sedative. It may
also relieve menstrual cramps.
+ Rose
hip: The tea is derived from the edible fruits of rose p[lants. It is
reddish-orange in colour and high in antioxidants including vitamin C. It is a
good sugar-free substitute for orange juice.
+ Licorice:
A sweet-tasting tea that has been used for centuries for a variety of health
applications. Its soothing and expectorant properties make it suitable for lung
and bronchial complaints or coughs and mucous congestion. Drinking it hot has the added benefits
associated with inhaling steam and further soothes respiratory congestion.
+ Cinamon:
Great for regulatingblood-sugar levels and managing sugar cravings. Cinamon’s effect on blood-sugar makes it the
perfcet tea for diabetics or those trying to lose weight. Cinamon tea is
available in tea bags or you can make it yourself with cinnamon sticks and
boiling water.
+ Fennel:
Has a flavour similar to licorice and is good for calming an upset stomach and
indigestion. It can be used as a slimming aid as it may suppress the appetite
and reduce hunger. Crushed fennel seeds are most commonly used to make this
+ Green
and black tea: Scientific research shows there are plenty of benefits to
drinking tea and the most research has been into the green and black
varieties. Green and black tea contain
varying amounts of caffeine, depending on the variety. They come from the leaves of the same plant,
Camelia senensis, but undergo different manufacturing processes. Studies have
shown positive association with tea consumption and protection against heart
disease, cancer, stroke and infections. These protective factors are mainly due
to the antioxidants and flavonoids found in both green and black tea. (B+S, Aug.
19, 2012)
Grapes protect heart health. Eating grapes can help reduce the risk of
heart diseases in men with metabolic syndrome, according to a recent study
published in the Journal of Nutrition.
Metabolic syndrome, which is a group of risk factors including high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance and abdominal obesity, increases
the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Those in
the study who consumed a freeze-dried powder had significantly lower blood
pressure, improved blood flow and lower inflammation. Grapes are rich in
polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that helps fight free-radical damage and is
thought to exert this positive effect on the heart. Snack on a bunch of grapes or add them to a
sweet or salad. (,
Oct 7, 2012)
Bake but don’t fry to reduce risk of prostate cancer. Cooking red meat at high temperatures,
especially pan-frying, forms potent carcinogenic chemicals that can increase
the risk of men developing prostate cancer by a whopping 40 per cent, according
to a recent research by the University of Southern California. In the study, men who ate 1.5 servings of
pan-fried red meat each week increased their risk of advanced prostate cancer
by 30 per cent, and those who ate 2.5 servings increased their risk by 40 per
cent. Baking red meat as well as poultry and fish is a much healthier option
and is associated with a lower risk of developing this deadly disease.
(, Oct. 7, 2012)
Too much salt Sodium
leaches the body’s calcium. A high-sodium diet has been linked to a
greater risk of osteoporosis and kidney disease, but scientists hadn’t been
able to explain why until now.
Researchers at the University of Alberta in the US have found that when
we consume high levels of sodium, our body eliminates excesses amounts via the
urine, but it takes calcium with it. This depletes our calcium stores, which
are vital for bone health and nervous system function, and increases the risk
of osteo[orosis and kidney stones. This shpws the importance of lowering your
daily sodium intake by limiting your intake of processed foods. (, Aug. 19, 2012)
Sugar’s effect on the brain. The bad news continues for those with high
blood sugar levels. A study from the Australian National University has found
that those with high blood sugar levels are not only at higher risk of diabetes
and heart disease, but are more likely to experience brain shrinkage, a common
finding in people with dementia. Even
more alarming is that those affected had blood sugar readings that are regarded
as normal, but were at the higher end of the range. The first steps to lowering
blood sugar levels are to eat protein with each meal, stick to wholegrain foods
and take nutrients that help stabilise blood sugar, such as chromium,
magnesium, B vitamins, zinc and manganese. (,au,
Oct. 7, 2012)
Desk workers and hunter gatherers burn equal calories
Sounds unlikely,
right? But a team of scientists measured the energy expenditure of the Harza, a
population of hunter-gatherers in Africa, and found it no different to the
average expenditure of adults in the US and Europe. The scientists say their study debunks the
theory that sedentary lives are to blame for the rise in obesity.
(, Aug. 19, 2012)
Reasons to try raw cacao
It has
10 or more times the antioxidants of well-known sources green tea, and red wine
and blueberries, and much
higher levels of
the antioxidants resveratrol and polyphenols, as well as vitamin C, than cooked
can prevent “bad” LDL cholesterol from clogging up arteries, lower cholesterol
and reduce blood
3 Raw cacao can keep blood-sugar levels
balanced as it is one of the richest sources of magnesium and chromium.
4 It is easily added to meals. Try raw cacao
nibs in muesli or trail mix, or cacao powder in smothies.
Aug. 19, 2012)
Honesty helps health
While a little
white lie may seem nharmless, being dishonest can damage your physical and
mental health, according to a recent study.
Researchers found people who told the truth and fewer sore throats and
headaches and better relationships than fibbers. (,
August 26, 2012)
Lord Callaghan, the former British prime minister, died of pneumonia
aged 92 in 2005, just 11 days after Audrey, his wife of 67 years. Johnny Cash died of complications related to
diabetes while in hospital in 2003 at the age of 71. It was said at the time
that he had been left weakened by the grief of losing his wife June, 73, three
months earlier. Immunologists at the University of Birmingham found increased
stress levels and depression brought on by grief could interfere with the
function of a type of white blood cell known as neutrophils, which are
responsible for fighting bacterial infections such as pneumonia.
The impact became more profound in older adults because they had lost
the ability to produce a hormone to counteract this dampening affect, meaning
even healthy elderly people could fall victim to disease.
Janet Lord, who led the research, said: ''There are a lot of anecdotes
about couples who were married for 40 years when one of them passes away and
then the other dies a few days later. It seems there is a biological basis for
this. Rather than dying of a broken heart, however, they are dying of a broken
immune system. They usually get infections.''
The researchers studied the immune systems and hormone levels of 48
healthy adults aged 65 and over. Half of the group had suffered a major
bereavement in the past year. They found the antibacterial action of
neutrophils in grieving participants was significantly reduced compared with
those who had not suffered a bereavement. The bereaved also had raised levels
of the stress hormone cortisol. The
researchers also found that suffering a hip fracture could lead to the same
hormone imbalance. This could explain why about a quarter of people over 80 die
within a year of suffering a hip fracture. (Richard Gray, The Telegraph, London, March 26, 2012)
Is your health now at stake Steak lovers beware. Scientists say that the cancer
risk of well-cooked meat may be more than twice as high as first thought. Previous studies found frying or grilling
food can cause carcinogenic food “mutagens” on the surface but scientists have
since found humans have certain enzymes called sulfotransferases (sult) in many
parts of their bodies, whereas mice only have them in their livers. These can
transform harmless substances into carcinogenic ones according to the European
Institute of Public Health. (Sunday Telegraph, June 11, 2011)
Did you know? Taking pain
killers at lest every other day can actually make the brain more sensitive to
pain, according to a UK health advisory body.
(, Oct. 7,
ONE patient persuaded John Kastelein to explore the radical idea that
would anchor his future career. The cardiologist was at work in an Amsterdam
hospital when a 36-year-old was brought into emergency. Tall and lean,
non-smoking and physically fit, the man had collapsed with a heart attack. "All his coronary arteries were terribly
obstructed and he got operated on right away," said Professor Kastelein,
now chairman of the genetics of cardiovascular disease at the University of
Amsterdam. The damage was so severe that seven of his arteries had to be
bypassed. "In young people,
surgeons often use the mammary artery that runs parallel to the breastbone on
both sides, to patch into the heart,'' he said. "That artery never has
atherosclerosis [blockages] so the surgeon was totally amazed to find both
mammary artery walls had become diseased."
Investigations revealed the patient, Piet Snoek, had a gene mutation
that blocked all production of high density lipoprotein (HDL) - the "good
cholesterol". His case
"completely convinced" Professor Kastelein that the protective
effects of HDL were as significant a part of the heart disease story as the
well-known damage wrought by low density lipoprotein "bad"
cholesterol. He set out to demonstrate a heresy: that raising cholesterol could
help the heart, provided the cholesterol in question was HDL. "Every
manipulation that raises HDL in a mouse or a rabbit is beneficial," said
Professor Kastelein, who will deliver a plenary address in Sydney today at the
International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. Fifteen years later, Mr Snoek is
still alive. Professor Kastelein and colleagues have used drugs to completely
eliminate LDL from his body, compensating for the absence of HDL. "Heart
disease is the result of the balance of these two," he said. Several drug
companies have begun synthesising HDL - which attaches to cells that mop up
LDL, steering them into the circulation - following a heart attack.
"We have shown we can mobilise cholesterol from the arterial wall.
We can move amounts of cholesterol that in my mind are very clinically
significant," Professor Kastelein said. The next step is to use heart
scans to evaluate whether this reverses artery damage. Philip Barter, of the
Heart Research Institute in Sydney, said raising HDL had ''the potential to be
as important on top of [cholesterol-lowering] statins as statins were on
nothing". (Julie Robotham, Sydney Morning Herald, March 26, 2012)
Dental X-rays tumour link PEOPLE who get regular dental X-rays are more likely to
suffer a common type of brain tumour, researchers say. The study in the US journal Cancer showed people diagnosed with
meningioma who reported having a yearly bitewing exam were 1.4 times to 1.9
times as likely as a healthy control group to have developed such tumours.
People who reported getting a yearly panorex exam – an X-ray outside the
mouth – were 2.7 to three times more likely to develop cancer, the study
said. (Newcastle Herald, April 11, 2012)
The United States
and other wealthy nations have less of a problem because they require modern
diesel engines to burn much cleaner than they did even a decade ago. Most
industries, like mining, already have limits on the amount of diesel fumes to
which workers may be exposed. The medical director of the American Cancer
Society praised the ruling by the W.H.O.’s International Agency for Research on
Cancer, saying his group “has for a long time had concerns about diesel.” The
cancer society is likely to come to the same conclusion the next time its
scientific committee meets, said the director, Dr. Otis W. Brawley. “I don’t think it’s bad to have a diesel
car,” Dr. Brawley added. “I don’t think it’s good to breathe its exhaust. I’m
not concerned about people who walk past a diesel vehicle, I’m a little
concerned about people like toll collectors, and I’m very concerned about
people like miners, who work where exhaust is concentrated.”
Debra T. Silverman,
a cancer researcher for the United States government who headed an influential
study published in March that led to Tuesday’s decision, said she was “totally
in support” of the W.H.O. ruling and expected that the government would soon
follow suit in declaring diesel exhaust a carcinogen.
Three separate
federal agencies already classify diesel exhaust as a “likely carcinogen,” a
“potential occupational carcinogen” or “reasonably anticipated to be a human
carcinogen.” Dr. Silverman, chief of environmental epidemiology for the National Cancer Institute, said her study of 50 years of exposure to diesel fumes by
12,000 miners showed that nonsmoking miners who were heavily exposed to diesel
fumes for years had seven times the normal lung cancer risk of nonsmokers. The W.H.O. decision was announced Tuesday in
Lyon, France, after a weeklong scientific meeting. It also said diesel exhaust
was a possible cause of bladder cancer. Diesel exhaust now shares the W.H.O.’s
Group 1 carcinogen status with smoking, asbestos, ultraviolet radiation, alcohol
and other elements that pose cancer risks. Dr. Silverman said her research
indicated that occupational diesel exposure was a far greater lung cancer risk
than passive cigarette smoking, but a much smaller risk than smoking two packs
a day. For years, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, and the National Toxicology Program of the
National Institutes of Health have rated diesel as a potential, not proven,
carcinogen. The Diesel Technology Forum, which represents car and truck
companies and others that make diesel engines, reacted cautiously to the W.H.O.
ruling, noting that modern diesel engines used in the United States and other
wealthy countries burn low sulfur fuel, so new trucks and buses emit 98 percent
less particulates than old ones did and 99 percent less nitrogen oxide, which
adds to ozone buildup. Allen Schaeffer,
the forum’s executive director, said the studies considered by the W.H.O. “gave
more weight to studies of exposure from technology from the 1950s, when there
was no regulation.” Ultra-low-sulfur
fuel was introduced in 2000 and became mandatory in 2006, he said, and about a
quarter of the American truck fleet was built after that mandate was passed.
The government estimates that the entire truck fleet is replaced every 12 to 15
years, he added. Many studies have
suggested links between diesel and lung cancer, but Dr. Silverman said hers was
the first to measure with precision how much diesel exhaust each group of
mineworkers was exposed to. Her study clearly established that the more a miner
was exposed to diesel, the greater his cancer risk, she said. “Now
we need to focus on managing exposures to diesel exhaust,” Dr. Brawley said.
(Donald G. McNeil Jr., New York Times,
June 2, 2012)
A glass of wine good for bones Good news for older women who enjoy the odd glass of
wine: you’re doing your bones a favour. New research from Oregon State
University in the US has found that in post-menopausal women, a moderate amount
of alcohol helps the bone-turnover process. This is when our bones break down
old sections and build up new ones, strengthening their overall density. Researchers found that when moderate drinkers
cease drinking for two weeks, their bone turnover falls out of balance, but
goes back to normal when they resume drinking. The study defined moderate
drinking as having half to two standard drinks a day (,
August 5, 2012).
Want to be healthier?
Feeling overwhelmed
by everything you have to do to be healthier? Star by just watching less TV and
eating more fruit and veggies and the rest will follow, say researchers at
Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in the US. They asked
four groups of people to try different combinations of diet and activity
changes, and found the group asked to reduce their TV time and eat more fruit
and veggies experienced the biggest “ripple effect” on their health. That group
also reduced their saturated fat without trying and were more confident they could
make further lifestyle changes. The study found it also helps to have a
short-term financial incentive: all participants were paid money if they stuck
to their plan for three weeks.
Go with the grain for your daily chromium Choosing wholegrains over refined grains will provide
you with a good daily dose of chromium. This trace mineral is only required by
the body in small amounts but plays an important role in keeping our
blood-sugar and insulin levels stable. Eating chromium-rich foods also helps curb
sugar cravings and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Germs highest in office kitchens Next time you rinse your teacup in the office kitchen,
you may want to wash your hands as well. The kitchen tap is the top germ hot
spot at work, with three-quarters of them deemed highly contaminated, according
to a US study conducted by Kimberly-Clark Professional. The study tested 5000 work surfaces for the
molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which indicates bacteria and viruses.
ATP levels of more than 300 show a surface is highly contaminated and capable
of spreading illness. Highly
contaminated work surfaces:
75 % of kitchen
sink handles; 48 % of microwave door
handles; 27 % of keyboards; 26 % 0f fridge door handles;
23 % of water
fountain buttons; 21 % of vending
machine buttons.
Ages have an aroma
There really is an old-person smell, but it’s
not as bad as a middle-aged or a young-person smell, according to research
published in the journal PLUS ONE. The study found that people can identify
three age types based on underarm odour. The odour of older people was deemed
least offensive.
Fat fighter Mango skin may help ward off obesity. It’s the part of the mango we discard and
don’t give much thought to, but it turns out the peel of certain types of this
fruit contains a powerful fat fighter. Scientists from the University of
Queensland have found the peel of two common
types of mango, the Irwin and the nam doc mai, inhabits the generation
of fat cells and tissue. The findings mean mango peel is a potential
“nutraceutical” (A food that also has
medical benefits), and extracts from the peel may be used in obesity-fighting
drugs down the track.
Why we overeat when depressed There is a science to this irrational behavior, say
researchers from the University of Montreal in Canada: high-fat foods give us
an emotional high, but it eventually leads to feelings of depression, so we eat
again to go back to feeling good. The team studied the effects of a high-fat
diet on mice and found it increased anxiety and depression in the animals and
created a cycle of addiction. How to break the overeating habit: b+s
nutritionist Lisa Guy recommends cleaning the house of junk food and eating
protein and fibre with each meal to stay full. (, June 17,
Weird but True: Black pepper fights weight
gain. As well as giving your dinner a tasty kick, black
pepper has the potential o fend off weight gain, according to new research
published in the Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry. Scientists have
found that the chemical piperine in black pepper can block the formation of new
cells. At the moment it has only been achieved in the lab using animal cells,
but the scientists think this discovery may lead to piperine’s use in fighting human obesity. (, June 3, 2012).
Kilo weight loss halves breast cancer risk. Losing just three kilos could
dramatically lower a woman’s chances of developing breast cancer, according to
new research from the US. Researchers
say if an overweight woman loses just five per cent of her body weight she is
up to 50 per cent less likely to develop the most common form of breast cancer.
Researchers studied 439 women aged between 50 and 75 and split them into four
groups. One group dieted, another exercised, the third did both and the fourth
made no changes. The women on the diet and exercise program had the best
results, losing 10 per cent of their body weight.
Caffeine eases dry eyes.
could be the answer for sufferers of dry eye syndrome. According to a recent
study in the Journal Ophthalmology, caffeine consumption can significantly
improve dry eye syndrome by stimulating the tear ducts to increase tear
production, just like caffeine increases other secretions such as digestive
juices and saliva.
Eating slower
may be a simple but effective way to manage weight gain and even help us lose
weight, according to research from the US. New studies by the University of
Rhode Island have found heavier people eat faster than slimmer people. A
laboratory study found people who eat faster polish off about 88 grams of food
per minute. Slow eaters consume 57 grams of food per minute - more than a third
less. Researchers also found people with a high body mass index (BMI) eat
faster than people with a low BMI. "It
takes time for your body to process fullness signals, so slower eating may
allow time for fullness to register in the brain before you've eaten too
much," says Kathleen Melanson, associate professor of nutrition at the
University of Rhode Island. Her previous research found eating slowly
reduces the amount of food we ingest. Women who were told to eat quickly
consumed 646 calories in nine minutes. When the same women were told to pause
between each bite and to chew food 15 to 20 times before swallowing, they
consumed only 579 calories over a 29-minute period. Similarly, research at Osaka University in
Japan studied the eating habits of 3000 people and found men who ate fast were
84 per cent more likely to be overweight. Fast-eating women were twice as
likely to be overweight compared with women who ate slowly.
Australia we seem to have a culture where people eat quickly and don't actually
taste their food," says Melanie McGrice, a spokeswoman for the Dietitians
Association of Australia. Rushed eating
means we often reach for convenience foods that can be devoured on the go
rather than sitting at the dinner table, eating with cutlery and taking things
The University
of Rhode Island research found when people ate wholegrain foods instead of
highly processed items, they ate more slowly because the foods contain more
fibre and need more chewing. "Leave
the skin on fruits and vegies to boost the fibre content so you have to eat
them slowly," McGrice says. "If you have a piece of fruit, cut it
into small pieces to eat rather than taking large bites quickly." Skipping meals during a busy day also leads
to fast overeating. "It's common for people to rush around and skip meals
and then be overly hungry, so when they do see food they eat fast,"
McGrice says. "Hormones are produced by your body four to five hours after
your last meal to stimulate your appetite so you eat again. If you override
that, when you do eat, you'll eat quickly to compensate for your hunger. That's
why it's important to eat regularly."
Professor Paul
O'Brien, from the Centre for Obesity Research & Education at Monash
University, says people who have a lapband procedure have to eat slowly so food
can be squeezed through the band into the stomach. "The oesophagus
squeezes food four or five times to get just one bite down to the band and then
squeezed past it into the stomach. That can take up to a minute," he says.
"Patients have to allow that
mouthful of food to pass through this process before they have another
We give patients a timer that runs for a minute to emphasise they have to wait
a minute before swallowing again."
This also allows time for messages from the stomach to reach the brain and
signal you are full. This process takes about 20 minutes. "That's why it's so important to eat a
little and then wait for a while to see if you feel full. If you continue to
eat without actually being hungry, you could overeat and that can lead to
weight gain," O'Brien says.
"Focus on
enjoying smaller portions of food and focus on quality, not quantity."
on the flavour and texture of each mouthful.
teaspoon-sized mouthfuls of food.
each mouthful 15 to 20 times.
your knife and fork down between mouthfuls.
"Mentally envisage doing a lap of the
room before you take the next mouthful," McGrice says.
Aim to
only have a few bites of food a minute.
If you
are starting to feel full, stop eating. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes and if you
still feel full, stop eating.
wholegrain foods in your meal. Don't skip meals. (Sarah Marinos,
don't know how tobacco companies sleep straight in bed," Ros Richardson,
from SIDS and Kids NSW, said.
incidence of sudden infant death syndrome has decreased by 85 per cent in the
past 25 years due to safe sleep education programs that recommend babies be
placed on their backs to sleep. An average of 50 babies die in NSW each year
from SIDS. Almost one in five women
still smoke in pregnancy, including 42 per cent of teenagers and 52 per cent of
indigenous women. "The most outstanding risk factor is tobacco smoke and
it's one of the hardest ones to shake," Ms Richardson said. "Smoking in pregnancy is also associated
with a higher risk of stillbirth and pre-term birth and neonatal loss."
Hormone gives male libido a lift. Look out, Viagra, there could be another
libido-boosting drug on the market, and it comers from an unlikely source. Oxytocin, the naturally occurring hormone
that makes mums bond with their babies, has been found to have an impressive
effect on the males sex drive. In a small study, US researchers found that a
man who took twice daily doses of the hormone experienced a significant
improvement in his libido, and arousal, on a par with what Viagra can
achieve. The only side effect found was
the desire to hug more often, which may not be such a bad thing. Research is
still in preliminary stages but experts are already touting this as a major
Music lovers recover faster from strokes. Good news for music, art and theatre lovers: a new
study has found that these pastimes help stroke victims recover better.
Researchers from Italy looked at the interest of 192 stroke survivors. They
found that the 105 who reported an appreciation for the arts had more energy,
improved mobility and better health overall. They were also less anxious or
depressed and had better memory and communication skills.
Go nuts for a low-Gi breakfast
Adding almonds to
your breakfast lowers the glycemic index of the entire meal, which keeps your
blood sugar levels balanced throughout the day and stops mid-morning hunger
pangs, according to US research. Low-Gi
foods like almonds are also high in fibre, which help keep you fuller for
longer. Other fibre-rich, low Gi foods
you can add to your breakfast include nuts, chia and flax seeds and other
seeds, wholegrains, and legumes.
Protect your man’s brain with berries
Men who eat berries
at least once a week lower their risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by 25
per cent, according to a study by British and US experts. The study looked at
the diets of 130 000 men and women over 20 years. Researchers claim that flavonoids, a powerful
antioxidant found in berries as well as other fruit, tea and red wine, protect
the brain against the disease. While the study found a clear link for men,
there was no lowered risk for women.
(, April 29, 2012)
Coffee = less skin cancer Grabbing a
coffee after a workout gives you more than a happy buzz. Research on mice has found the combo of
exercise and caffeine reduces the number of skin tumours in cancer-prone mice
by 62 percent. Tumours also shrank by 85 per cent in treated animals. The
researchers say the reason is the anti-inflammatory effect of the combination,
and believe humans will experience the same skin benefits as mice.
Try a purple carrot
You may have noticed
purple-coloured carrots popping up in your supermarket or fruit and vegetable
shop of late. Purple carrots are not new, though – they’re actually one of the
original varieties of carrots.
Why they’re good
for you: The purple pigment contains high levels of anthocyanins, powerful
antioxidants that help fight free radical damage and reduce the risk of chronic
diseases. Eating purple carrots can help lower the risk of developing heart
disease and cancer and may slow down signs of aging. How to eat them: Purple carrots taste the
same as orange carrots and can be cooked in the same way too. They also make a
great addition to juices. (, April 22, 2012)
Swap red meat to reduce stroke risk A major US study has found that the risk of stroke is reduced by eating
less red meat and more nuts, chicken, fish and low-fat dairy. Swap a serve of
red meat each day for . . . .
. 30g of nuts and you’ll reduce stroke risk
by 17 per cent
. 240g low-fat dairy and you’ll reduce
stroke by 11 per cent
. 90g chicken and you’ll reduce stroke risk
by 27 per cent. (, April 15, 2012)
Save $$ and be happy
You may not be able
to buy happiness, but putting some money in the piggy bank on a regular basis
seems to help. Regular savers are significantly happier than non-savers,
according to a recent survey of 2300 Australians by RoboDirect. The survey found that 60 per cent of regular
savers defined themselves as completely happy, compared with 17 per cent of
unrestrained spenders. Saving has health
benefits, too: 57 per cent of regular savers said they were in excellent health,
compared with 32 per cent of unrestrained spenders and 46 per cent of all the
people surveyed.
Weird but true
Traffic noise ups
the risk of heart attack, according to a Danish Cancer Society. Its study
looked at the living conditions and health of more than 50,000 people and found
that for every 10 decibels of traffic noise, there is a 12 per cent increase in
heart attack risk. It is thought that traffic sleep and stress levels which in
turn affect heart health.
Ward off flu with cranberry juice
Cranberry juice is
well known for its effectiveness in improving urinary tract health, but new research shows it is also a great
immunity booster. A study by the University of Florida found people who drank
cranberry juice daily had fewer colds and flu and improved immune cell
function. Gram for gram, cranberries are more abundant in polyphenolic
antioxidants than any other fruit and these antioxidants help reduce
inflammation in the body. (, July 15, 2012)
Pop to
Popcorn has twice
as many antioxidants as fruit. The news
on popcorn keeps getting better. US scientist Dr Joe Vinson has studied these
little golden kernels and found that one serving of plain, air-popped popcorn (about
three cups) has double the antioxidants of an average serve of fruit. He also
found a serve will provide 70 per cent of your daily wholegrain needs and a
good amount of fibre. While this does
not mean popcorn should take the place f fruit or vegetables, Vinson says it
does mean it deserves more respect. Hear, hear!
Are impulsive toddlers the gamblers of the future?
Preschoolers who
are impulsive, restless and inattentive are twice as likely to have a gambling
problem in adulthood, according to a new US study. However, researchers say
that boosting the children’s self-confidence and teaching patience and
self-control could increase their chances of being happy and successful
financially and academically (, May 13, 2012).
Drink to your health
More than one
million people will be putting on the kettle for Australia’s Biggest Morning
Tea on May 24 this year to raise money for cancer research and support
services. If you’re serving up a cuppa,
here are the five healthiest tea choices.
+ Resehip tea is rich in vitamin C and boosts
+ Green tea’s antioxidants help reduce cancer
+ Rooibos tea is a good source of
antioxidants and minerals.
+ Chamomile tea is calming.
+ Ginger tea relieves nausea and helps
digestive problems. (,
May 13, 2012)
While the sniffles
may be a part of life, the good news is that there are some foods that boost
your defence against seasonal sickness.
The health heroes aren’t hard to find – you can even grow them yourself.
Here are some easy-to-grow, easy-to-find and easy-to-eat ‘superfoods’.
+ Broccoli, is packed with
nutrients, antioxidants and anti-carcinogenic properties. It’s also very
versatile to cook with and easy to add to existing meals for an added health
+ Garlic, is known for being a cardiovascular booster and its
antimicrobial properties make it nature’s antibiotic.
+ Green beans, mineral rich, they are good for arthritis and kidney
stones, so guard your body and stock up.
+ Goji berries, are the food of the moment. You can juice them, dry
them or make tea out of them. These antioxidant-rich berries have been used in
Chinese medicine for thousands of years to protect the liver, improve eyesight,
help circulation and aid your immune system.
+ Oregano, helps prevent prostate cancer. Researchers from the
US have found that a chemical in oregano called carvacrol could be a powerful
weapon against prostate cancer. When added to prostate cancer cells in the lab,
it actually triggered the cells to kill themselves. Scientists say that while
more studies are needed, oregano presents a very promising therapy for patients
with prostate cancer. (Energy Australia
Newsletter, Issue 23).
Calorie counting doesn’t make you slimmer New research shows people who are obsessed with reading
labels and calorie counting tend to be heavier than those who don’t bother.
Scientists quizzed more than 300 French, Quebec and American consumers on their
knowledge of dietary fats. The French
couldn’t answer 43 per cent of the questions, the Canadians couldn’t answer 13
per cent of the questions and the Americans couldn’t answer four per cent, yet
France has an obesity rate of 12 per cent, three times lower than the US. It
seems focusing on detailed nutritional information may not encourage healthy
eating (, May 13,
You are an M.I.T.-trained mathematician and physicist. How did
you come to work on obesity?
In 2004, while on
the faculty of the math department at the University of Pittsburgh, I married.
My wife is a Johns Hopkins ophthalmologist, and she would not move. So I began
looking for work in the Beltway area. Through the grapevine, I heard that the
N.I.D.D.K., a branch of the National Institutes of Health, was building up its mathematics laboratory to study
obesity. At the time, I knew almost nothing of obesity. I didn’t even know what a calorie was. I
quickly read every scientific paper I could get my hands on. I could see the
facts on the epidemic were quite astounding. Between 1975 and 2005, the average
weight of Americans had increased by about 20 pounds. Since the 1970s, the
national obesity rate had jumped from around 20 percent to over 30 percent. The
interesting question posed to me when I was hired was, “Why is this happening?”
Why would mathematics have the answer? Because
to do this experimentally would take years. You could find out much more
quickly if you did the math. Now, prior
to my coming on staff, the institute had hired a mathematical physiologist,
Kevin Hall. Kevin developed a model that could predict how your body
composition changed in response to what you ate. He created a math model of a
human being and then plugged in all the variables — height, weight, food
intake, exercise. The model could predict what a person will weigh, given their
body size and what they take in. However, the model was complicated: hundreds
of equations. Kevin and I began working together to boil it down to one simple
equation. That’s what applied mathematicians do. We make things simple. Once we
had it, the slimmed-down equation proved to be a useful platform for answering
a host of questions.
What new information did your equation render? That the conventional wisdom of 3,500
calories less is what it takes to lose a pound of weight is wrong. The body
changes as you lose. Interestingly, we also found that the fatter you get, the
easier it is to gain weight. An extra 10 calories a day puts more weight onto
an obese person than on a thinner one.
Also, there’s a
time constant that’s an important factor in weight loss. That’s because if you
reduce your caloric intake, after a while, your body reaches equilibrium. It
actually takes about three years for a dieter to reach their new “steady
state.” Our model predicts that if you eat 100 calories fewer a day, in three
years you will, on average, lose 10 pounds — if you don’t cheat.
Another finding:
Huge variations in your daily food intake will not cause variations in weight,
as long as your average food intake over a year is about the same. This is
because a person’s body will respond slowly to the food intake.
Did you ever solve the question posed to you when you were first
hired — what caused the obesity epidemic? We think so. And it’s something very simple, very
obvious, something that few want to hear: The epidemic was caused by the
overproduction of food in the United States. Beginning in the 1970s, there was
a change in national agricultural policy. Instead of the government paying
farmers not to engage in full production, as was the practice, they were
encouraged to grow as much food as they could. At the same time, technological
changes and the “green revolution” made our farms much more productive. The
price of food plummeted, while the number of calories available to the average
American grew by about 1,000 a day. Well, what do people do when there is extra
food around? They eat it! This, of course, is a tremendously controversial
idea. However, the model shows that increase in food more than explains the
increase in weight.
In the 1950s, when I was growing up, people rarely ate out.
Today, Americans dine out — with these large restaurant portions and
oil-saturated foods — about five times a week.
Right. Society has
changed a lot. With such a huge food supply, food marketing got better and
restaurants got cheaper. The low cost of food fueled the growth of the
fast-food industry. If food were expensive, you couldn’t have fast food.
People think that
the epidemic has to be caused by genetics or that physical activity has gone
down. Yet levels of physical activity have not really changed in the past 30
years. As for the genetic argument, yes, there are people who are genetically
disposed to obesity, but if they live in societies where there isn’t a lot of
food, they don’t get obese. For them, and for us, it’s supply that’s the
issue. Interestingly, we saw that
Americans are wasting food at a progressively increasing rate. If Americans
were to eat all the food that’s available, we’d be even more obese.
Any practical advice from your number crunching? One of the things the numbers have shown us
is that weight change, up or down, takes a very, very long time. All diets
work. But the reaction time is really slow: on the order of a year.
People don’t wait
long enough to see what they are going to stabilize at. So if you drop weight
and return to your old eating habits, the time it takes to crawl back to your
old weight is something like three years. To help people understand this
better, we’ve posted an interactive version of our model at People can plug in their information and learn how
much they’ll need to reduce their intake and increase their activity to lose.
It will also give them a rough sense of how much time it will take to reach the
goal. Applied mathematics in action!
What can Americans do to stem the obesity epidemic? One thing I have concluded, and this is
just a personal view, is that we should stop marketing food to children. I
think childhood obesity is a major problem. And when you’re obese, it’s not
like we can suddenly cut your food off and you’ll go back to not being obese.
You’ve been programmed to eat more. It’s a hardship to eat less. Michelle
Obama’s initiative is helpful. And childhood obesity rates seem to be
stabilizing in the developed world, at least. The obesity epidemic may have
peaked because of the recession. It’s made food more expensive.
You said earlier that nobody wants to hear your message. Why?
I think the food
industry doesn’t want to know it. And ordinary people don’t particularly want
to hear this, either. It’s so easy for someone to go out and eat 6,000 calories
a day. There’s no magic bullet on this. You simply have to cut calories and be
vigilant for the rest of your life. This article has been revised to reflect the following
May 16, 2012 The “Conversation With” article on Tuesday,
about Carson Chow, a mathematician who studies obesity, misstated a statistic
around which his work revolves. One in 3 Americans are obese — not merely
overweight, a description that applies to 2 in 3 Americans (Claudia Dreifus, Michael
Temchine, The New York Times, May 14, 2012)
Prime Minister Dumps Christians
Julia Gillard’s
decision to pull out of a speaking engagement with the Australian Christian
Lobby has been applauded by marriage equality advocates. Ms Gillard, an atheist, yesterday withdrew as
the keynote speaker at an ACL conference in Canberra next month, citing
“offensive” comments made by its leader Jim Wallace, who said smoking was
healthier than same sex marriage.
(, September 7, 2012)
Mormon bishop's daughter
spills Romney's 'secrets' ...
'Would you trust the judgment of a man if he truly
believes he's gonna be a god?'
The daughter of a
Mormon bishop who has abandoned her family's faith claims in a new book the
election of Mitt Romney to the presidency would put the U.S. in
danger due to what she calls the Republican's "outrageous,"
"horrific" and "mind-controlling" beliefs. “While he attempts to portray Mormonism as
just another Christian religion, Mitt Romney counts on his skills to shift our
attention away from what he truly believes," says Tricia Erickson, author of "Can Mitt Romney Serve Two
Masters? The Mormon Church Versus the Office of the
Presidency of the United States of America."
"If the
American people knew what he truly believed, they would surely not place him in
the highest office in the land."
Yet others, such as professor Richard Bushman, a Mormon and previous missionary himself
who has taught at Harvard, Columbia and Brown Universities, are defending the
faith. He calls Erickson "disillusioned" and someone who
"instead of walking away felt an obligation to discredit [her] former
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the official name for Mormonism, has
rocketed into the national consciousness this month since Rev. Robert Jeffress, a Rick Perry supporter who pastors the First Baptist Church of Dallas,
Texas, said Romney was "not a Christian" and that Mormonism is a
"Part of a
pastor's job is to warn
his people and others about false religions," Jeffress said Sunday, standing by his controversial remarks. "Islam, Hinduism,
Buddhism and Mormonism are all false religions."
In her book,
Erickson paints an unflattering picture of the Mormon faith, which counts not
only the former Massachusetts governor as a member, but also fellow GOP presidential contender Jon Huntsman, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Sen.
Harry Reid, D-Nev., radio talk-show host Glenn Beck, singer Gladys Knight,
actresses Amy Adams and Katherine Heigl, "Napoleon Dynamite" actor
Jon Heder, entertainers Donny and Marie Osmond, and sports stars including
the NFL's Steve Young, Danny White and Merlin Olsen. Erickson says Romney believes: |
He will
become a "god" in the afterlife and be given his own planet
is Jesus' literal brother
was not born of a virgin birth
He will
be given his own afterlife kingdom where he will have sexual relations with his
wife, Ann, to populate his kingdom with spirit children as God the Father
Himself has a wife on His own
teaches we pre-existed on God the Father's planet as spirit children before we
were planted in our mother's wombs," Erickson told WND. "And the
reason why we're here according to Mormonism, is so that we can work out our
own progression to godhood and our own planets themselves."
The author, who
herself was married in a Mormon temple at age 19 but now considers herself a
non-denominational Christian, says there's a secret agenda Mormon
officials don't like to talk about publicly.
"A complete
takeover of the government,"
she said. "They have more people in the CIA, the FBI. They have an
employment office for Mormons in D.C. to be able to infiltrate them into the
"They've been
trying since the beginning to get someone in the presidency, because they
believe they have to establish their authority so when Jesus comes to Earth, the
Mormon Church will take control of the government and the Mormons will be the
government of God on Earth," she continued.
Erickson says her
main concern is that the leader of the free world have the ability to discern
fact from fiction.
"It may be
crucial to our survival," she said. "If his beliefs are distorted,
which they unequivocally are, why would it not be be critical to our existence
to protect our country from being placed in the hands of such a person?"
When asked for
specific rituals she considers bizarre, Erickson claims Romney and other
Mormons take part in clandestine marriage ceremonies involving
"outrageous" customs. Explaining her own Mormon wedding, she says she
was forced to completely disrobe against her will. "It was horrific," she told WND.
"There I was standing naked. They brought this bowl of water, and started
washing my body down and whispering prayers over my body. They stopped over the
right and left breast, the navel and knees and prayed specific prayers."
To help ensure the
general public did not learn details of the rituals, she says believers took a
symbolic knife to feign their own murder if members spilled the beans of what
really goes on behind closed doors. "They
actually had us slashing our guts open and our guts falling to the ground if we
told people of the secret dogma of the ceremonies," Erickson said.
"Mitt is not a
casual Mormon," she told online interviewer Thom Hartmann, noting Romney
has reached the upper echelons of the faith. "There is no way that he will
be able to not listen to the [Mormon] prophet. His eternal salvation depends on
it. He has to put the church first over country." When pressed about what some may consider the
strange beliefs of other faiths, Erickson said of Romney, "I kind of
believe, you know, that he should be completely sane and he should have
discernment and good judgment. I mean if the man truly believes he's gonna
become a god, would you trust the judgment of somebody like that?"
The Boston Globe
reported in 2006 that Romney's political team quietly consulted with leaders of
the Mormon Church to map out plans for a nationwide network of Mormon
supporters to help Romney capture the presidency in 2008. Officials with the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints told WND they're well aware of Erickson's book, but were
reluctant to respond to Erickson's assertions. Spokeswoman Jessica Moody says
she encourages everyone to read the church's core beliefs as well as articles of faith posted online.
Regarding the plan of salvation, the LDS church states, "The mortal existence is seen in the
context of a great sweep of history, from
a pre-Earth life where the
spirits of all mankind lived with Heavenly Father to a future life in His
presence where continued growth, learning and improving will take place." At the Values Voters Summit in the nation's
capital over the weekend, Romney defended his beliefs, saying, "Almost all Americans live for a purpose
greater than ourselves. Our heritage of religious faith and tolerance has
importantly shaped who we have become as a people. We must continue to welcome
faith into the public square and allow it to flourish. Our government should
respect religious values, not silence them. We will always pledge our
allegiance to a nation that is under God."
Bushman, meanwhile, says people need to remember that many faiths have
doctrines and customs that other people find hard to fathom. "To my way of
thinking the idiosyncrasies of Mormon belief and practice are
not the issue; Catholic belief in transubstantiation and Protestant belief in
the resurrection [of Jesus] can be made to look silly, too," he told CNN in
reaction to Erickson.
"The question
is Mitt Romney's independence. Will he pursue the public good as he rationally
understands it, or will he bow to the judgment of Church leaders? Does his
religion force him to be a puppet? Here we can turn to history for an answer.
Temple-attending, believing Mormons have held national office for over a
century now. Is there a single instance where they have succumbed to church
direction against their own consciences. I do not know of one
myself." Earlier this week, WND
posted a non-scientific, interactive poll in which readers were asked to sound off on Mormonism
as a factor in the presidential race. With more than 1,200 participants, the top response with 25 percent of the votes was,
"Because it denies divinity of Jesus and salvation by faith alone, it is a
cult, and a Mormon candidate should never be elected president."
(Joe Kovacs,, Oct.
14, 2011)
Holmes has spoken out for the first time since her split from Tom Cruise
KATIE Holmes wants
sole custody of her daughter because she fears being cut out of her life in
what looks like a nasty divorce battle.
KATIE Holmes talked about launching a "new phase" in her life
weeks before her bombshell divorce from Tom Cruise. Holmes said she tries to do
something every day "without being afraid to fail" because "who
cares? At least you tried. It's usually the people who haven't tried who are
the naysayers." The actress has
just been named the first A-list celebrity face of cosmetics company Bobbi
Brown, signing a contract reportedly worth up to $3 million dollars. She has also been busy with New York fashion
week, where she will debut her first collection on Sunday. Cruise, on the other
hand, has had a horrible few days.
First he was hit
with allegations that Holmes was one of at least 20 woman auditioned by the
Church of Scientology for the role of his wife.
Then two former high-ranking Scientologists claimed the organisation
turned his children with Nicole Kidman, Isabella and Connor, against their
mother after their divorce - even waging a hate campaign against her.
And today, the US
press reports that Scientology was behind Cruise's split from actress Penelope
Cruz in 2004.
Cruise dated his
Vanilla Sky co-star for three years, in between his second and third marriages
to Kidman and Holmes. The Oscar winner
reportedly began the process of taking Scientology courses and auditing
sessions but was labelled a "dilettante" by church leader David
Miscavige after she refused to abandon her Buddhist beliefs. (The [Sydney] Telegraph, September 07)
US Churches against the Jews: Heavenly Intifada
Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Rick Perry, just to
name a few, are all Methodists. The Methodist Church is radically anti-Israel.
The United
Methodist Church is the major mainline Protestant denomination in the United
States. Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Rick Perry, to name just a few,
are all Methodists. During its General Conference
in late April in Tampa, Florida, the Church will discuss some divestment
proposals targeting companies that profit from Israel’s “occupation”, such as
Motorola, Caterpillar and Hewlett Packard. The Methodists boycott no other
country. But they loudly proclaim a radical anti-Israel policy. The
divestment campaign can have severe consequences for the companies targeted.
For example, the United Methodist Church’s pension agency reportedly has $5
million in Caterpillar stock out of
$15 billion in assets.
Methodist bishops
have already opposed U.S. arms sales to the Jewish State.
The Virginia and
New England conferences of the Methodist Church just passed resolutions calling
for divestment from Israel. The Methodist Church of Britain launched a boycott
against goods emanating from Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Last October, the historic Dumbarton United
Methodist Church in Washington, D.C., which features a pew where President
Abraham Lincoln once sat, also backed an anti-Israel divestment proposal. In March, three resolutions taking anti-Israel
positions were adopted by the Methodist Church’s
public policy arm, which voted in favor of resolutions seeking boycotts and
divestment directed against companies regarded as “complicit in the Israeli
presence in the West Bank”. Equating
Israel with apartheid South Africa is a recurring theme among pro-Palestinian
Methodist groups. The Methodist Church
is not alone in this anti-Israel wave. The wealthiest US Church, the
Presbyterian, will also vote the divestment proposal during its General
Assembly in Pittsburgh. The Church’s Committee on Mission Responsibility
Through Investment urged the General Assembly to fully embrace the boycott
movement against some major companies which are based in Israel. Last November, the Presbyterian Church hold a conference in Louisville and it
embraced the “Kairos Document”, which rejects the Jewish State and says that
Israeli security policies are “a sin against God”.
Church efforts to divest from companies doing business with Israel are part of
a bigger trend which demonizes Judaism. At the recent Louisville symposium,
Eugene March, professor emeritus of Old Testament at Presbyterian Seminary,
said the Jewish right to the land is “invalid”, while Gary Burge, professor of
New Testament at Wheaton College, criticized “the territorial worldview of
eschatology is nothing new in the Presbyterian denomination. When the US Church
voted to divest from Israel in 2004, its flagship intellectual journal, Church
and Society, ran an essay by theologian Robert Hamerton-Kelly who argues
that Judaism has always been “a blood-thirsty, primitive religion”. The well-known Old Testament scholar Walter
Brueggemann, who is professor emeritus at Presbyterian Church affiliated
Columbia Theological Seminary and
one of America’s most influential left-leaning theologians, wonders
if any idea of “chosen people” inevitably results in “absolutism” and the
“seeds of violence”. This is a return to Martin Luther’s demonology, since the
founder of Protestantism argued that the Jews were no longer the chosen people
but instead “the Devil’s people”.
Stephen Sizer, British theologian and leader in these mainline
Churches, released a declaration to support the UN Palestinian bid: “The New
Testament insists the promises God made to Avraham are fulfilled not in the
Jewish people but in Jesus and those who acknowledge him”.
Historically these
two Churches have occupied the corridors of power and wealth in America. So
although liberal Christianity is now declining in the United States, it still
is culturally and politically important. Methodists and Presbyterians are
the most aggressively anti-Israel among Protestant denominations, but all five
of the mainline denominations in the US – Methodist, Presbyterian,
Episcopalian, Lutheran and United Church of Christ – have debated and adopted
policies intended to bring direct or indirect economic pressure on
Israel. As William van der Hoeven, an Evangelical with extensive Mideast
experience put it as early as the 1970s, “The PLO has hijacked the main
churches”. It’s a new form of Intifada "from Heaven". Giulio Meotti, Israel National News, February 03, 2012)
Vatican Backs 'Right of
A senior Vatican cardinal said on yesterday that all Palestinian
refugees had a right to return to their homeland. Cardinal Renato Martino, head of the Vatican
department that formulates refugee policy, made the comment as US President
George W. Bush was set to revive long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks
between Israel and the Palestinians. "Palestinian refugees, like all other
refugees, have a right to right to return to their homeland," Martino said
in response to a question about the 44-nation conference in Annapolis on
Tuesday. Martino did not make clear whether he meant refugees had a right
to return to homes in what is now Israel or to an eventual Palestinian state. (Lekarev Report, Nov. 29, 2007)
Jew Haters in the Vatican
“The Vatican has taken
off its gloves, and is welcoming the Society of St Pius. The writer, an Italian
journalist with Il Foglio, writes a weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the
author of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal
stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has
appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and
Commentary. The controversy began on Jan. 21, 2009, when Pope Benedict revoked
the excommunication of four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X. “I think that 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished
in Nazi concentration camps but that none of them via gas chambers,” one of the
Bishops, Richard Williamson, declared a few days later. Then Williamson raised
his voice against the Jews: “The Catholic faith and Jewish power are like two
weighing pans on a pair of scales: when the Catholic Faith goes up, Jewish power goes down and vice
versa”. These past weeks the Vatican is working for communion with
the Society of Saint Pius X. Cardinal William Levada, the prefect of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, presented “the path to full
reconciliation with the Church” to Bishop Bernard Fellay, the superior general
of the fraternity. European rabbis urged the Pope in vain to suspend talks with
the society. The Vatican is now trying
to minimize Williamson’s words against the Jews as a mere isolate case. But
this Arutz Sheva expose clearly shows that hatred for Judaism permeates
the entire Catholic Brotherhood.
Last month the
Italian branch of the Society chose a new head after the retirement of Father
Davide Pagliarani. The successor is Pierpaolo Petrucci, whose positions on the Jews are the exact copy of those of
Williamson. Petrucci published an essay in the website of the Society stating:
“About the Jews, Joseph Ratzinger calls them ‘Fathers in faith’. What does it
mean? Supporting Israel’s policy despite the Palestinian question? Supporting the Jewish religion? If that’s
the case, how can the Church approve a false religion which rejects Jesus
Christ?”. Another priest, Don Mauro Tranquillo, calls the Jews “morally
responsible for the deicide of Christ”. In 2009 Petrucci calls the Jews
“rejecters of Christ”. A year later he stated that “the Church always condemned
Judaism as a false religion, praying for the conversion (of the Jews), so that
they will reach salvation, seriously compromised by their superstitions”. When
Pope John Paul II made his first visit to Rome’s synagogue in 1986, the Society
distributed a placard saying, “Pope, don’t go to Caiaphas,” a reference to the
Jewish high priest who organized the plot to kill Jesus, according to the New
Franz Schmidberger,
the right-hand man of Bishop Fellay, also asks for the Jews’ conversion:
“St. Peter, the first pope, preached to the Jews and told them that ‘If you
want to be saved you must do three things: You must regret your sins and
convert, believe in our lord... and, thirdly, be baptized.’ We expect that
every pope who claims to be the successor of St. Peter . . . should take the
same stand.” A few days after Mr. Williamson’s tirade about the gas chambers,
Mr. Schmidberger wrote to German bishops to remind them of the supposed Jewish
original sin. “With the crucifixion of Christ, the curtain of the temple was
torn and the old alliance destroyed. The Jews are complicit in deicide, as long
as they do not distance themselves from the culpability of their forefathers by
acknowledging the divinity of Christ and the baptism”.
Last autumn, Régis
de Cacqueray, the head of the French chapter, also accused Jews of deicide:
“How can one imagine that God is pleased with the prayers of the Jews, who are
faithful to their fathers who crucified his son and deny the Trinitarian God?”.
The society said the speech was published on its website with Fellay’s
approval. According to Ansa news
agency, in 1997 Ugo Carandino, the head of the Italian Society of Saint Pius X
community, refused the Vatican’s request of forgiveness to the Jewish people:
“It’s the Jews which should ask our pardon for their usury,” he said.
Another of the bishops pardoned by Pope Benedict, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais,
also said that “the Jews are the most active artisans for the coming of
Antichrist”. The Pope’s unity with Lefebvre’s group is a renovation of the
“Adversus Judeaos” teachings which spurred pogroms, burnings at the stake and
the inquisition. If the Vatican welcomes back these anti-Semites, the Jewish
leaders should immediately stop any dialogue with the Catholic authorities. Giulio
Meotti, Israel National News,
March 01, 2012)
Italian Daily: Holocaust "The Greatest Lie of
Modern Times"
Robert Faurisson
sparks an uproar with a blatantly anti-Semitic article in an Italian gov't
funded newspaper.
"The Greatest
Lie of Modern Times”. This is how French scholar Robert Faurisson defined the
Holocaust in an article published this week by the Italian daily Rinascita,
a leftist national newspaper financed by Italy’s government. Faurisson’s
essay sparked an uproar after Rome's Jewish community denounced the state-funded newspaper for denial of the
gas chambers. “The general belief on the part of the Western world is
that ‘the Holocaust’ has long been the sword and shield of Zionism”,
writes Faurisson. “But today Revisionism is putting this belief in peril”,
he concluded.
Faurisson first
appeared on the scene in the 1970s and he is now known as “the dean of
deniers”. Arab and Iranian “experts” on the Holocaust frequently cite Mr.
Faurisson’s theories. He is quoted in the 1982 doctoral dissertation written by
Mahmoud Abbas, the PA’s President. When Iran's Ahmadinejad described the
Holocaust as “a myth”, Mr. Faurisson sent him a letter “expressing full
support for his remarks”. The letter was heralded in the Iranian press.
Faurisson’s latest essay raises the awareness of rampant
anti-Semitism in Italy, where a jarring 44% of citizens are “prejudiced or
hostile towards Jews”, according to a research study released by the
Italian Parliament just last
In November 2008 in
Rome, a Holocaust-denying high school teacher was suspended. Several days
ago, on the eve of the Remembrance Day events, an Italian judge condemned a
journalist who denounced as anti-Semitic a cartoon, entitled “Fiamma
Frankenstein”, depicting Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein, who is Jewish, with a
hooked nose, the symbol of fascist Italy and the Star of David. Instead of
being considered an illiterate, the cartoonist was celebrated as a champion of
freedom of expression and the journalist condemned to pay.
Italy’s media has a long tradition of anti-Jewish
prejudice. Sergio Romano, Italy’s ex ambassador and editorial contributor to
the most important Italian newspaper Il Corriere Della Sera, claimed
that the memory of the Shoah has become an insurance policy and is used by Israel as a diplomatic
weapon, while Israel itself is “a war-mongering, imperialist, arrogant nation”
and “an unscrupulous liar”.
Barbara Spinelli,
the leading journalist for La Repubblica newspaper, wrote that “Israel
constitutes a scandal…for the way in which Moses’ religion inhabits our
placet”. She also attacks the “double and contradictory loyalty” of the
Jews.Holocaust denial and anti-Jewish contempt have gone mainstream in Italy's
dolce vita. By Giulio Meotti, Israel
National News, Feb. 2, 2012)
Vatican post just a sinecure Rena Friswell (Letters, April 19) is correct. Vatican
City, population about 800 in 44 hectares, is a theocracy and is a state in
name only. Can non-Catholics be considered for the sinecure Australian
ambassador? Do we appoint only Muslims
to Islamic countries? Must the
ambassador to Israel be a Jew?
The ink was hardly
dry on arrogant Bob Carr’s commission before he proposed a personal mate, John
McCarthy, a friend of Sussex Street [Labour Headquarters], to our greatest
diplomatic sinecure, ambassadorship to the Vatican. What a wonderful retirement
present for McCarthy, courtesy of the Australian public. What an outrageous
Labor rort. If we must have such an ambassador,
attach it to another appointment such as Ireland, as used to be the case. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
website reveals a large number of countries where our diplomatic representation
is the Canadian embassy – why then do we need a full-time ambassador to the
Vatican? (Keith Parsons, Newcastle, SMH,
April 20, 2012)
One new babbling church every day in America
exciting to see how God helped us meet and then exceed that goal' The Assemblies of God, one of the nation’s
largest Pentecostal denominations, opened more than a church a day last year. In
all, 368 new churches opened in 2011, the denomination said. That total marks
the second-highest number of church starts since it began keeping reliable
statistics in 1965. Factoring in church
closures, there are now 12,595 Assemblies of God congregations in the country,
the highest ever recorded.
Jim Robertson I have run into situations lately where women are
being encouraged to become Assemblies of God church Pastors. I love my Assembly
of God brother and sisters, but the Bible teaches that, in regards to church
government, women are not to be ruling over men. I realize it might
become necessary in countries where persecution is killing off the men, but
that is not the case yet in the USA.
Randy Windborne
Jim Robertson Good advice Randy. I meant no harm. I
just think the admonition of Paul was good advice also and from the Holy
Bib la tilda
elida shun tilba don!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shondia bela shin bula hlndada rum
Biblical tongues ALWAYS happened for the purpose of getting lost sinners saved.
Biblical tongues were ALWAYS initiated by God and not men.
Biblical tongues ALWAYS involved known, earthly, established languages; and not
the unknown jibber-jabber done today.
All Charismatics believe 3 major false doctrines:
They all teach that salvation can be lost.
They all practice demonic speaking-in-tongues.
They all partake of the demonic faith healing fraud.
Clifford McCaan Obviously,
you don't speak in Biblical tongues, which is why you don't understand them or
their true purpose. I have been praying for the sick in the name of Jesus
and the Lord has been healing those that I have prayed for almost everyday for
over 25 tears, thousands of people including me. Many Christians
have been taught to think as you do by people who don't know any better.
Satan always trys to steal the power from God's people. Trust God.
Believe the Bible as it is written. Is your God strong enough to have His
Word written perfectly as He wanted in the Bible? God will move in your
midst in miracles and manifestations of His Glory if you would but
believe. If you read the book of Acts, you find that Jesus told his
disciples that they would be His witnesses but first they were to wait in
Jerusalem until they were endued with Power, the Power of the Holy
Spirit. In Acts Chapter 2, the Spirit was poured out upon them, including
Mary, the mother of Jesus, and they all spoke in tongues. People who believe
and are baptized in the Holy Spirit still speak in tongues, whenever they
choose to today. They are a gift from God to build us up in our spiritual
man, among other purposes. Tongues have not passed away, healing
has not passed away, God's mercy is everlasting, God's love was poured out
through His Son Jesus to save us from our sins but we must accept this gift and
repent of our sins. God is all powerful and wants to bless us.
Jesus paid for your sins and your sicknesses. You must receive that to be
saved or healed. God is pouring out his blessings upon his people and the
growth of this church shows God advancing His Kingdom in the world today.
A church where His Spirit is welcome to manifest His Glory.
Randy Windborne But not all of them speak for the accuser. (, Jan
Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict's name before he was Pope) shook his head
sadly over such lapses. These ''stars of the young'', he later wrote, ''had a
message completely different from that to which the Pope was committed. There
was reason to be sceptical - which I was, and in a certain sense still am - to
doubt whether it was really right to involve 'prophets' of this type.'' Pop music, he said in 1986, was ''a vehicle
of anti-religion''. Of course, it is
normal for a pope to take the moral high ground: he may temper justice with
mercy, but we expect him to lay down the law. Which is why the tide of sleaze
engulfing the church over recent weeks, most of it related to accusations of
priestly paedophilia, has Vatican-watchers worried.
When he became Pope nearly five years ago, Benedict promised to clean up
the church. He would not be a showman pope like John Paul II; he would not flog
himself around the world addressing huge stadiums. The church under his
guidance might be a smaller, tighter institution but it would be clean,
consistent, and true to its word. But
events of recent weeks suggest that corruption is rooted close to its heart. A
wealthy Italian industrialist called Angelo Balducci had been honoured by the
Vatican as a gentiluomo del Papa, a ''gentleman of the Pope'', but then in
charges that hit the headlines in Italy last month he was investigated for
allegedly raking in money from sleazy building tenders. Separately, a member of
the Vatican choir claims he was paid to find gay partners for Balducci. Despite the church's draconian stand on
homosexuality, the Vatican has long been known as a gay hothouse, and insiders
believe that Benedict's elevation changed nothing.
Meanwhile, scandals continue to rain down on the church from abroad.
Shortly after Benedict condemned the ''heinous acts'' of paedophilia among
priests in Ireland, accusations of similar acts surfaced in the famous choir of
Regensburg, Bavaria, of which the Pope's brother, Georg, was director while
Benedict was a professor at the university (Georg claims no knowledge of any
such abuse during his time there). Still
more lurid are the accusations levelled at Marcial Maciel, the Mexican founder
of the Legionaries of Christ, who died in 2008 aged 87. Back in the 1990s when
Maciel was accused by numerous young priests of abusing them sexually,
Ratzinger, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, had
the charge of disciplining him.
Maciel resigned in 2005 and was required to live a life of prayer and
penitence, but that was the extent of his punishment. In recent weeks, however, new accusations
have been made: two of Maciel's illegitimate sons have claimed that their
priestly father raped them repeatedly from the age of seven upwards; they have
demanded $US26 million ($28.5 million) from the Order (which has not denied the
charges) in compensation. This week, the
Pope has been drawn into a scandal in the state of Milwaukee, after The New
York Times produced documents showing the then cardinal was made aware of,
but did not defrock, a priest accused of molesting up to 200 deaf boys despite
warnings from American bishops that action was required. Some of these cases concern events that
happened decades ago, but some involve the church today: nothing profound, it
seems, has changed. And that is of grave importance to Benedict and his legacy.
Benedict's life falls neatly into two parts. In the first, he was a
liberal reformer, committed to bringing the Catholic Church into the modern
world. In the second, which began around 1968, he became a
counter-revolutionary warrior, dedicated to liberating the church from trendy
nonsense and restoring the purity that he saw the reform movement as having
polluted. His ardour has never flagged. If
his reign as Pope is to have any positive meaning, it will be because he leaves
the church leaner, perhaps, less popular, less interested in capturing the
world's imagination, but more sure of what it believes in, preaching the gospel
clearly and with confidence. But how can that be with the sleaze lapping at the
Benedict's election was a dispiriting result for millions of liberals in
the church who had desperately hoped, after nearly three decades of
conservatism, for a change of direction, for a return to the spirit of Vatican
''Electing Ratzinger after John Paul,'' an American Catholic said in St
Peter's Square after Ratzinger came out on the balcony to greet the crowd, ''is
like electing Rumsfeld after George Bush.''
And in the five years since then, Benedict XVI has run true to form.
There have been vague hints of a softening of the hard line, but they
have proved ephemeral. What we have seen - and what no one would have predicted
from this brilliant scholar and careful politician - is a long succession of
pontifical gaffes. The most celebrated
one came during the speech he gave in 2006 at his old university in Regensburg,
a typically dense, closely argued lecture, in which he quoted a Byzantine
emperor saying, ''Show me what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you
will find things only evil and inhuman.'' The words provoked a wave of Muslim
rage and, in the view of some Vatican-watchers, exploded decades of careful
bridge-building by his predecessor. Many such blunders followed.
* He went to Africa and said that condoms were not the solution to the
AIDS epidemic but could make matters worse.
* He refused to sign a United Nations declaration on the rights of
homosexuals and the disabled.
* He went to Brazil and denied that the indigenous people had had the
alien religion forced on them, but said rather that they had unconsciously
desired it.
In contrast to the expansiveness of Vatican II and the willingness of
John Paul II to share ideas with Buddhists, Benedict and the church have a
paranoid vision in which they are victims of history and must be on their
Being Pope is a lonely job. Pope Paul VI wrote in a private note: ''I
was solitary before, but now my solitariness becomes complete and awesome.'' Benedict must feel the same way. And in his
raptures of lonely suffering, he has turned St Peter's into an enormous bunker.
(Peter Popham, The Independent, March 27, 2010)
The letters, which have made their way to the Italian
media in recent months, draw a portrait of an ancient institution in chaotic
disarray, where factions vie for power, influence and financial control. ''Of
course there are problems, big problems,'' said Andrea Tornielli, a Vatican
expert for the Italian daily La Stampa and its website Vatican Insider.
''What is happening now shows that there's a crisis.'' It was not clear whether
the bank president's ouster and the arrest of the man found with confidential
documents were directly related, although Nuzzi's book includes various memos
from Mr Gotti Tedeschi about the Vatican Bank. The Vatican spokesman Federico
Lombardi declined to identify the person who was arrested, saying only he was
not a priest and he had been detained for further investigation. But Italian
media reported he was Mr Gabriele, 40.
The twist that ''the butler did it'' was worthy of a
whodunit that began earlier this year when documents began appearing in the
Italian press. In one, a Sicilian cardinal said he had heard in China about a
bizarre plot to kill the Pope. At the time, Father Lombardi called the accounts
''delirious and incomprehensible''. In another letter from 2011, Archbishop
Carlo Maria Vigano, then the deputy governor of Vatican City, wrote to Pope
Benedict saying transferring him to another post would impede his efforts to
fight ''corruption and abuse'' in various Vatican offices.
The release of documents in which Vatican officials
discuss one of the great unsolved mysteries in Italy, the 1983 disappearance of
Emanuela Orlandi, the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee, led to the
reopening of a criminal investigation. The book also provides a window into the
nexus between Italian banking and media power and the Vatican. In one letter
from last Christmas, Bruno Vespa, Italy's most well-known television host, sent
a cheque for $US12,500 to the Pope's private secretary, Monsignor Georg
Gaenswein, ''a small sum at the disposal of the Pope's charity'' and asked when
he could have a private audience.Since so many documents have been leaked from
the Vatican this year, some observers doubted the butler was the true - or only
- source. ''It doesn't seem likely that he is the only one responsible for
VatiLeaks because many of the documents that came out didn't ever pass through
the Pope's apartment where he works,'' said Paolo Rodari, a Vatican expert for
the Italian daily Il Foglio. ''His arrest seems more the Vatican's
desire to find a scapegoat.'' (Rachel Donadio, AP/The Canberra Times, May 28, 2012)
George Pell described the proposed expansion of the Catholic education system
as a healthy outcome for the Church and said much of the demand came from
non-Catholic families. "It is a
healthy outcome for us. The demand for places in Catholic schools is high. They
are happy communities, in literacy and numeracy they are almost invariably
above the national average," he said. "I think the biggest compliment
is the number of non-Catholics who would like their children to attend a
Catholic school. "We hope the
Catholic school system will reinforce the faith and good work of the students.
It certainly does make them socially aware, keen to contribute to society and
strengthen their faith also."
across Sydney Catholic schools have been directed to look for vacant land or
houses for sale close to their schools. "Catholic education in Sydney is
going through an unprecedented period of growth," Dr White said. "Our
enrolments have grown by over 1000 children every year for the past three
years. He said many parents were taking
their children out of public schools because they believed Catholic schools
provided a better quality education.
"We find parents are looking for a school that has a spiritual base
to it and provides a real values-for-life framework for their children,"
he said. Laura Speranza, The Sunday Telegraph, March 25, 2012)
The cyber bullies who piled onto
anti-porn activist Melinda Tankard Reist last week are behaving like 17th
century witch hunters, not the enlightened tolerance queens they claim to be. Tankard
Reist's crime was to be profiled not unfavourably in a magazine which described
her as "one of Australia's best-known feminist voices".
infuriated the miserable orcs who lurk in the dark recesses of twitter and the
they sprang to pour calumny on Tankard Reist, a pro-life feminist and
48-year-old mother of four.
was nothing but a "fundamentalist Christian" trying to hide her
religious beliefs. Therefore, her views on the sexualisation of children, the
objectification of women, the corrosive effect of internet pornography, were
suspect. Oh, and one anonymous orc reckons she should be anally raped with a
coffee cup. "This is the price I pay for getting a fair and decent
run," she said ruefully last week from her Canberra home, after being
"driven offline" by the vitriol and forced to seek legal advice. "If someone has a faith, even a
struggling inadequate faith like mine, you are run out of the public
Reist is "of the religious right and a member of a church that preaches
the second coming of Christ, the end time, and evangelism", declared her
nemesis, obscure North Coast blogger Jennifer Wilson, who describes herself as
a psychotherapist. "She's a
Baptist, and attends Belconnen Baptist Church. She is anti-abortion. She is
deceptive and duplicitous about her religious beliefs. What does she have to
hide?" Well, unluckily for Wilson
and her digital chums, Tankard Reist has nothing to hide. She is avowedly
pro-life. She is not a Baptist, and does not attend any church. But, along with
two thirds of Australians, Tankard Reist was brought up Christian, attending
Uniting Church services as a child in Mildura. She says: "I have no
denominational affiliation, but I have friends and supporters of every faith
and background.
speak at a lot of different churches because this is a message that crosses the
usual divide".
has never tried to hide her faith and when asked, explains she is an imperfect
Christian. But like most Australians, she prefers not to wear it on her sleeve.
"I just want my work considered on its merits."
abuse has escalated as her profile has expanded with the publication of her
book Big Porn Inc, and the launch of Collective Shout, the organisation she
founded to campaign against the objectification of women in the media. But last
week she stopped turning the other cheek and decided it was time to hold the
internet haters accountable. She engaged a defamation lawyer to ask Wilson for
a retraction and apology. Wilson took to the web to claim Tankard Reist was
suing her for all she was worth, though no one is suing anyone yet. Leslie Cannold, an ethicist, was among the
more energetic defenders of Wilson, averaging two tweets every hour every day,
indicating a somewhat unhealthy obsession with Tankard Reist. "She wouldn't be considered newsworthy
if correctly described as fundie Christian. They're all anti-porn raunch &
choice."There is more than a little envy among Christophobes at Tankard
Reist's growing influence and good standing with young women. Reist is pro-life
and a feminist, and anyone who believes the two positions are inconsistent must
be living under a rock. In the US, where Reist studied journalism on a Rotary
scholarship in 1987, it is an honourable intellectual movement, whose founding
mothers included suffragette Susan B Anthony, who held that abortion exploited
women and devalued motherhood. "My
emphasis has always been on expanding real choice for women," says Tankard
Reist, who founded a home for mothers and babies in Canberra, in 1997.
"Pro-choice just means abortion."
any case, you don't have to be religious to be anti-abortion. The atheist late
author Christopher Hitchens, Reist says, was pro-life. Her 2006 book on
abortion, Defiant Birth: Women Who Resist Medical Eugenics was launched in New
York by Nat Hentoff, a pro-life Jewish atheist and libertarian.
Cannold and other abortion enthusiasts warn darkly of Tankard Reist's dark
"past", they are talking not just of imaginary membership of a
Belconnen church, but of her 12 years working for Tasmanian independent Senator
Brian Harradine. The Catholic senator held the balance of power for three years
under the Howard government. To Christophobes, Tankard Reist's association with
Australia's most influential anti-abortion politician marks her as suspect. For
the record, I am Catholic and Tankard Reist is a friend. I admire her
integrity, and her determination to make a difference for women. I believe the
hostility to her is driven by spite, sanctimony and anti-Christian malice. This
attempt to purge Christians from the marketplace of ideas is nothing less than
21st century McCarthyism. (Miranda
Devine, The
Sunday Telegraph, January 22, 2012)
A PROMINENT Muslim youth leader,
who preaches the perils of crime to his community, has been charged with
possessing more than $1.5 million worth of cocaine. Police
allege 36-year-old Fadi Abdul-Rahman, who featured in Kevin Rudd's 2020 Summit
in 2008 and has been a fighter for justice in western Sydney, was part of a
commercial cocaine syndicate that was caught with 5kg of the drug hidden in a
chess set. Abdul-Rahman appeared in the
Downing Centre Local Court on Tuesday, facing two commercial drugs charges
after he was arrested during a police sting at Punchbowl in March.
Abdul-Rahman's lawyer Brett Galloway told The Sunday Telegraph he would defend
the charges. "There are no facts
which establish any of the offences. . . they are consistent with his innocence
or that he was in the wrong place at a bad time," Mr Galloway said.
courtroom was a world away from when Abdul-Rahman mixed with ex-PM Rudd in 2008
and was a member of the summit's Strengthening Communities, Supporting Families
and Social Inclusion Committee.
became a prominent public figure for his work in steering Lebanese youth away
from a life of crime and his work was the subject of SBS and ABC TV
documentaries. According to police documents tendered to court at a bail
hearing in April, Abdul-Rahman was one of three men arrested on March 30 at an
apartment on Dudley St, Punchbowl. Police allege Abdul-Rahman and another man
were in the process of cracking open the chess set when they were arrested.
Police had intercepted the cocaine, which had been smuggled from the US, and
replaced it with an "inert substance", court documents said. Police
also placed a listening device "in the vicinity of the consignment"
which allegedly recorded Abdul-Rahman saying: "It's a f . . . . . . .
tracker." Abdul-Rahman was charged with attempting to possess a commercial
quantity of cocaine and conspiring to import a commercial quantity of cocaine.
Punchbowl man Ahmad Khodr, 23, was also arrested and charged with attempting to
possess a commercial quantity of cocaine and conspiring to import a commercial
quantity of cocaine. Ibrahim Hamra, 38,
of Yagoona, was charged with
importing a commercial quantity of cocaine and allegedly supplied the drugs to
Abdul-Rahman and Khodr, court documents said. Abdul-Rahman, a father of four,
was one of 1000 Australians chosen to participate in Mr Rudd's 2020
Summit. He shot to prominence following
the 2005 Cronulla riots with his
outspoken defence of Sydney's Muslim community. He also set up the Independent
Centre of Research -- a Muslim youth centre in Lidcombe aimed at convincing
youths to turn away from a life of crime. He will return to court on July
3. (Brenden Hills, The Sunday Telegraph, May 27, 2012)
Toulouse Terrorist Not Alone: Extreme Islam Threatens
The terrorist who
murdered 7 people in Toulouse may have been killed, but the phenomenon of
extreme Islam in Europe did not die with him. Mohammad Merah, the terrorist who
murdered seven people in Toulouse, France, including four Jews, was killed following a standoff on Thursday, but the phenomenon of extreme
Islam in Europe did not die with him. nIn fact, terrorists who carry out
attacks such as the ones Merah committed are by no means a surprise and are not
something which is new for many Europeans in general and for France in
On Thursday, a fan
page for Merah was shut down by Facebook, but not before about 500 users had joined it, many of whom posted
messages in support of the terrorist. Meanwhile,
French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced a new crackdown in France on the spread of terrorist-linked
ideologies and activities. Anyone who regularly visits "websites which
support terrorism or call for hate or violence will be punished by the
law," Sarkozy said. He also
promised a crackdown on anyone who goes abroad "for the purposes of
indoctrination in terrorist ideology."
Sarkozy, as do
leaders in England and Belgium, has had to deal with a phenomenon that has
gained momentum in recent years whereby Islamic groups try to “conquer”
European countries and force them to adhere to extreme Muslim Sharia laws. Many Muslims see Europe as a continent on
which a war should be fought to turn it into a “House of Islam”. These
particular Muslims will not rest until they defeat the non-Muslims who are
viewed as “infidels.” In Belgium, for
example, a video distributed on the internet in recent months depicts an
extremist group who threatens to turn Belgium into a Muslim country. It was also recently revealed that Muslims
constitute one-quarter of the population of Brussels and that the most popular
name for newborn babies in the
city in 2011 was Muhammad. It was also the most popular name for babies in
Antwerp, where an estimated 40 percent of primary school children are Muslims. Sharia has also been implemented in several
places in Britain to the dismay of local residents. According to reports last
year, Islamists set up zones where the Muslim Sharia law would be
enforced. Some communities were
bombarded with bright yellow posters which read: ‘You are entering a
Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.’ The messages were found on bus stops and
street lamps and were seen
across certain boroughs in London. They order that ‘no gambling’, ‘no music or
concerts’, ‘no drugs or smoking’ and ‘no alcohol’ should be seen in the
Sharia-controlled zone. European leaders
are aware of the phenomenon and are trying to deal with it, yet at the same
time fear that a direct confrontation with these groups will lead to terrorist
attacks in these quiet countries. Perhaps the Toulouse terrorist will turn on
that red light and will place a warning sign that will cause leaders to work to prevent the next
attack. (, March 23, 2012).
Melbourne is gearing up to host the Global Atheist Convention, where for
three days a coterie of the faithless will urge each other on in their
collective scepticism. The most famous proponents of a godless universe will be
there - Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett - but this time, sadly,
the most engaging and entertaining of them, Christopher Hitchens, won't. The convention seeks to ''Celebrate Reason'',
which seems, well, reasonable enough. We all need something substantial on
which to make our judgments, and according to those attending, it's the clear
thinkers, those unencumbered by superstition and religious nonsense, who are
most likely to arrive at the truth. But while it's easy to mock those with
religious beliefs, the atheist appeal to a thoroughly rational, objective
position is not without its problems.
Daniel Kahneman, arguably the most influential psychologist alive today,
is a Nobel prize winner in economics. He's also the author of Thinking, Fast
and Slow, where he draws upon a lifetime of studying human behaviour that
has shown him just how unreliable the human mind really is. Along with his late colleague Amos Tversky,
Kahneman's at times bizarre experiments have helped provide a framework to
understand why, for instance, applicants to medical school are less likely to
be admitted if interviewed on a rainy day. And why judges, when asked to roll a
pair of dice rigged to come up three or nine before the mock-sentencing of a
shoplifter, decided to give the ''offender'' an average of eight months if they
rolled nine and five months if they rolled three. But here's the thing. While Kahneman and
Tversky reveal what appear to be permanent fallibilities in human reason, their
rule of thumb was that they would study no specific example of human ''idiocy
or irrationality'' unless they first detected it in themselves. In other words,
even experts suffer the same quirks of human unreason as anyone else. This
could, I suppose, be fuel for the religious sceptic's fire - suggesting that
those who put their faith in things unseen are clearly deluding themselves. But
it cuts both ways. The same thing applies to non-believers whose hopes and
aspirations might cloud their judgment on the question of God's existence. And there remain formidable challenges for
the enthusiasts of non-belief. Renowned American philosopher Alvin Plantinga's
most famous, novel and ironic argument is that naturalism cannot rationally be
believed. The argument is a bit complex but it goes something like this: if
you're a naturalist (there's no God or gods), you'll also be a materialist (the
only thing that exists, including consciousness, is physical matter). You'll
think human beings are material objects, and that there isn't any immaterial
soul, or self, or person. If you think this way, you will also necessarily
think that any belief (''all religion is irrational'', for instance) is something
like a structure of neurons in the nervous system, or in the brain, which will
have two kinds of properties: the belief will have neuro-physiological
properties, but it will also have content properties, meaning there's a purely
physical cause for something you believe.
Now, evolution couldn't give a toss about what you believe. It cares
about rewarding adaptive behaviour and punishing maladaptive behaviour. So
evolution will gradually modify those neuro-physiological properties in the
direction of greater adaptiveness, but it doesn't follow that it modifies
belief in the direction of truth. Evolution doesn't care about true
belief. So, if you accept the
combination of naturalism and materialism, says Plantinga, you'll have to
accept that any particular belief you might hold could as likely be false as
true. The probability that your beliefs are reliable will be low. If, however,
you believe in God and don't accept naturalism and materialism, then that
particular problem doesn't apply. You will assume there is a being who is
separate from creation but speaks truth into the fibre of the universe. Sure,
you'll have other challenges to your faith, but you'll have a reason to trust
your faculties in a way that the naturalist does not. Believing in human rationality
is quite rational within a theistic world view, but not so in an atheistic
framework. Plantinga is quick to point
out that none of this is intended to prove belief. There remain serious
questions for those who believe in an all-powerful, good God who creates and
sustains the universe, and believers need to face these. But Plantinga's thesis might prompt those in
the ''all religion is delusional'' camp to approach vital questions of human
existence with measured consideration of the alternatives - something beyond
naked contempt. That, surely, is a reasonable request. (Simon Smart, SMH, April 12, 2012)
Dawkins is the world's most famous professional atheist, so it's strange he's
so wrong about Hitler. How could a great atheist not recognise another despiser of
a British academic and author of The
God Delusion, is here for the Global Atheist Convention. On ABC
television on Monday he tried to debate Cardinal George Pell, the nation's
highest-ranking Catholic.
made a couple of howlers, but the worst came after Pell put what even I, as a
non-Christian, know is one of the strongest cases for Christianity. As Pell
suggested, Christianity stands against totalitarians by defending the value of
every human life. It insists that no human whether weak, sick, in the womb or
of another race is so insignificant that he or she can be sacrificed to some
creed, whether communism, fascism or Gaia. Here's how Pell put it on Monday:
"It's not Maggie Thatcher who was in the epitome or the personification of
social Darwinism. It's Hitler and Stalin. "Because it is the struggle for
survival, the strong take what they can and the weak give what they must and
there is nothing to restrain them and we have seen that in the two great
atheist movements of the last century."
Dawkins reacted with the righteous anger of an autocrat: "Oh, now
that's ridiculous. First, atheism had nothing to do with Hitler and Stalin.
Stalin was an atheist and Hitler was not.
"It doesn't matter what they were with respect to atheism, they did
their horrible things for entirely different reasons."
problem: Dawkins confuses restraint with motive. Pell's point wasn't that
Hitler and Stalin were motivated by atheism, but that their atheism or
anti-Christianity helps to explain why they so disastrously lacked restraint.
did not mind sacrificing millions of lives to build their utopias. They were
even open about it.
second, Hitler was indeed violently anti-Christian, if not atheist.
what he said in private conversations recorded at the time and later published
in Hitler's Table Talk: 1941-1944. From
July 1941: "National Socialism and religion cannot exist together. The
heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.
Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the
Jew." From October, 1941:
"Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against
nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic
cultivation of the human failure".
Hitler told his intimates it was not "opportune" to "hurl
ourselves now into a struggle with the churches": "The best thing is
to let Christianity die a natural death". So in public he paid lip service
to churches, although that didn't fool one famous atheist, who in 2006
grudgingly admitted: "It could be argued that, despite his own (public)
words Hitler was not really religious but just cynically exploiting the
religiosity of his audience." And
which atheist said that? Why, Dawkins
himself. How odd. (Andrew Bolt, The Daily Telegraph,
April 12,
Cleric condemns homosexuality
An influential
Iranian cleric, Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, who is entitled to issue
rulings according to sharia, has condemned Western lawmakers involved in the
decriminalization of homosexuality, saying those politicians are lower than
animals. He said homosexuals are inferior to dogs and pigs, according to the
news website Khabaronline. Homosexuality
is punishable by death according to fatwas issued by almost all Iranian
As Mr Murray’s flirtation with celebrity suggests, America has come a
long way. Six states (and Washington, DC) allow gays to marry. Yet Washington
is not one of them, for, as Mr Murray and his allies had expected, soon after
the marriage law was passed its opponents secured enough signatures to place a
repeal measure on the November ballot. The law is on hold until then. If history is any guide, the odds should be
stacked against advocates of same-sex marriage in Washington and the three
other states (Maine, Maryland and Minnesota) that will vote on the issue in
November. Thirty-four such votes have taken place since 1998; 33 of them have
been won by those who believe marriage must be the preserve of heterosexual
couples. (The exception, a vote in Arizona in 2006, was overturned by voters
two years later). That losing streak
may well come to an end on November 6th. This is partly because all four states
holding same-sex marriage votes are, to varying degrees, fertile ground for
gay-marriage campaigners. Washington, for example, has a tradition of hands-off
libertarianism and a low churchgoing rate. But more important is the speed at
which attitudes are changing. A growing number of polls reveal majorities of
Americans for same-sex marriage. Just three years ago Gallup found opponents
winning by a 17-point margin. Moreover,
slice the data any way you like and you find the same result: men, women;
whites, non-whites; Republicans, Democrats; Protestants, Catholics—all are
moving in a liberal direction. (This is not the case for other “social issues”
such as abortion or gun rights.) Perhaps most important, 63% of adults born
after 1981 support gay marriage, up from 51% in 2009.
Opponents of same-sex marriage say that polls fluctuate, and that
questions are badly worded. “I totally reject this myth of inevitability,” says
Brian Brown, president of the National Organisation for Marriage, a campaign
group. Mr Brown’s opponents are ahead in polls in three of the four states that
vote in November (Minnesota is too close to call), but he points out,
accurately, that polling usually overstates the other side’s case. In the most
hotly contested vote yet, in California in 2008, hardly any polls predicted
that Proposition 8, which barred same-sex marriage, would be upheld at the
ballot box. (It has since been declared unconstitutional in court; the case is
likely to reach the Supreme Court.)
Might something similar happen this year? The anti-gay-marriage
campaign will step up its efforts as election day approaches, with a blitz of
advertising. One effective ad it ran in the California campaign featured a
little girl happily telling her mother that she had learned in school that she
was allowed to marry a princess. Frank Schubert, who ran the California
campaign and who is managing all four this year, says he is “cautiously
optimistic” of winning them all, though he adds that with four simultaneous
campaigns, the amount of national money that can be tapped for each is limited.
He thinks the hardest state to win will be Maine, followed by Washington. Campaigners for same-sex marriage fear Mr Schubert.
But since the California campaign, which they acknowledge was badly run, they
have honed their tactics. At the bustling Seattle headquarters of Washington
United for Marriage, which is organising the effort to preserve same-sex
marriage, Zach Silk, the young campaign director, explains that the earnest
young volunteers around him are trained to tell voters “powerful human stories
about people’s desire to show commitment, to prove their love.” Previous
campaigns often used the more abstract, and less persuasive, language of civil
rights. The issue is moving national
politics, too. In May, after a long evolution, Barack Obama declared his
support for gay marriage. Democratic leaders have approved a gay-marriage
measure for their party platform this year. Mr Brown thinks this decision will
cost them at least one state in the presidential election, although polls
suggest the issue is not a priority for voters.
It is impossible to predict what blend of elections, legislation and
judicial decisions will bring gay marriage to America. But the opinion trends
are clear, and victories at the ballot box in November would tip the balance
further. (The Economist, Sept. 15,
conventional method to uncover the truth about her husband’s “business trips”.
She logged on to his computer. But what Ms Zhen, who was three months pregnant
at the time, found was beyond her imaginings. She saw photos of her husband in
some of China’s most exotic settings—Tibet, Hangzhou and Yunnan province—with
another man. The pictures of them together in bed were particularly
Ms Zhen, who is now 30 years old and prefers to use a pseudonym, is one
of an estimated 16m straight women who are married to gay men in China. Zhang
Beichuan, a scholar, estimates that more than 70% of gay men marry straight
women. Using census data from 2011, Mr Zhang estimates that somewhere between
2-5% of Chinese men over the age of 15 are gay, or between 11m and 29m. The
women who marry them are known as tongqi,
which might be translated as “homo-wife”, using “homo-” for same. Tolerance is on the rise in major cities.
Shanghai had its fourth Pride festival in June. Earlier this month the national
ministry of health announced that lesbians will be permitted to donate blood.
Yet intolerance still prevails. Homosexuality was only removed from the
health ministry’s list of mental illnesses in 2001. In rural regions, the
belief that homosexuality is a treatable disease is still widespread.
It did not occur to Ms Zhen that her husband could be gay, though there
were signs. She recalls inadvertently resting her hand on his arm during a
movie date. “I felt him flinch, but he endured it”, she says. Though confused
by his lack of intimacy, she found his considerate nature to be endearing. She
hoped the passion would grow after he proposed. What followed instead was an
icy marriage, frequent business trips and a perfunctory sex life. After finding the photos, Ms Zhen found
temporary solace in an online tongqi
support group. Luck again abandoned her. This month, her signature
joins 50 others on an open letter accusing the website of
scamming its members out of 90,000 yuan ($14,000) in total. Ms Zhen lost 2,000
yuan. “We’ve realised [the site’s] owners were taking advantage of our fragile
emotions and low social status,” the joint letter reads.
It is especially difficult for Chinese men to come out to their
families. Traditional beliefs about the importance of maintaining bloodlines
permeate society, which regards homosexuality as unfilial. Yang Shaogang, a
Shanghai-based lawyer who specialises in tongqi
cases, counselled five women last year after they contracted HIV from their
husbands. The only way to prevent this sort of tragedy from befalling such
women, he says, is calling for more tolerance so gay men won’t feel forced to
enter marriage in the first place. In
recent years some have found a solution, of sorts., a website with some 153,000 members,
helps gay men meet lesbian women for matrimonial purposes. Individuals upload
personal details, such as monthly income, hobbies and Zodiac signs. Some seek
cohabitation without sexual contact. Others want children.
Zhuang Xiang, a 30-year-old accountant from Shanghai, came to
understand why he was drawn to boys when he was 17. On flicking through a gay
comic book in a shop, he had his great “a-ha!” moment. He met his boyfriend in
2004. And then he married his lesbian wife in 2009. He and his wife don’t live
together, but they visit each other’s parents once a week. Mr Zhuang even keeps
some of her clothes on display at home, in case of unannounced visitors.
Mr Zhuang says he is lucky to live in a big
city like Shanghai, where such a solution is possible. But he wants to live in
a country where gay men are accepted. His parents have started to talk about a
grandchild. Mr Zhuang and his lesbian wife will likely get a forged certificate
of infertility. Keeping up the appearance of their marriage feels like a
never-ending battle, he says. But sometimes lies are more sensible than the
truth. (The Economist, Jul 17th 2012)
FOR THE YEARS 2012 - 2014
2012 |
Passover (Pesach
– Nissan 14) Unlike the Jews, who used to kill the Passover lamb “at the twilight”
of Nissan 14 (meaning in the evening towards Nissan 15), we, Christians,
observe the Passover when our “Lamb” – Jesus Christ – was sacrificed.
That happened on the afternoon of Nissan 14, before the twilight of Nissan
14, meaning that we keep it a little earlier than the Jews. We
commemorate His death, not His supper, which occurred the previous evening,
as some churches do; the time when His body was broken, not when He broke the
symbolic bread. |
April |
March |
April |
Days of Unleavened Bread (Nissan 15 – 21) On the first
and seventh days there shall be holy convocations. No customary
work shall be done on these days. |
7 April – 13 April |
26 Mar. - 1
April |
15 April - 21 April |
Pentecost (Shavuot – Sivan 6) |
27 May |
15 May |
4 June |
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah – Tishri 1) |
17 Sept. |
5 Sept. |
25 Sept. |
Day of Atonement (Yom
Kippur – Tishri 10) |
26 Sept. |
14 Sept. |
4 Oct |
Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth – Tishri 15 – 22) On the first and the eighth days there shall be holy
convocations. No customary work shall
be done on these days. |
1 Oct. – 8 Oct. |
19 Oct. – 26 Oct. |
9 Oct. - 16 Oct. |